Goro is afraid of the killing spirit released from Saya, and the two of them sweat cold. They have dealt with and confronted several adventurers so far, but they are stunned by the feeling that they are incomparable with the adventurers. But they'll be even more surprised.....

Shhhhh!! Boom!!

"Hey!!? What the fuck!!? What the hell happened!!?

Goro panicked over the sudden events. They didn't only speak, but they were as confused as Goro about what happened.

Because the three of them were definitely in Saya's house a while ago, but they were somewhere in the woods. To be honest, the two of them suspected the magic of delusion, but they were still confused because they didn't seem to have been deluded.

"Saya!? You!? What the hell did you do!?

I'll punish you later, so go to sleep now.


I forgot that I was afraid of killing Saya the other day, and got stuck in Saya. However, Saya stuns Goro with a single shot of Decoping. The decorations of Saya were as high as the decorations of Goro as the smoke.

"Well... I'm thinking of punishing you very carefully... but before I do, I'll answer your questions. You were in my house a while ago, and you wonder why you're in a forest somewhere?

The two of them silently returned to Saya's words. Saya, who received it in the affirmative, answers the two questions.

"The answer is simple. I used metastasis magic."

"Ha!? Stupid!? Transfer magic!!?

One of the two shouts so in Sayah's words.

It is neither surprising nor impossible for them. The magic of metastasis does exist, but the procedure is complicated and takes time to activate, and the magic is also severely depleted. Moreover, since the creation of a simple Transfer Magic tool that can escape the Labyrinth, it is more convenient for you, so few adventurers use Transfer Magic. That's why I thought Saya couldn't use metastasis magic....

"That surprise makes me wonder if I can use metastasis magic. Well, you guys are probably looking into me anyway, and let me tell you, Gillias forced me to remember when I was at the brave party. Saving the magic equipment of the transfer....."

Saya answers with a light sigh.

Transferring magic equipment is very convenient and a must for adventurers, but it is convenient and therefore expensive. That's why Gillias forced Saya to use Metamorphosis. That's all you can do, with cursing words.....

Saya was actually only able to contribute to the party, so she managed to master it by collecting books about the magic of metastasis.

However, even if Saya could use the transfer magic, they still have doubts. As I mentioned earlier, Transfer Magic is a magic that is highly magically depleted and takes time to activate. Therefore, it should not be magic that can be activated in such an instant. Besides, even though the magic was supposed to be exhausted a lot, even from the eyes of the two of them, I didn't feel like Saya was losing a lot of magic.

Well, that should be it. I don't know who Saya is, but she has a rank in her skills. It is generally said that the highest rank is SS, but some people have an SSS rank that is really high. And the rank of "magic reduction" that suppresses magic consumption with Saya's skills and "casting speed" that speeds up magic chanting is....

"Magic reduction"... too expensive to measure (it is certain that it is more than SSS)

"Speed of chanting"... too high to measure (it is certain that it is above SSS)

By the way.....

"Mother"... it's impossible to measure at the earliest (for now, this is likely to be the state as long as Lana and Shea are around)

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