"Teluka" has an annual festival. That's the Martial Arts Festival. It is a revered name, but it is finally a tournament. Every year, the nobles of the kings of the surrounding countries are invited, and the adventurers named the guards brought by the nobles of the kings also participate, so Claude, who is a member of the nobility of the "Maristel" kingdom of the continent, is also invited. The two older brothers looked slightly dissatisfied with it....

(But... what is Teluka thinking of inviting us in trouble? Are you really inviting me without even noticing the leakage of information... or are you inviting me without knowing anything...)

Claude definitely thought it was the latter. The two older brothers still see "Teluka" as a small country, but Claude thinks "Teluka" is better than "Maristel" in all respects. "Maristel" would be superior only to history and the size of the country.

(If that's the case... maybe you shouldn't go... but...)

Claude glanced at Chilla and Magnus.

"Magnus, would you like to join me as my escort?


Magnus opened his eyes in surprise at Claude's words. But there was a clear mistake in the eyes.

Claude doesn't name Date Magnus' friend. Claude, who understands how Magnus's amazing material will never get out of that evil brave party, and how his friend feels about a cute kid who thinks he's his apprentice, wanted Magnus to walk forward, so he decided to take this invitation that might be a trap.

"But... I..."

"Then I will officially ask Magnus in the name of the Third Prince of Maristel."

"... it's a slippery return. But it's up to Gillias to take it."

Magnus belongs to Gillias's party, so it's up to Magnus, the leader, to decide whether or not to take Magnus.

"Hey! No problem! I got it!

But Claude had a really nice smile on his thumb. Magnus glanced at it unexpectedly.

"Hmm... Magnus' apprentice... I'd like to see him too..."

Alicia, who had listened to the two stories in silence, naturally began to murmur.

"I want to see you... because you guys have already decided to escort me, so Alicia's joining..."

"Of course, the Chancellor has an invitation for the royal nobility, right?

Claude smiled back at Alicia with an incredible smile at Claude's words, and Claude smiled unexpectedly.

At that time, at my Lord's study in the Duke of Ivan's house, he sneezed greatly and then felt a terrible cold.....

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