The Dunk Party successfully completed the Labyrinth, and now there is a welcoming party of good luck and Kotaro and the others.

"Hey, Kotaro! Drink... not good. Are you eating!?

"Yes! You're getting it right!

"I see! You're in the lead today! Eat well!

"Yes, thank you."

In Teluka, alcohol begins at the age of 18. I couldn't drink alcohol with Kotaro, who was only 15 years old.

Kotaro wasn't used to this atmosphere, so he couldn't help but be a little anxious about whether his smile was attracting him.

"Come on! That's it! Kotaro really fought well!

"Ah! It would be great if we could fight as aggressively as we could in the new United States!

Members of the Dunk Party appreciated the Kotaro fight one after the other. Kotaro was terrified of it.

"No, not yet... compared to that guy..."

"Hmm? Who's that guy?

"Yes! I'm Saya from Stampede Crusher!!

Kotaro replied with a full smile. The answer hardened most of the members of the dunk party. The only thing that hasn't solidified is Sally and Elina, who know it, and Dunk, who was there somehow figuring it out.

The members of the dunk party knew Saya well. That said, Saya and I were really only going to act together once at a certain request, and it took the form of killing the mutant monster together, but almost... no, I had already killed the monster completely by myself.

Moreover, even worse, the stampede occurred.....

"Perfect. I didn't think monsters like that could pay for my daughter's clothes."

That said, I crushed the stampede lightly.

Somehow... I don't think it's bad for Kotaro, but it's impossible for all the members of the dunk party to feel like Saya.

"Hah... but my husband is happy to have someone like Saya-san as his wife ~..."

That's how Kotaro leaks when the wound of a broken heart still cannot heal.

"Hmm? What are you talking about? Saya is unmarried."

"What? But... you have a daughter..."

"Ah, don't you know? That girl....."

One of the members of the dunk party starts explaining Saya's daughter to Kotaro. Dunk tried to stop it in a hurry, but his judgment was a little slow. Kotaro was explained, raised his yearning for Saya, and revived his pale love for Saya.

Dunk sighs lightly when he sees such a cotaro. I don't think Dunk thinks it's bad to fall in love, but he's the opponent. I'm worried if I should be honest with you.

Well, it was a dump that had reached the point of giving up, trying to let the flow run its course.

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