"Seven hundred years ago, monsters from outside the sky set fire to the planet, and the earth at that time became scorched earth, full of burning molten fire and boiling smoke. In the midst of life and death, a cold wave suddenly arrives - sweeping winds without warning, the invading legions are buried by the blizzard, and only Belloberg remains, and the determined city builders founded the city. Under the protection of Cripper, Beloberg is still warm although it is still eroded by the wind and snow, and six hundred years ago, we were gifted by the god of the outer heavens, he is the direct subordinate of the amber king Creper, dressed in white, shining like light in the snow, he casually transformed a creation engine into the final weapon of Fort Creper against the creatures of the rift - the engine of destruction, and the god of the outer heavens is also - the mechanical general, so this is why we are kind to the things outside the world..."

"He talks so strangely..."

March Seven whispered to Danheng

, "That's not his previous tone, he should be quoting a certain ancient text

" "Oh... So why did he tell us this?

"Because you asked,"


replied truthfully

, "ah... Oh, hey, hey..."

March Seven scratched his head

, and Danheng looked at March speechlessly

, "... Your whispered words almost reached people's ears,"

Qianmeng Bing said directly without giving affection

, "Don't say it, Teacher Qian

" "Let's go, I'll take you to meet Kokolia. Lord Rand

," Jepard said

, "Hmm,"

and as we walked like this

, Danheng asked

, "We saw strange creatures outside, they came from the eroded space, the Rift, didn't they?"

"You actually know... Yes. There are still many threats beyond the cold wave, and the monsters you see are one of them

" "The Silver-Maned Iron Guard has been fighting it, but the situation is not optimistic... After meeting the Great Guardian, I hope to ask your opinion, we lack information

"Let's just say

that we have reached the core

of the city, the landmark of this city" arrived, this is Fort Creper, the heart of the entire city, the headquarters of the city


"City builders? Sounds very powerful

" Star said

"They are the saviors of mankind, as early as before the cold wave, they resisted the world's puzzlement and ridicule, insisted on casting the city again, history proves that they are right, the city builders use the name of the star god, Cripper named this fortress, under their leadership, humans resisted the attack of foreign enemies, blocked the cold wave, and now they are also fighting against the erosion from the rift, this fortress is also the residence of the Great Guardian""

The Great Guardian? "

March Seven Asked

" is the leader of Beloberg elected by the city builders, who watch over the city and provide shelter for the people, and the current great guardian is Cocolia. Lord Rand, all the major decisions of Belloberg were issued by her

" "Oh, what a big man" "Oh

? Are you sure that's the name?

Qianmeng Bing smiled and looked at

the familiar aura

on it, "That's right, it's Kokolia. Rand"

"Let me remind you Oh, it is difficult to shape the Buddha and shape the bones, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, human beings, under the control of emotions, but everything is made

" After all, this name

does not sound like a good person, my world's Cocolian Army is not a good person



Jepard looked at himself

"Thanks for reminding, I will pay attention to the inside of the silver-maned iron guard"


out for the wrong place!"

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