"With this majority petition, I gave Saya special approval for this agreement between Lana and Shea's foster parents."

As Ada added further, Granif turned bright red and yelled.

"Don't joke!!? Isn't that a reluctance to ignore the rules of the law!!?

"Certainly not a special case, but in addition to the pleadings of the majority of the people of the country, the testimony of Saya came honorably as a parent. Above all, I checked several times with my eyes. I suppose we should admit enough exceptions?

Ada's words kept Graniff quiet. I know how painful it was for Saya to raise her two daughters to be too protective.

"Well, there's no objection anymore. Then I'll make a verdict....."

"Wait!!? I'm a B-ranked adventurer!!? If I'm no longer an adventurer, it's this country that's in trouble!!?

Granif didn't want to be treated as unemployed, so he made a desperate and final recovery. Ada sighed out of sight. Ada tried to say something right away....

"I don't need you anymore!!

It was not Ada who spoke, but the people in the gallery.

"That's right! You! You've only fought the Labyrinth once or twice!! Mr. Dunk is more labyrinthine!!

"There are an overwhelming number of Sayas fighting the surrounding monsters!!

Some describe the difference between Graniff, Dunk and Saya.

"That's not all! You! You always take whatever belongs in our shop! Because it's rank B, it's the limit of my patience!!

"Saya-chan will negotiate the price cuts, but you are paying the price with proper negotiation, but you don't have it because you are rank B!!

"If I fell down on the road, you said," Stay out of the way! "Babaa!" he spit! Then Saya-chan, who was out with her daughters, carried me, had my daughters carry my luggage and sent me to my house!! It's not like you!!

There were many who said the difference between Granif's usual deeds and Sayah's usual deeds.

Having heard that, Saya opened her eyes again in surprise. Saya thought she wasn't so fond. Saya, who only thought about her two daughters, didn't care about anything else.

But no matter how far it goes, Saya is Saya. The first thing I think about is that even two daughters can't leave people in trouble. That's why Lana and Shea admire such mothers.

Ada glanced at the loud audience and said, "Silence! Silence!"

"I didn't have to say that at all. Then I will bring Granif Tengus and his people to justice! All Granif Tengus' associates have been stripped of their Adventurer ID cards! Granif Tengus will not be deprived of his Adventurer ID, but on exile! Never enter this country again!!

There was a disturbance from the gallery at Ada's verdict.

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