The morning after the conversation that the Sayas had achieved the target amount, Kotaro and Sally returned safely to Teluka. The two of them returned unharmed without ever being attacked by a truly vicious monster. Kotaro and Sally stunned in front of the gate.

"I can't help but wonder that we're back safely now...."

"Maybe I feel the same way....."

The two were stunned for a while, but because this would disturb others, they were able to speak to the soldiers at the gate and return to "Teluka".

By the way, even though Saya came home in the evening, it might seem too late for the two of us, but this is the distance it would take. It is strange that Saya can come back in the evening.

"In the meantime... should I go to the report as you were told?

That's right.

Kotaro and Sally both tried to walk toward the Alliance, but for some reason Kotaro stopped walking. Sulley asked Kotaro, wondering about it.

"What's wrong? Kotaro-kun"

"No... it's kind of... a familiar voice... a very painful voice..."

Kotaro was very deaf, even though his race was human. Besides, the ability to sense something is incredibly high. The kotaro leans against the alley where the Lord of his voice is so concerned that no one is going to do it. Sally followed Kotaro in a hurry.

That's where they saw.....

"Ugh...!? Kh...!? Uu...!?



What they found was Erina lying with her arms and feet covered in wounds and moles, her face beaten up and swollen and painful.

Kotaro and Sally rushed to Erina immediately, and Sally was immediately cured. Erina raised her face slightly as she noticed Kotaro and Sally with her voice.

"Is that voice... in Kotaro...? Sally...? Good...!? I'm okay...!? Are you sure...!? Are you sure...!? Good...!?

"Elina! What the hell happened to you!?

Erina kept quiet about the Kotaro question for a while. But swing your neck straight away.

"I have to talk to Kotaro... and Sally... I can't... this is mine... Subaru did it..."

"Eh!? Subaru!!?

Kotaro and Sally were stunned at the same time by the person's name.

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