"Kiana, are you awake

," Nha Yi was about to go up to see Kiana

, when she saw the smile on her face,

this eye-like thing appeared on the back of

the queen's head, which emitted a black-red thunderbolt

, "Hahahaha"

, and then a laugh sounded from the queen's mouth, and a

black hole appeared

at the point where the thunder and lightning fell

Then a temple collapse beast roared in the black hole in the sky

, and this temple collapse beast roared————

this temple collapsed beast as big as a tank

, and directly after coming down like this

, something similar to a spear in his hand stabbed towards

the bud clothes, and was directly dodged by the bud clothes one backwards, dodged, and

then ...

She was overturned by the wave of this blow,

rolled in the air for two and a half circles

, and then fell to the ground

like this, and before she had time to cry out for pain

, another temple collapsed beast behind her was about to stab down towards

Nha Yi like this, and Nha Yi felt that

she closed her eyes,

and at this time Bud Yi thought that she would definitely die

." You Valkyries are all like this with your eyes closed to avoid problems,"

at this moment

, his voice sounded like this

, he pinched the thing that looked like a spear like

this, of course

, at that moment

, his voice was very secure

, as if there was an emperor with a full life and 70,000 blood in the online team

, "If you live in the last era, It's better to go to Dusk Street to find a nobleman to be a maid for others, only the warriors who fought with Honkai in that era

"he directly crushed the spear of the temple Collapsed Beast

like this" Pick it up, even if it is dead, you have to stand and die, hear it

, Raiden Bud Yi "At this moment, the eyes on his mask

are looking at Raiden Bud Yi with no emotion

, and he really looks like a responsible captain

at this momentWith a casual wave of his

hand, his three thousand worlds returned to his hands, "Don't let me down"

, at this moment, his three thousand worlds dyed with fire

swung a flat slash in the direction of the pile of broken beasts in front of him,

and then...

The Avalanche Beasts in front of him were all cut in half

, and the incision still had neat cuts and burning marks

, and then the Avalanche Beast corpses exploded violently

, "Hmm... I see, Captain

" "Just understand

" Bud Yi stood up again at this moment

, holding her own [dream one heart / pseudo]

looking at Kiana above the sky

No, now the queen

"Betrayer, even if you are like this, you will betray me who broke the apostle

" Looking down at us below like this

"Hmph, they are endless, how can you kill them"

"I didn't say it's just me, come out

" clapped his hands

, countless titans appeared around here

, and so fearlessly

rushed up one by

one, the steel torrent, at this moment, can only describe the word steel torrent

, "Hehe, hahahaha, are you counting on them,"

the queen at this moment stepped on the void

Walking up slowly

and slowly

, the skirt Raging wind while your visage fades away♪

~ Of course, the same eyes appeared at the hole in the hem

Where the world lies in pieces at my feet♪~

Then, at the eye of the skirt

The same black and purple thunder and lightning appeared

, and countless black holes appeared

behind those landing points

, The fire and the storm and the snow and the mist♪ ~


white collapsed beasts rushed out one by

one, and in an instant, they wrestled with the steel torrent

Struggle inside, Help me gain insight♪~

Of course, there are also countless titans who have established a defensive stance

, so as to prevent

the leaking temple collapse beasts

that rushed up, of course, all the long-range mechs behind have been aimed at

the queen, and countless missiles have come

, like countless meteors,

flying towards the queen who seems to be above the world


At this moment, her contemptuous laughter

, originally this did not have any deterrent in front of the sound of countless missiles rubbing the air

, but this laugh was heard by everyone in the audience


Hail my proud queen, on and on on and on♪

~That wax and wane showed its ebb and flow♪~

Selah.selah, are chanting evermore, Hear, oh hear all the voices trapped in thee♪~

See myself in your eyes, that's colorless♪~

The black hole covered the front of this queen

, swallowed the brilliant meteors in front of him

, and those black holes disappeared as if they had never appeared

, and when the black hole appeared again

, it was the rear of those titans

Countless meteors destroyed those long-range mechs in the rear

, and countless missile bombings also made this place burned

, and the white Bebelon also flew down and

fell behind the

queen, making this queen more majestic,

and congratulations to Miss Natasha


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