A Lazy Man's Adventure

Chapter 98 - 98: Sea God Island

Early morning, while the sun was rising. Ye Han and the gang used the Dragon Abyss Boat to travel across the ocean, continuing their journey towards the Sea God Island. Oscar was the driver as all of them put enough spirit energy that could last the boat for a few months. Ye Han was sitting in front of the ship as he felt the breeze going through him, Tang San was massaging Xiao Wu as she felt very stiff waking up in the morning.

Rongrong, Bai Chenxiang, and Zhuqing were in the deck as they laid their sėxy body in their mats, Mubai, and Hongjun was looking at them with blushes in their cheek. Ye Han senses their feeling growing stronger, felt happy for his friends. He also felt envy as Ye Han and Ada haven't tried going to the beach or ocean yet, as they didn't have time to go to the ocean. Ye Han senses a group of red-tailed falcon charge at their ship as Hongjun, Oscar, and Mubai saw the charging bird, Ye Han warned them

"Careful, these birds is on parr with a spirit rank 55 spirit king."

"What?!" -Hongjun

"Hongjun Careful!"

One of the red-tailed falcons sneakily attacks Hongjun as it went behind his head, Mubai warned Hongjun. Ye Han threw a bamboo toothpick towards the bird as it pierces its eyes, Hongjun went pale as he felt the strong breeze that just went behind him instantly. He didn't saw the toothpick that Ye Han uses to kill the falcon as it went past it. Ye Han went back to his carefree expression as he sat in front of the ship, Mubai activated his self created spirit ability White Tiger's Howl which is an area of effect attack around 10 meters. The red-tailed falcons glided away from the ship as they saw their comrades falling down one by one, Ye Han stood up and collected the red-tailed falcons that were on the ship. He said

"We will have chicken for lunch!"

"Yay! Chicken!" -Hongjun

"Eww, Isn't that chicken your relative?" -Mubai

"SHUT UP CAT!" -Hongjun


Zhuqing and Bai Chenxiang sighed and went to their position as they drag their man with their ear and put them close beside them, Ye Han just chuckles as he saw this. These moments continued for a month before they saw Islands close to them with a telescope, Tang San said

"We finally arrived...."

"Let's do this!" -Ye Han

Tang San nodded as he took the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud from his spatial storage, all of them went inside the ship and lock the door as they were gonna go underwater. Oscar carefully drove the Dragon Abyss Boat as they went underneath the spirit beasts, he was sweating a lot as this was the first time he did something risky. Ye Han and the others were looking at the see-through glass window as they watch the beautiful coral system, Rongrong pointed at a direction as she said

"Look! Its a giant spirit beast's skeleton."

"OOOH!" -Hongjun

Ye Han suddenly remembered a couple of movies from his past life, The Jaw, and Megladon. He felt the sudden urge to run outside and go for a hunt, but that would let the water go inside so he kept this killing thought deep inside his head. While they were staring outside the ship, suddenly Mubai pointed while stuttering

"A White Demon Shark!!"

A giant shark that was bigger than their ship was beside them, it used it's sonar to attract its army toward the ship. All of them except Ye Han was scared, Ye Han touches the orb of the ship which absorbs the spirit energy. Ye Han puts more spirit energy to increase the speed of the ship, he forgot to control his spirit energy and gave it more than what he planned. Tang San and the gang was push back to the walls as the ship became like a rocket ship going straight forward passing by a few white demon sharks, Tang San activated his Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud as they turned invisible.

It only took a few minutes before Ye Han controlled the ship and made it rise up like the shark from jaw jumping outside the ocean to eat prey. Tang San and the gang had a twirling drawing in their eyes as they fell down on the ground, Ye Han chuckled as he saw them getting dizzy from a fast ride. Ye Han opened the door as he smelled a very profound smell of water that was stronger than the ocean, Ye Han said

"We have arrived!"

It took them a few minutes before the dizziness was stopped as Hongjun looks at the surrounding and pointed toward a giant pillar a bit far away from them, he said

"Look! It's a strange pillar!"

"Let's check it out!" -Oscar

"Is it just me? or you guys look like you are in a group honeymoon."

The gang blushes and stares at their loved one, to which was interrupted by a shout in front of them.


"Stop Shouting! You're ruining the moment!"

Ye Han activated his angry aura and let the people who interrupted his moment to take a picture of his friends the power of invisible pressure, the 6 people who probably were guards of the holy pillar was intimidated and felt dizzy as the gang could see their leg tremble. The Leader of the group had a grim expression as he integrated with his spirit, but they all stop as they heard a voice in their head except Ye Han

"Let them pass."


Ye Han turned off his aura as he clicks his tongue as he looks at them like they were ants, Ye Han walks and swipe his hand which pushes the guards to the ground. He said to the gang and ignored the guards

"Let's go~"

"Ah, Yes!" -Hongjun

The gang followed Ye Han as the guards who fell down followed them as well. After a few minutes of walking, they arrived in an open field and saw a giant pillar surrounded by water. Xiao Wu looks around and said

"There's no one here."

"No, they're already here!" -Ye Han

"Seahorse Douluo! We are adventurer from the Heaven Dou Empire!"

"Impudence! show some respect boy!" -Guard Leader

"Silent! Hey, are you gonna show up? Or do we need blood to be shed?"

Even though Ye Han had his eyes covered with his Panda Eye Mask, the guard leader and the guards felt a red eye staring at them like a predator. They already trembled as they couldn't talk, The water surrounding the Pillar started to rise up as a handsome middle-aged man with a gray hair and gray eyes pops out. He said

"I apologize for their attitude, Why has fellow spirit master visit this Holy Land?"

"My friends wish to take the Sea God's Trial!"

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