Saya, who was told that Goro had something to talk about, didn't want to talk about it anymore, but even if she followed me, it would be troublesome, so I decided to just listen. So, two people who find a popular coffee shop nearby and go in there.

It's been ten years since Saya has lived here, so there were one or two stores to go to, but if you don't want to bother him, you don't want him to know that you're with him, so you avoid going there. The two of you sit in the right seat.

"So, what are you talking about?

Saya said so with a little glance. Though I was irritated by Saya's attitude, I immediately smiled inferiorly.

"I was thinking of living with you again. It's my parents and daughter. You don't deserve to live with me, do you?

Saya's feelings of daze became stronger than her angry feelings because of her suspicious remarks.

Gillias told me you were sold out by your father. That said, there was no feeling that Saya couldn't believe it. Well, I guess so... Therefore, Saya's answer is certain.



Turned down by the clam, Goro blushes his face with anger. Perhaps you didn't expect me to say no. It would be strange to think that Saya would never say no....

"Every day you're made to work like a slave, you're shaken up, and at the end of the sentence, you sell me off to that brave man, and now you don't want to live with me anymore."

Saya made the most honest argument. But the key Goro is

"You!! You're pointing your blade at me! I'm your father!!

To be honest, Saya said words that she didn't understand, and Saya could only breathe with astonishment.

"So what? I don't think you're my father anymore."

That's what Saya said to Assari. And furious Goro raised his fist to beat Saya as usual.

However, Saya avoided and did not even guard the fist... and graciously seized the Goro's fist.

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