Magnus entered a tavern without guests. Magnus sits in his usual counter seat and orders from the tough master, just like he knew at home.

"Master, when can I get you something?"


That's all the Master says is that Magnus always drinks alcohol in a crispy motion and presents the knob of today's recommendation in front of Magnus. Magnus sighed a sip of the liquor that had been served and immediately exhaled.

"It's picturesque to sigh in a pub where good-looking people don't thrive, but this pub won't thrive any more."

That said, the customer who came to the store was a woman. The woman sat down next to Magnus without confirmation, "Master. Normal" and start ordering.

"If you're not thriving, it's too much."

The master said so to the woman, and immediately put in front of her the alcohol she always asked for, the knob she liked to eat.

"If you say so, wouldn't it be better for Alicia to be in a tavern like this with the title of" Wind Warrior "?

Magnus said so to the woman with a bitter smile.

She is Alicia, an adventurer who has earned the same title of "brave man" as Gillias. The proper profession is "Magic Swordsman", who is more popular than Gillias because of his numerous "labyrinth" strategies and many requests from various people.

"I'm the wind, as you call me" The Wind. "I'm free to blow anywhere."

Alicia groans over the alcohol and laughs nicely. Magnus thought that such a good personality might also be one of the popular reasons, and unexpectedly compared it to the person of the troubled species and sighed.

"The reason for your sigh... Gillias?

"... I got it."

Magnus said that with a bitter smile and then exhaled again.

Recently, Gillias has been frustrated and often hits parties. Because lately, as I think, we can't attack the Labyrinth.

The monsters that were supposed to have been defeated easily before have become more difficult than before. Magnus gave us precise instructions to get rid of the Labyrinth and the monsters. Therefore, Magnus is more popular both within the party and from the public. It is accelerating Gillias' frustration even further, but Gillias is not stupid, so I knew that if we banish Magnus now, our party would be over. That's why Gillias didn't do anything to banish Magnus, but he was hitting on the frustration, which has recently become a source of Magnus' trouble.

In the first place, why isn't the strategy better than before? Magnus knew the cause well. Because I know, Magnus can't even tell Gillius. Because it started 10 years ago when the offensive stopped working....

Looking back on that, Magnus sighed several times.

"That's enough. Magnus, you've done enough, so why don't you leave Gillias?


"You can't leave me because you had an exiled apprentice?

Magnus answered nothing to Alicia's question, but the silence was a positive sign.

"If that's all you care about, why don't I tell you what I know about her?

"What? Claude...!?

The third visitor to this pub. It was always Claude dressed like a playboy.

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