A Lazy Man's Adventure

Chapter 93 - 93: Vast Sea City

After a few days of traveling, they have finally arrived in the largest coastal city in the entire Douluo Continent, The Vast Sea City. Hongjun sniffed out the air as he said while salivating

"I can smell Tasty Seafood!!"

"Hold your horses, bro. We are not just here to dine, am I right?" -Ye Han

"Xiao Han is right, Teacher has always told me to be careful. So to prepare going into the ocean, we will see the strength of the sea spirit expert!"

"But we will get to eat some of their delicacy right? right?" -Hongjun

Hongjun used puppy dog eyes on the gang, so they agreed that they would eat first before going toward the Waterway Spirit Colosseum. Hongjun and the group went to a Seafood Restaurant and discussed what they were gonna do, Ye Han gave Tang San and the gang ten thousand gold spirit coins each as Ye Han said looking like a strict parent without eyes

"*sigh* I feel like I'm a parent, I saw that we have already used most of our money for consumable stuff. So use these gold coins wisely, also I heard there are a large mall and an auction in this city. The Auction will start in the afternoon and has a requirement if you want to enter, which is to have a silver fighting badge, I'm already an exception since I already acquired a diamond fighting badge. But still, try to experience fighting sea spirit expert as the fighting experience that you will learn will be useful in battling Sea Spirit Beast."

"Yay! Bro is the best!" -Xiao Wu

"Hmn, You are a man!" -Oscar

"Thanks, Xiao Han" -Tang San

"I will use this wisely." -Zhuqing

"*ahem* Thanks" -Mubai

"Let's go shopping later!!" -Rongrong

"Hehehe How many foods can I buy with this much money...." -Hongjun

"Thank you very much, Sect Ancestor!" -Chenxiang

Ye Han gave Tang San a firework that would let him know if they were going to the auction which will happen later as he wanted to wander around the city just to kill time, they mostly agreed as they couldn't even beat him in a 7 vs 1 battle. Ye Han waved his hand as he left the restaurant.

Tang San and the gang went toward the Waterway Spirit Colosseum to experience fighting a sea spirit expert, Ye Han was walking down the street when a lot of the people around him stares at him. They wonder "A blind man?", Ye Han was happily walking as he went to different stores and bought some jewelry, unique utensil, and etc. There were some chicks in the area who were eyeing him as they look at him like he was a gold nugget cave, some even tried to seduce Ye Han but he refuted by saying

"I already have a wife."

Which turned off most of the women who was eyeing him, but there were some tried to threaten him. Ye Han walks toward a dark alleyway where there was a girl and 2 muscled hooligans following him, she said with an arrogant voice

"This is a robbery! Give me your spatial tool!"

"Oh my~ What are you gonna do? Beat a blind person to death?"

Ye Han taunted the three, the two hooligans crack their fist as they went forward to apprehend Ye Han. They thought that they would become rich after this encounter, but they didn't expect Ye Han to walk straight at them. Ye Han just passed by the two of the hooligans as they suddenly trembled and shriek a girly whimper, The girl only saw Ye Han walk pass by the two hooligans she hired and suddenly the two hooligan's leg was trembling as they hold the area of their private part. She shouted


Ye Han chuckled as the girl integrated with her spirit which turned her hair into needles, it looks like her spirit was a sea urchin. Ye Han walks toward her as she used her spirit ability to shoot out her needle-like hair towards him, the needle that was charging toward Ye Han. But suddenly it vanishes when it was a meter away from him, Ye Han kept on walking toward her direction as she began to panic and used another of her spirit ability. Her hair turned into black colored metal as it tried to pierce Ye han. Ye Han simply flicks away all the black hair needle that is trying to pierce him.

A second later, Ye Han arrived in front of the girl as he could feel her nervous and panic expression and feeling. He simply flicks her forehead as he said the quote of Confucius.

"Don't do unto others what you don't want to be done unto you."

She fell to the ground as she just nodded her head like a chicken, Ye Han chuckles as he went to shops that he hasn't gone before. After a couple of hours of killing time, he saw a firework pops up a bit far from his location. Ye Han arrived at the firework location quickly as he saw Tang San and Mubai together, he said

"Where are the others?"

"Ummn.. The girls went shopping and Oscar went with them as Hongjun wanted to eat more of the city's delicacy.." -Tang San

Ye Han sighed as they went inside the auction as he expected there were only a few people in the auction. The auction treated Ye Han and the gang as a VIP because he has a diamond fighting badge which they had deemed real, they were above the auction as it started. The auction started with a small boat in a glass bottle which was only 50 gold spirit coin at the start to which Tang San gasped loudly as he heard the price of the ancient essence tool named Dragon Abyss Boat, He shouted

"I buy it!"

The room beside them sneered at Tang San's childish reaction, Ye Han ignored them as the pirate in the room beside them would soon be their stepping stone toward the Sea God Island. Mubai bid for the Phoenix Winged Gold Latern which could prevent seasickness, Ye Han bid for an essence tool called Spirit Light. It could produce light as long as you put enough spirit energy in it. The other items for the auction were not interesting than the three tools that they won, they left the auction after paying their items and tried to find their friends to which they saw were trying on some clothes.

They joined in the fun as well, because they were interested in new clothes. A few days later at the seaside, the whole gang was waiting for their ship to arrive. Hongjun and Bai Chenxiang was flying together as they played above the sea waiting for the ship to come, Ye Han just enjoyed his fruit juice that was very cold as he added ultimate ice cubes in it, Which made it permanently cold. Bai Chenxiang shouted as she looks at the ship going near them

"Is that it?"

"Yes, Indeed this is our ship!" -Rongrong

"Stupid monkey! Why are you here?"

"Jijiijiii (Fatty, who you calling monkey!)"

Xiao Bai threw some fruit toward the flying Hongjun as Hongjun continues to taunt him, While this was happening Tang San and the gang marveled at the beauty of this giant ship that they would be riding for a few months or a year. The pirate's captain who acted like a regular captain of the ship greeted them as he said with a smile.

"Pleasure meeting you, I am Hai Deer the captain of this ship!"

"Nice to meet you, so shall we start the sail?" -Tang San

"Aye Captain, let's embark toward this glorious journey!" -Oscar

Oscar wore a pirate captain's hat as he said this, Ye Han said while Hongjun and Oscar were playing pirates.

"Does this ship have a name?"

"The Ship has a name its called Sea Devil! All right men! Set Sail!"

"Hmmn, I just remembered we haven't decided the rooms yet so First come first serve!"

After Ye Han said this, he immediately disappeared as only dust was left in his location. The gang only realized what he has just said and immediately entered the ship's inner hall to find the best room, they were too late as Ye Han had picked the luxurious room. Which he already put a big name tag in front of the door. They went on and rest inside the ship as Ye Han was excited about what is gonna happen in a couple of days or a month.

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