This was followed by the Subaru trial. Originally, the "Royal Supreme Court of Teluka" would not move to try Subaru's new American adventurers, but there was another exception to the Graniff case.

"Well, the kid from the New American Adventurer. I would not have tried you in the Royal Court of Teluka to try you for your crimes... but it is unusual for a Dunk to use the authority of a B Adventurer to make a complaint to me..."

Ada sighed lightly and saw a dunk sitting in the right seat of Subaru's defendant's seat.

"I'm sorry. In a small court, I was going to be judged on my own."

"Well, it doesn't matter... but... well... it seems like you're the one who's demanding it..."

Ada sighs lightly and asks Dunk to speak with his eyes alone, and Dunk feels it and stands up

"I want three of my party members, Kotaro Sally Erina, to decide on this man's sentence."


The three of them opened their eyes in surprise, but the knight urged them to take them to where Dunk was.

"This man would have been one of you if he had corrected himself. I thought it was up to you to decide what to do with this man. Well, I suppose there was someone who had been victimized, but that person has already been tried..."

Dunk sighs lightly at Saya. The Saya is getting a little tired and discussing with her daughters what to do for dinner this evening.

"So you decide."

"No... even if you suddenly tell me to decide..."

"You don't have to think hard. If you don't think I will forgive you, then I ask His Majesty Ada to punish you proportionately and forbid you to face each other again. So you can forgive this man? Will you forgive me? That's two choices."

Dunk said so lightly. Kotaro turns to Erina first.

"Elina... can't forgive Subaru?

"Of course. I was subjected to violence by Subaru. Even though the wound is gone, I still remember the fear of that time, and honestly, I don't want to face my face like this. That's why... you'll never forgive me..."

Elina's opinion was an unacceptable choice. Well, if you think about the damage that Erina did, it's only natural that you should say so. Kotaro then turned to Sally.

"How's Sally?

"I agree with Elina. Even if we can't help it, the violence against Elina is unreasonable. I can never forgive you for being the same woman."

Sally still agrees with Elina. It seems that the parts that cannot be forgiven as the same woman are the same.

"Hey... Subaru... tell me the truth. What are you going to do now?

And now Kotaro looked at Subaru with a serious expression and said so.

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