A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 108 The unexpected teacher

Aaron stared at the keyhole No. 30, touched his chin and thought for a while, "As expected, let's rule it out!"

"Ah!" Genes was stunned for a moment, "Did I not explain it clearly just now?

Young Master, I advise you as someone who has been through this before. This is the right choice. "

"Put it down! No matter how right it is, it's not suitable for my age. Let's talk about it in a few years!"

Moreover, don’t think that I can’t tell. If you want to drink, you can go there on your own without using my name as a cover. "

"That's...ok!" Jeans smiled awkwardly but politely, and immediately inserted the key into the first keyhole, "Let's look at each one one by one!"

The secret room opened, and Aaron held Abe in his arms and followed Genes into the door.

As soon as I took the first step, a hot breath hit my face.

Looking around, this secret room is filled with red magma. In the center are several huge machine furnaces. They are waiting to be turned on and make tinkling sounds from time to time.

In addition, there are also various rare ores piled up on the side. These ores exude different lusters and are worth a lot just by looking at them.

“This place was transformed from the center of a volcano, and the patriarch of that generation used huge magic power to drag it into the family secret room.

It is not in a volcano, but the energy comes from the volcano, and it can maintain a very high temperature at all times.

I believe you can also tell, young master, that this is a forging room used to create magical weapons. "

Aaron nodded blankly, "Is there a blacksmith in the family history?"

“There’s only one, but he’s accomplished quite a lot.

More than a thousand years ago, this patriarch was regarded as an honored guest by several kingdoms as the number one blacksmith at that time. Even now, the weapons he forged are considered heirlooms among the royal family. "

Aaron rubbed his head, not knowing how to evaluate it.

This ancestor left a good wizard behind to become a blacksmith. This was clearly a sacrifice of the good for the weak.

But he reached the top on a different path and accumulated a huge network of contacts for the family.

Royal friendship! There is more than one, who dares to say that he has taken a narrow road?

“So, the theme of this secret room is forging?

Do you still teach? "

"No, I won't." Genes said bluntly.

"Then why did you bring me here? Do you want to explore on your own?"

"of course not.

The subordinate said that each secret room has a unique teaching method. "Jeans said and brought Aaron to the center of the secret room, where a black stone pillar slowly emerged from a small piece of magma.

"Just put your hand on it."

Aaron did as he was told, stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the palm model on the stone pillar.

The next moment, strange lines appeared on the stone pillars. The magma slowly flowed up along these lines, forming a figure above the stone pillars.

Soon the lava disappeared, and a young man with black hair and silver eyes who looked somewhat like Aaron appeared in front of the two.

This young man is similar to a ghost. He has a certain degree of autonomy and can pass through any entity.

But unlike ghosts, the cool appearance alone is enough to outshine ghosts for several blocks, and the body is no different from humans and is not the unique gray and white color of ghosts.

When Genes saw the figure appearing, he immediately saluted to show his respect.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, then turned his attention to Aaron and began to introduce himself, "I am the forty-seventh generation patriarch, Agel Gaius.

Excellent junior, do you want to learn blacksmithing?

I can teach you to build a set of indestructible weapons, with which you can defeat all enemies. If one day, you become the God of Magic, you may be able to kill gods with it. "

"This is too exaggerated!" Aaron sneered, somewhat disbelieving in his heart.

"Don't believe it?

It doesn't matter, you are not the first, and you are destined not to be the last. "

"This is real?"

Just as Alger was about to speak, Genes coughed immediately, "Well...please forgive me for being rude, but Master Aaron is only twelve years old this year."

"Twelve years old?" Alger raised his eyebrows, looked at Aaron carefully, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, "Interesting, really interesting.

Little guy, you hide it deep enough! "

Aaron's heart skipped a beat. He guessed that his true strength had not escaped the eyes of this ancestor. He immediately put on a shy smile that looked harmless to humans and animals, "Ancestor, you won't tell anyone, will you?"

"No, it's your ability to be able to do this, so I won't have trouble with the juniors.

In addition, I have also been through this, and I know how difficult it is to be an heir. "

Aaron admitted that he was moved, "Ancestor, you are a good man."

"A good person?" Alger laughed. "This evaluation really doesn't suit me. I have never killed anyone in my life, but the number of people who died because of the weapons I built is at least four digits."

"You can't say that, because more people have died from wands, and isn't there a ban on the sale of wands in the magic world?"

"Well said, I'm starting to like you a little bit."

Aaron scratched his head in embarrassment and immediately asked: "Ancestor, what is your current state?

It doesn't feel like a living person, but it doesn't look like a ghost at all. "

"This is a profound magic, memory magic.

On the day when my end was approaching, I connected part of my memory with this space. As long as this space still exists, this magic can continue.

But the flaw is also obvious. I exist in the form of memory and cannot leave here, so I spend most of my time sleeping.

I can use magic in this space, but my strength is only a part of what I was in life. "

"How strong is that?"

"Just try to reach the Great Magister!"


Aaron took a breath of cold air. If he can have the strength of a great mage after death, then this ancestor must have been a holy mage during his lifetime!

"Then ancestor, can you tell me..."

"Are you sure you want to know now?" Alger smiled meaningfully, "I know what you want to ask, but not knowing is one thing, and knowing is another."

Aaron was stunned for a moment, thought of something, and his expression changed slightly.

"Forget it, I will know when it's time to know."

"smart people.

So tell me now, do you want to learn blacksmithing from me? "

"Here, forget it!" Aaron said sheepishly.


I'll give you another chance to choose again. "

"Ancestor, please listen to my explanation.

Nowadays, times have changed, and no matter how powerful the forged weapon is, it cannot compare to a nuclear bomb, so..."

Aaron's voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke, because Alger's face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Junior, you are a wizard, and you control the mysterious side of power.

Muggle technology certainly has its merits, but there is a saying you should have heard: the end of science is theology, and forging technology is one of the best shortcuts to approaching theology. "

Aaron hesitated for a while, then shook his head, "Sorry, ancestor, my plan for myself is to reach the top without the help of external objects.

So, unfortunately. "

"Another guy with a heart as high as the sky." Alger crossed his arms and said, "I tell you, you won't suffer any loss if you learn blacksmithing, and you won't be fooled if you learn blacksmithing."

"I don't have that much time, really." Aaron declined politely again.

"I thought you were a smart person!" Alger shrugged, then looked at Jeans, "Tell Vico that his son will be my apprentice from now on.

He has to learn whether he wants to learn or not. "

Genes was startled for a moment, gave Aaron an apologetic look, and then nodded weakly, "Yes."

Aaron: ...

This somewhat implies forced buying and selling.

"I don't agree, it's not fair."

"No, that's fair." Alger said calmly, "You pass on my skills and I keep the secret for you. Is there any problem?"

"No!" Aaron gritted his teeth, "Nothing wrong."

"Then what should you call me?"

"Ancestor, no, teacher."

"That's right." Alger smiled proudly, "I know you may be a little unhappy, but I really can't bear to miss this piece of diamond of yours.

Learn a little more now and you'll thank me later.

Of course, you don't have much time, and you can't learn all my abilities, but how far you can go on this road depends on yourself. "

Aaron nodded in understanding, then looked at Jeans, "The first elective course has been decided."

"Yes, there are still two courses to choose from."

"Then leave quickly!"

"Wait a minute." Alger stopped the two of them, "My course can be regarded as a required course. I think little Aaron won't mind taking one more course!"

Aaron clenched his fists and then helplessly loosened them.

It's not that he doesn't want to commit the following offense, but it's just that he really can't beat him.

"I don't mind, of course I don't mind. This is because my ancestors think highly of me."

"Smart man." Alger smiled even happier, and then waved one hand, and the door behind the secret room slowly opened, "Go, I will open the second door for you. From now on, come here to find me for an hour every day. "

Aaron took a deep breath and couldn't wait to walk to the next door.

Genes looked at Alger, hesitated to speak, and said with some distress: "Sir Alger, the young master is only a twelve-year-old child. I'm afraid he can't bear such pressure."

"I believe in my vision." Alger said with a smile, "This guy is not as simple as you think. If it weren't for the fact that this is my memory space, I wouldn't be able to tell."


“No buts.

He is so thoughtful at the age of twelve, and the Gaius family can be considered a successor.

All you have to do is trust him, and trust me. "

"Yes, I understand." Genes nodded heavily, then turned around and walked towards the second door.

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