A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 103 Talent determines the number of cram schools

The next day, early morning.

The alarm clock rang at six o'clock on time, and Aaron opened his eyes drowsily.

After staying at Hogwarts for a school year, his biological clock had not changed much, and he had no idea of ​​sleeping more even during the holidays.

After dressing and washing, Aaron lifted Abe from the bed.

Looking at the napping dragon cub, he made an obscure sound, but it sounded extremely clear to him, just like normal speech.

The next moment, Abe opened his eyes, opened his mouth and yawned.

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched, and suddenly he felt that the dragon's language was not so fragrant. He clearly meant to get up, but this little guy could hear it as if he was ready to eat.

More than half an hour later, he came to the restaurant with Abe, who had changed his luggage.

Jeans placed a standard breakfast set in front of Aaron, then gave Abe a meaningful smile and took out a red apple from his pocket, "This is yours, save it."

Abe hugged the apple, and when he realized what he was doing, he stared at the bacon, eggs, bread, and sausages on Aaron's plate, and he shed tears of disappointment.

"You have to lose weight. From now on, you will only have an apple for breakfast."

Abe let out a 'woo' and turned the dragon's face away.

"It says you are a bad person." Aaron translated in a dumbfounded voice, "Dragon's appetite is relatively big, you are indeed a little unhuman."

"Master, you don't need to plead for it.

I fed it for two months last year, and I know very well how much this guy eats.

Not to mention an apple, even if I bring a box of apples, I can't fill its belly.

Compared with before, this kind of breakfast is a bit chilling, but I can't be hungry for it. "

Abe glanced at Aaron with an aggrieved look, and stretched out his dragon claws viciously towards Jeans.

“It said the situation had changed and wanted me to make the decision for it.

Abe has grown up a lot, and his appetite will naturally increase. You are abusing the young dragon. "

Genes raised his eyebrows and asked with some surprise: "Master, can you...understand what it is saying?"

"Well... that's right!

I accidentally learned a foreign language in the restricted book section of Hogwarts. "Aaron made up a random reason and had no intention of hiding this ability.

On the one hand, Jeans watched him grow up and was his most trustworthy elder.

On the other hand, the vacation lasted for more than two months, and Jeans was responsible for his food, clothing, housing, and transportation. In addition, he had to be his close combat teacher. He looked down and saw each other every day, so he couldn't hide it for long.

"Dragon language?" Genes became somewhat interested, but soon looked at Aaron with suspicion.

In the magical world, there are indeed some gifted wizards who can communicate with certain animals, but they are all innate. It is simply impossible to learn the language of an animal by yourself.

Not to mention that this knowledge was acquired at Hogwarts, and magic schools would never be responsible for such things.

"Master, if you don't want to tell the truth, you don't have to tell me, but there's no need to lie to me!"

"How did I lie to you?

You know me, I've always been an honest kid. "

Jeans smiled but said nothing, his eyes full of amusement.

honest? Oh my god, stop insulting these two words, okay?

In his decades of life, he has never met a child more difficult to deal with than his own young master. Even he has to be inferior in his ability to tell lies with his eyes open.

But in a sense, this is not a bad thing. Aaron is the sole heir of the Gaius family. He will inevitably have to deal with all kinds of people in the future, and tact is essential.

Aaron was also a little embarrassed by this look, and smiled awkwardly, "Okay, okay, I was wrong, I don't want to say okay!"

"Master, you have to understand that your secret subordinates have no interest in knowing it, but I also hope that you will try not to let your subordinates worry about it."

"I know!" Aaron curled his lips, "By the way, where are my parents?

It's time to eat, why don't they come over? "

"Um..." Jeans hesitated for a while, then said with a wry smile: "The master and his wife needed to catch a train and left around five o'clock.

And, if nothing else, you can only communicate with them through letters before you start school. "

Aaron: ...

"I knew it.

Again, again.

I should have thought, they seem to be busy all the time. "

Genes shrugged, immune to such complaints.

It was just a child whining and it passed quickly.

"Young master, the master of the house emphasized before he left that I should teach you well.

So, when do you think you should start training? "

Aaron thought for a while, smiled and raised his eyebrows, "Since they are not here, then forget it!

Heaven knows, earth knows, you know and I know, it doesn't matter if you are lazy or lazy. "

"No, absolutely not." Genes immediately said with a straight face, "This is the order of the head of the family, don't make it difficult for me."

"All right!

Then wait until you come back to the head office in the evening!

You know, I have to go to Diagon Alley to look at the stores during the day, so I don’t have that much time. "

"I'm... I'm very sorry, this doesn't seem to work either."

"Why? I gave you face.

Isn't it just learning the sword? Isn’t two or three hours a day enough? "

Jeans hesitated for a while and hesitated to speak.

"Is there any problem?" Aaron asked with squinted eyes. No matter how slow his reaction was, he could tell that Genes was hiding something from him.

"Master, the problem is that you have to learn not only swordsmanship, but also many things.

So free time may be a little tight this holiday season. "

Aaron was stunned for a moment, what is going on with him?

Other people's holidays are about eating well, sleeping well, and having fun. Why is it that here there are just a bunch of cram schools?

"Genes." Aaron took a deep breath, "Tell me honestly, what are the mission indicators that Vico gave you?"


"I told you, this is an order."


Jeans nodded and took out two keys from his pocket, one silver and one light gray.

"The silver key can open the arsenal and be used to train combat skills.

The light gray key can open... many secret rooms, it depends on what you are interested in, young master.

The master of the house means that nothing can be achieved without greed. In addition to the necessary melee skills, young master, you must learn at least three skills.

Of course, these are all useful. "

"Ha! Haha!"

Aaron held his forehead and shook his head, with a look of despair on his face.

“No wonder they left in such a hurry.

It's not because I'm busy, I guess it's because I'm embarrassed to see me.

Am I their biological child? Which parent would enroll his child in four cram schools when he is twelve years old?

It's too much, it's really deceiving.

I...I want to find my grandfather, I want his old man to provide me with justice.

Get me some paper and pen. I have to write a letter to his old man quickly and tell him about this unfair life. "

"It's no use asking your old master, he won't help you in this matter."


Aaron slammed the table hard, and Abe tensed up and grinned at Jeans.

The master and the servant are now speaking to the outside world in unison, with the attitude that if you don't explain it clearly, it won't be over.

Jeans wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The young master rarely gets angry, but getting angry is not an ordinary trouble.

After all, he is just a steward and does not have as much decision-making power as Aaron on many matters.

“It’s a family rule.

First of all, after becoming a senior magician, you need to have certain melee abilities.

Not to mention one against ten, but at least one against five. "

"Really?" Aaron said calmly, "That means my dad can also do one versus five."

"No, the family leader's highest record is one against twelve."


Aaron was caught off guard by the news.

"real or fake?

Vico is so powerful, why didn’t I see it? "

"it is true.

Each generation of heirs of the Gaius family has excellent melee combat capabilities, and naturally the family head is among them. "

"That, that, that...did my grandfather also sign him up for so many cram schools?"

"No, you can only have this opportunity if you become a high-level magician before the age of twelve." Genes explained bravely, "And the head of the family is slightly less talented, so he only needs to learn swordsmanship well at a certain age. ”

Aaron opened his mouth and couldn't help but swallow.

No wonder Vico would say that his life is relatively easy. If you are talented enough, you have to go to cram school!

Thinking of this, Aaron touched the ring he was wearing with some guilt.

"Jeans, a twelve-year-old senior magician needs to learn at least four skills.

What if, I mean if, if anyone reaches the level of a wizard before the age of twelve?

How many people should there be in the history of the family? How were they arranged? "

“I don’t know the specifics, but there is one person who is relatively famous, the one the head of the family mentioned last night who lived more than 700 years ago.

It is said that when he was twelve years old, he had mastered at least twenty kinds of skills. At that time, several highly respected celebrities in the professional field even wanted to become his teacher, but they were all rejected. "

"That's really amazing!" Aaron said with a smile, but he also secretly made a decision in his heart that his true strength must never be exposed.

Four cram schools are already a difficult life. If we add several times more days, it will be really hard to survive.

He was still young and did not want to die suddenly.

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