"Hmm... Okay, things settled

" "Yay!"

Now Paimon is so happy to stomp jiojio

, "I'll send you back

", now Twalin has changed into the original form

, but much smaller than before

, now at most a hundred meters

, "Twalin, let's fly together again..."

You don't know how to fly

" "QAQ

" didn't give face at all

, and even a little disgust from Twalin's eyes

: "Come up, I'll take you back

" "Yay! Although he has flown on a dragon before, the one who will transform is tied up in his body... It's not comfortable at all

" "I think it's okay

" "Is it really okay

" "Come up, little guy of Gunnhild

" Barbatos at this moment, his hand lightly touched Twalin's front paws, Twalin

also felt

"This is... Originally the power of my Wind God dependents?

"After all, it's originally yours" "But I'm no longer the guardian of the four winds..."

"Hehe, I don't care about this, Mond doesn't have any wind gods and dependents, only two teenagers, a girl, and their dragon friends, isn't it

" "That's right, Twalin, when did we say that you are a dependent"

Wendy, who had been on the side, finally spoke

... Come up

" "Yay!"

In this way, we all got on Twalin's back

, of course

, after integrating the power

of the wind god, Twalin's dull feathers regained the brilliance that belonged to the wind: "Twalin

, in the future, also with our strength, fly more calmly

" "Hmm... What about her?



" (the girl here who replaced her has the same name as Alicia)

"Hey? Is there Sister Ellie in this world? "

Pado suddenly came over

" No, I studied the ancient history, just the same name

" Qian Mengbing said


"Ah, you also have a friend named Alicia

" "She... She refused to turn into a wind elf

" "I mean, who she chose to be with

" looked like a melon dragon

"Hmm... How to say, she did not choose to be with anyone ... After all, she is always so flawless, isn't it, saying that she is a family is as if they are blaspheming


But the story of the descendants tells that I flew to Sky Island with her,"

Wendy suddenly said,

"Well, it can be regarded as a beautiful ending

" "


The wind demon dragon fell to the Fengshen Square

, and now a bunch of people look

at this wind demon dragon in the square like this, a little scared

, "everyone, don't be afraid

", now at this time, the qin got off the dragon like this, "how could the qin captain come down on the dragon",

"should it be..."

"The qin

captain betrayed..."

Now after quiet

, "everyone stop!" This one is not the Wind Demon Dragon, but the East Wind Dragon guarded by the Four Winds! Twalin!

"Really fake

" A voice sounded among the people

, and then he jumped down from the dragon

, it was Bronia's appearance, "Wait, that's not Miss Bronia

" "Okay, let me explain it to you"

This popular minstrel of Mond is different,

and he said the reason why Twalin turned into a wind dragon

This other person looked at Twalin, who did not attack

, and actually directly believed

that the main popular idol Captain Kaqin was affirmed

, and Mond's dragon disaster came to an end, and

after a day

of going back to the manor with Ying

, he went to the church roof of the Zephyr Cathedral in advance

on the grounds of going out to buy vegetables

, squatting on the roof of the church until he was about to fall asleep

Finally came

Wendy and Ying walked out of the cathedral slowly (

because in this book, the piano was not destroyed)

and then...

Two black-red figures suddenly appeared behind

Wendy, so that towards

Wendy, the knife in his hand was very dangerous

, and then Ying protected Wendy like

this, directly repelled the sound of these two


and high heels, snapped in this place, and

then snapped his fingers

in the hands of a white-haired lady

Except for her swollen face

, everything else was quite perfect

: this I cooked

, and then Ying was blown away like this

, and Paimon became quick-frozen food, and

Wendy stood in place....

No, it's better to say that his feet are frozen

, and the screen behind him is also suppressed by the debt handler

"Ah, I finally got the hamster back at home

" The white-haired lady was followed by two green-haired Ying Warlocks

, the Fool Executive, and the eighth seat

, the lady "bit the stake, gnawed the rice bag, and caused so much trouble for Mond

" Now the lady grabbed Barbatos' face with one hand

"You're not talking about hamsters, it's mice,"

Snap's hand left a red slap print on Wendy's face, "There's no part of your words here, unreasonable bard

", and Wendy seemed to be angry because of this slap

, and a

slight wind blew around him, melting the ice under his feet

, "Give up the god who rules Mond, this little power is left?"

"Oh? And the capital of your pride is the power borrowed from your master? Can't even beat the colleague in your mouth, who gains status by body?

"Hmph, slippery tongue

" Now at this time, there was obviously a displeased expression on her face,

and she rushed up

directly, her hand directly penetrated Wendy's chest

, and a large hole appeared in Wendy's heart

, "Wendy!"

Yingmei shouted like this in the back

, but was directly knocked out by the debt collector

, and Wendy seemed to have lost her strength and

couldn't even support her body,

so she fell to the ground

, "This is the heart of God, it looks not as good as my treasured chess pieces"

Now at this time, the lady suddenly came from behind,


because, You buy chess pieces just to see it, I haven't seen you play chess

" "Oh? The rat that had been hiding next to me finally came out

" "I'll be angry if I say that, or... You want your face to be symmetrical, lady

" At the moment, he

is his own puppet form

, his face is still wearing a mask

, but the only difference is that he is a clown, the α only

difference is white

hair, Otto's set is yellow hair

, "Traveler, you are here to rob me of the credit" "

No, no, no, I don't have those idle eyes, after all, you know"

Dotted his own grass attribute

evil eye "My evil eye is different from yours, it is the eyes of Her Royal Highness

" "Hmph, let's go"

Now the lady can't go like this


Before leaving, don't forget to kick Barbatos

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