"Yelena, is it delicious?"

"Hmm... It's delicious, it's even better than the previous food

" "It's good if you

like it" she touched her head with a loli

, after all, now the impact of ore disease has disappeared

, and now her body temperature has become normal

, "Hmm..."

Now Yelena is holding the soup like this, drinking like this

, I don't know if it's soup fever or shyness

, her face is a little red

, "By the way, Mei, Kaiwen"

"Hey... "Pointing

to the room inside

" Little Joan of Arc, she went to play with the two bears, Miss Seven looked at it, Miss Qi said to go and see what this place was like

" "So... Well, let me take care of Kaiwen, I see that you seem to be sleepy too

" "Hmm... Ay...... All acquaintances...? I don't shirk anymore, it's troublesome, Miss BOSS

" Mei rubbed her temples

"It's okay

, it's okay" Now I stewed the broth and

prepared to go in to take care of it

, I felt that the temperature around me was not right

, this Kaiwen cold, the surrounding temperature will drop?

Compared with the outside, it is much lowered

, after all, people's talent inside... Understand:

"Hey... Kaiwen, get up and drink some soup, I'll cook a medicine in a while

" After all

, there is no ready-made medicine

, I have more or less a talent for healing

, as for why I don't take the

blood, it is squeezed dry

, I can't squeeze the blood for the time being

, don't look at it now, take the body of the doll,

Mei Lucin's body is still

recovering" ah... Well...... Understood..." Now

this gently puts

her on her chest, there is nothing, what do you think

, you can't directly install two simulation cushions

, now it's so good to

feed, let her lean on her chest

, and then feed him with a bowl like this

, in fact, you can also put a few dolls on yourself, but


I'm afraid that scares the sick Kaiwen to death

, "Hmm... This medicine is so delicious..."

"This is soup, I haven't cooked the medicine yet, my God, shouldn't it be directly turned into Kiana after burning

" "Ah... Sorry

..." "..."

I had to continue

feeding, after feeding

, I took out the herbs

collected in the snow mountain and the secret place of the snow mountain in the previous two years and began to boil

, after all, you can see what effect all

the medicine has, about two hours later, this place has been covered with a strong smell of Chinese medicine,

and the white rabbits are looking to this side

Because this Chinese medicine is also covered with a little fragrance

, "Hmm... That's pretty much it, come, Kaiwen, drink the medicine "

myself in Pan Jinlian's clothes ....

(What a B thing!)

Now lift the curtain of the tent yourself

, "Ah... What is this... The taste is so strong..."

"Don't be poor, it's a three-point poison, there is a bad taste there

" "Hmm... But I don't want to drink

it" Kaiwen can't

stand it, brother

" well, Han Xin with purification (still that sentence), it's a medicine three points of poison

" "Ah... Then I want to drink the non-toxic part of seven-tenths

" "..."

is over, this sentence brainstorms for the protagonist

: "What a reason!" Kaiwen, if you don't live, you can bite the lighter

" "Ah...

I don't want it", "Drink obediently

", "Double to the next person


yourself a lighter

"You can bite the lighter directly

", "I don't... M..."

was directly constructed by the protagonist with the power of the Litchi Lawyer to construct a funnel

, and then Se Kaiwen

"let you drink the medicine, drink the medicine" and "Woo-woo-woo" directly took the soup medicine, so poured

it into it (comic expression, please don't imitate ah)

"Cough cough

" also choked "

Okay, next time obediently drink the medicine


This pats Kaiwen's back

"Well, just cover it well, I'll tune a movie for you or something, what do you want to watch

" The TV source stone constructed by the power of the law of reason

can be driven, you deserve

to have yourself to cover Kaiwen with a quilt

and then put a hot towel on her head

"small * piece

" "Huh?"

At this time, my painting style has turned black and white, and

I can't believe my ears

"I don't care, I want to see"

No, enchantment, you....

"Okay, okay... What kind of "Still

can't stand Kaiwen's coquetry",

now holding his forehead

, "Me and Mei's"


He looked at Kaiwen suspiciously

, "Or I'll call Mei over?" Do you shoot one live? "

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