A Lewd Story

Chapter 58 – Holy Mission

(I am pushing myself by writing something new that is not within my experience. I hope you will be understanding if something goes wrong and kindly guide me.)

(I took references from several sources while writing this, which might even benefit you in real life.)

The first thing a man would think after coming to this world would be ‘harem!’ If a man doesn’t think of a harem after isekai-ed, then I say he is not qualified to be a man.

To satisfy vanity is the goal of men. It is evolutionary.

For women, wars had been waged. For women, kingdoms had been toppled. Various nasty things had been done in our world in pursuit of them.

Why do people so ardently pursue greater heights, pursue success, and pursue money and wealth? It is to attract high-quality females.

You can lie and deny all you want. But the truth remains the same. When you truly seek it, you will know. It is in the very instincts of men, the one that nature has bestowed on us.

And when a man enters a world where polygamy is legal, he would, of course, think of a harem. Why won’t he when he can use magic, become strong, and gain power?

And that’s only natural. That’s not right or wrong. So when it’s going to happen anyway, we might as well learn how to manage a harem.

Women are not easy beings. They can make, change, break, or even enslave a man. Cleopatra is a practical example who took down kingdoms through seduction.

So, shouldn’t learning about those who occupy a large part of our lives be important?

Managing them is as important as creating a harem. And by management, I mean making them happy and satisfied so that all of you can live in harmony as one big family.

“Jack, dinner is ready,” Rita’s gentle voice pulled him out of the book. After returning home, he took a bath and sat on the sofa as he couldn’t help turning pages and learning the ‘profound knowledge’ contained within it.

Rita and Alban couldn’t understand how Jack could read the weird language in the book. When they asked him, he just shrugged and let them draw their conclusions.

After dinner, he sat on the sofa, sticking his nose in the book once again.

Unlike his previous life, where he had too little attention span due to all the luxurious distractions that his previous world had to offer, he could now concentrate on a single thing for a prolonged period. Even the things that required a lot of mental energy were no problem for him.

After all, he doesn’t have to play that cool video game or watch that amazing movie or give other excuses for not doing what is necessary.


“You might have already noticed that due to the magic that exists here, a lot of things are made easy.

Things that would have taken days in our world can be completed in little to no time here. A work that would have required a lot of workforces can be accomplished with a few men.

And as the time and effort go down, so do the employment opportunities.

With few work opportunities, it is obvious who would work and who would manage the home.”

Jack could understand where it was going, yet he couldn’t stop reading. This book was too soothing, comforting his very core.

“So women have to manage their homes and take care of their children all alone. They have to work all day, do all the boring stuff!

They have no source of entertainment, limited ways of enjoyment. Oh, how helpless these souls are, working day and night, suffering the loneliness inside.

We, as gentlemen, must step forward to help these poor souls and show them what true happiness is!”

“This must be the ultimate reason that we gentlemen are summoned to this world of swords and magic, to embark on a holy mission of saving these poor souls!”

Jack opened his eyes wide with the sudden enlightenment. His eyebrows raised, and his jaw dropped.

This is it! This is the goal of his life! This is the reason for his transmigration and having a sex machine of a body!

He had gotten this body to embark on such a holy mission!

Jack couldn’t stop reading further and turning pages. The next page was the index page. The book was divided into three parts:

Part 1: The Process

Part 2: The Human Body

Part 3: The Human Mind And Love

Jack had the whole night to himself. He could go on for several days without sleeping. Since his attention was deeply invested in the book, he decided to read as much as he could.

That will also help cure his laziness by taking only the necessary amount of sleep, helping him keep his brain active for the rest of the day.

So, when the time to sleep arrived, he urged his parents to sleep before him. His attention then moved to the book again.

It took him another two hours to finish part one of the book. There were topics like knowing yourself, the chameleon, getting into their skin, knowing their weaknesses, showing your capability, doing it subtly, understanding their signs, managing control, and so on.

Every topic was difficult as it dealt with psychology. The book was a self-help one, so it contained the actions to be taken. The whole book would be worthless if he didn’t apply it in real life.

So even if he couldn’t understand some parts of it or didn’t agree with the author, he kept on reading to familiarize himself with the content. He will have to read the whole book again to gain more clarity.

Though he understood most of it as the author had explained it well with precise examples. However, whether he would remember it or not was a completely different thing. That’s why he will have to read it again and again.

Then came part two, which was the most intriguing part of the book. Why? Because it dealt with the ways of pleasuring women.

There were various sexual positions described, along with some profound advice, “It is not about having sex. Anybody can have sex. Only humans can indulge in the pleasure of it. So your goal should be how to make it more pleasurable, for yourself and your partner as well.”

“With intimacy, your love will sustain.”

Which brought it to the third part that dealt with the principles of lasting relationships: sex drive, feelings of intense love, and feelings of deep attachment.

The first and most delightful thing written in it was, “Have as much sex as you can.”

And Jack heavily nodded with a delightful smile, “Mah bruh!”

The author continued, “Our biology is such that, the more we have sex, the more we become addicted to it. And the more connected we feel with our partner.”

“So absolutely have sex! Create a schedule for it!”

“The first thing that will become an obstacle to this will be our thinking. The more we think the act of sex to be dirty and evil, the more it will bring guilt and shame upon us for no reason.”

“Lust is evil only when we lose our control and reasoning and do horrible things.”

“If a divine being, God, had created us, how could one thing he created be good and the other be dirty? Calling one thing dirty is calling the creation dirty, which is the same as calling the creator dirty!”

“We have divided our world into two parts: sacred and evil. Religious propaganda promoted that because it was necessary at that time as people didn’t have much awareness of many things.”

“If we do not change our ways and thinking, and incline ourselves to one of the sides, like believers and non-believers, we would only end up suffering.”

Jack read up to this and began to contemplate. The idea was thought-provoking, but he couldn’t help but question it. After all, the deep-rooted beliefs he had due to society’s teachings wouldn’t change so easily.

But the seed of temptation has already been planted. It will soon sprout and grow into a robust tree.

Many different things included in the second part aroused Jack, even though there was no porn.

The next thing was doing novel things together. The more time you spend with them, the better your bond will become.

While the 'feelings of deep attachment' part was about doing simple things like holding hands, walking hand in hand, cuddling, etc. to stay in touch and grow intimacy.

There were many simple things to be done with the partner or partners that would help in sustaining a relationship and keeping it stable.

When a relationship is stable, life is stable. And the success will come naturally.

Reading up to this, Jack closed the book and took a deep breath. It had already been more than five hours since he started reading.

The book was almost complete; only the afterword remained. But it had excited Jack a lot, evident in his erect cock.

The book did a good job of breaking all the restraints he had put upon himself. It elevated his mind and thinking and opened it to new possibilities.

So he wanted to use all the principles from the book and embark on the holy mission right now!

He stood up abruptly.

And realized that it was still late in the night.

So he turned off the lights and went to the bedroom to sleep.

Snuggling into his mother's blanket, he grasped her fluffy body into his embrace and soon drifted off into sleep.

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