A Lazy Man's Adventure

Chapter 69 - 69: Meeting Everyone Again Except Oscar

Few days have passed, The trio is still at star dou big forest, Ye Han was jumping from trees to trees with Tang San and Xiao Wu. Tang San was carrying Xiao Wu in a princess carry as they move forward towards Heaven Dou City. Xiao Wu complained of being hurt so she forced Tang San to carry her, to which he complied as Ye Han took a picture of them with the picturing orb. He said

"Well, Well... What a lovely married couple *smirk*"

Both blushes as steam come out from their head, Tang San shrugs that thought off as he asks Ye Han a question

"Xiao Han, How come you can see where you are going even though you are blindfolded?"

"Well, I use my spirit to sense, what we see. As I continue to use it, somehow the range of my spirit sense increases and I could see up to 10km radius with a clear view."

Tang San ponders as He was still stuck at mustard seed level of purple demon eyes. Xiao Wu tighten her hold around Tang San's neck as she saw him not focusing on the road, she saw this as an opportunity as she kissed him in the mouth. Which made him daze a bit and stop jumping, He looks toward Xiao Wu who had a face covered in red as she hides it in front of his ċhėst.

Ye Han took another picture of this which made them panic as these pictures would be seen by their friends. Ye Han smirk as he hid the picturing orb in his inventory and advances forward as he left them behind, both of them chased Ye Han towards the Heaven Dou City.


At Shrek Academy, Yu Xiaogang was looking at Liu Erlong while ċȧrėssing her stomach, while she was sewing clothes and Flander was watching Zhao Wuji sewing clothes as he mutters

"Will Return, Will Not Return, Will Return, Will Not Return, Will Return, Will Not Return"

"Zhao Wuji, your woolen is purchased using the school funds right?"

"The Weather is turning cold, you're so stingy even though I'm just making a sweater for the monsters....*Achooo*"

Zhao Wuji spread his creation, Liu Erlong snorted as she showed her creation to them and said

"Che, Sweaters made by a rough man is indeed failure! Look at mine! "

Zhao Wuji wanted to rebuke as her creation looks like its for 3 years old, but decided not to as he felt a dragon glare looking at him behind Liu Erlong, He just sighed and agreed with Liu Erlong's statement. Yu Xiaogang smiled as he carried her and put her in a fluffy chair where they both sit with each other. Yu Xiaogang sighed and said

"If they don't return so be it when birds grow up, one day they'll have to leave the nest...."

His statement was interrupted as someone opened the door and continued his statement, he said

"But even if they're thousands of miles away, the geese will ultimately return to their nest!"

Tang San finished the statement as he greeted them with a smile, Flander asks

"You are...?"

"Even if you don't recognize me, you should be able to recognize these letters!"

Tang San walks toward Yu Xiaogang as he kneeled close to him, because of the letter he sent. He said

"Teacher, I really can't do what you asked! I really miss you all!"

"Xiao....XIAO SAN!!!" -Yu Xiaogang

"Its XIAO SAN!" -Zhao Wuji

"He's become Handsome and Tall!!" -Liu Erlong

Yu Xiaogang gave Tang San a bear hug, Flanders opened the cover in the dining table as Zhao Wuji saw a giant feast, He shouted

"Alright! Today is a happy day! Everyone Eat Up!"

"Chicken! Y...You actually plucked that many feathers! Flander You still got the cheek to tell us off? You spent most of the fundings!"

"If you're going to eat, EAT! If you're not then get lost!"

Zhao Wuji and Flander talk battled in the background as Liu Erlong charge toward Tang San while holding her present for Xiao Wu, She asks

"Xiao San, Where is Xiao Wu? Godmother prepared good stuff for her, *Tada* It's a cute nightgown with a carrot drawing in it. You guys are not young anymore, should get things going!"

"Ummn Xiao Wu is buying some carrots from the market."

Tang San sighed as he saw Xiao Wu jump out from his carry as she saw a large carrot in the market, Ye Han said

"Tang San you should go ahead, we'll catch up after buying that giant carrot!"


Ye Han charges and follows Xiao Wu, as for the past 7 years he gathered a hobby of buying ingredients for his cooking. A few minutes later you could see Xiao Wu charging toward Liu Erlong, she shouted


"Xiao Wu!"

Liu Erlong hugs Xiao Wu as she rubs Xiao Wu's back, Flander and Zhao Wuji finished fighting about school funds as they look at the blind young man beside Xiao Wu, They ask Tang San and Xiao Wu

"Xiao San, Who is that?"

"That is..."

Ye Han interrupted Tang San as he said to Flanders.

"Principal, doesn't remember me? :( I even gave you a large bag of gold, when we were living in the first-class suite *pouting*"

"Bag of gold...STUDENT HAN?!!"

"Hehe principal still remembers, Here I give you this *throws him a larger bag of gold*. Teacher Yu, Long time no see I see you followed my advice, Teacher Zhao you have become more handsome and buff!"

Flander catches the large bag of gold like a dog as he hides it in his secret spatial tool, Yu Xiaogang had his eyes wide open as he remembers, Ye Han and his gifts. He gave him a hug and said while Zhao Wuji just laughs at Ye Han's statement about him.

"Xiao Han, If not for you. I would not realize my mistake, I owe you a lot~"

"You don't owe me, anything Teacher, Everyone deserves a second chance. So tell me did you guys do the deed already?"

Yu Xiaogang cough as he nodded quickly without anyone seeing it except Ye Han. Ye Han went to Liu Erlong and said with proper etiquette

"It's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you, Mrs. Yu I have heard a lot of good stories about you from your beloved husband."

"I also heard a lot about you, The youngest Shrek student to become a spirit king. As I heard from my husband if he did not meet you. He wouldn't even have the guts to answer me again."

Liu Erlong instantly became friends with Ye Han as she heard the keywords of Mrs. Yu and from your husband. They all sat down as they enjoyed the feast, a few minutes later the door was once again opened as the gang except oscar has arrived. Mubai, and Hongjun gave Tang San a hug as they chat about their experiences. Rongrong and Zhuqing went to Xiao Wu and Liu Erlong as they talk about girl stuff and love. Flander, Zhao Wuji and Ye Han just coughed and talk with each other as they felt like a third wheeler in this table.

It was only after they finish chatting, that they notice a handsome blind man. Mubai asks Ye Han

"Who are you?"

"Big brother, has forgotten me already?

Mubai and the gang contemplated as they felt his voice was familiar, after few minutes contemplating they had light bulbs shining above their head as they shouted


"That's Right!"

"Bro, What happened to you? Did you became blind?" -Mubai

"Also Where is Ada chan, I heard that you guys were in a relationship." -Rongrong

"I am not blind, I just covered my eyes so I can practice my self created ability spirit sense, also this cover is to not make girls chase me around the city. Ada is with my mother learning how to cook and some secret stuff they won't tell me."

"Chase you around?" -Zhuqing

"Yep, There was a time, where I forgot to put my eye mask and the girls who saw my face started to chase me around as they shouted BE MINE!"

Ye Han trembled as he remembers that moment, He shrugs that thought off as he teasingly said while showing them Tang San and Xiao Wu's picture together.

"You guys should know, We were in the middle forest before we arrived here and Look what i saw!"

They had their mouth gape as they gave Tang San and Xiao Wu the stare of teasing. They lowered their head while steam coming out of their heads. Ye Han decided it was enough teasing for the moment, so he asks Hongjun about his love life. Ma Hongjun laugh as he said

"A lot of girls has already confessed to me, because of my devilish handsome face *smirk*"

The girls in the room gave him the stare of disgust, which made Hongjun whimpered as he felt hurt from the girl's look. Ye Han notices Rongrong was feeling down, he asks her

"Hey, you alright? are you worrying about oscar?"

"Who would worry about that Jerk! *sighed* I go for a walk!"

Rongrong pouted as she left, Ye Han followed her as he wanted to see the scene of Oscar fighting tang san but with him being the substitute of Tang San in the original plot.

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