A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 111 The little white rabbit in the eyes of wolves

Aaron looked at the next door, and the darkness inside made him shudder.

"Um... I feel sick in my stomach, can I go back first?"

"What do you think?" Sarkes said playfully, "If you can't avoid it, you have to face it calmly."

"In fact, in addition to facing it, there is also a way to escape." Aaron said very seriously.

Sarkes was stunned for a moment, then laughed and gave Aaron a thumbs up.

"Good idea, I thought so before.

But in the end you will find that you can't escape, and you will definitely regret it in the future."

Aaron hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, and dragged his body to the next door.

"Lord Sarkes, the young master... will he be okay!" Jins asked with some concern.

"No, he has already gone ahead of many people. If he can't even bear this little pressure, it would be disappointing.

In addition, you are really incompetent. Even this child..." Sarkes paused here, "Forget it, this is also his ability.

In short, as long as this guy doesn't die halfway, his future achievements will never be low, and he may even be able to squeeze into the top three in the family history."

Jinns was very excited when he heard this, but he was also a little nervous at the same time.

He had discussed with the current patriarch and the patriarch of the previous generation, that is, Aaron's father and grandfather, and felt that Aaron's talent could only enter the top 50 at most.

Although this term sounds only above average, it is already remarkable compared to other wizard families, but I never expected that the surprise would come so unexpectedly.

What is the concept of the top three? Excellence is beyond doubt, but the top three heirs of the Gaius family are all at the level of magic gods, which is far from being summarized by the word "excellent".

"I understand, and I will do my best to assist the young master in the future." Jins promised solemnly, and then looked at Sarkes with hesitation, "This matter is quite big, the head of the family and the old head of the family..." "Keep it secret for now! Don't tell anyone within a year. I'm an experienced person, and the feeling of being highly expected by others is really not good." "I understand." Jins nodded and bowed to leave. The next secret room is the botanical garden. After Jins entered, Aaron had summoned the memory of his ancestor Lant, and it seemed that they were having a good chat. "Jins." Lant waved his hand, "Bring Aaron to me every two days in the future, forty-five minutes each time, understand?" "Yes! Lord Lant." Lant nodded, took Aaron to the back of the botanical garden, and personally sent him to the next secret room. The sixth room is a huge library, twice as large as Hogwarts. But Aaron did not sigh at all, and walked skillfully to the middle of the library and placed his hand on the rising black stone pillar. After the figure appeared, Aaron was not in the mood to learn about the story of this ancestor, but just bowed politely.

"Ancestor, I won't say much, those who understand will understand.

I am not interested in these books, so...please forgive the impulsiveness of this unworthy descendant."

Aaron gritted his teeth and said, then walked to the next door on his own.

Genes wiped the cold sweat from his head awkwardly, "I'm very sorry, the young master..."

"No need to explain, I understand.

This child is not easy, compared with other subjects, my here is really not that important.

How about this! You should arrange this class for him to study by himself, and he can come over anytime when he wants to relax."

"Relax, relax?"

Genes looked at the endless bookshelf, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Why, is it not possible?

Reading can cultivate one's sentiments. I won't teach him any advanced magic, but I can solve all his questions. Books have answers to all questions."


Coming to the next secret room, Aaron wanted to imitate the previous one, that is, to show anger, salute respectfully, express his opinion, and then apologize sincerely.

In this way, perhaps he can take the initiative to a certain extent, or at least reduce the class time.

But there is nothing in this secret room, and the door is also open. Instead, the walls, floors, and ceilings are painted with various magic circles.

Feeling it carefully, I just feel happy and relaxed.

"Master, you're walking too fast. I almost couldn't catch up with you." Jins laughed and then explained, "Obviously, this ancestor is proficient in magic arrays. By the way, the defensive array in the castle is his work. But he has a weird temper." "Oh!" Aaron was also interested in this ancestor after hearing this. After all, the one who can design a defensive array to block the Holy Mage is definitely more cost-effective than the previous ones. As he pressed his palm on the black stone pillar, all the arrays lit up almost at the same time and began to operate slowly, and the room suddenly became colorful. "Yo! Excellent junior." An old man with white hair suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, staring at Aaron with interest, "Are you interested in learning magic arrays from me?" "Lord Weihet, you..." "Shut up, I'm asking him." Jins nodded weakly and kept silent. "If I say I'm not interested, will you stop teaching me?" Aaron asked.

"No, you are interested." Wicht smiled, "I carved a magic circle in the black pillar, and several conditions must be met before you can summon me.

One, Gaius' bloodline; two, excellent talent; three, his own willingness.

Your father and grandfather have been here, but they are not even qualified to summon me. "

When Aaron heard this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and then he bowed respectfully, "Teacher."

"Not bad!" Wicht smiled with satisfaction, "Genes, you know how to arrange two hours a day."


Wicht waved one hand, and a magic circle on the wall suddenly rotated.

Before the two of them could react, they entered the next secret room.

"My temper is quite weird." Aaron said in a dumbfounded voice, and then looked at the secret room filled with various fitness equipment and various unknown solutions, and reluctantly pressed his palms on the black stone pillars.

A flash of smoke flashed, and a strong young man looked at Aaron playfully, "Yes, I am very satisfied with this student."

"Um...that ancestor." Aaron looked a little unnatural, "I haven't decided whether to learn from you yet? After all, I'm really not interested in fitness."

"Vulgar! Is this fitness? This is strengthening your body.

As long as you are willing to endure hardship, I have a way to strengthen your physical fitness to the human limit. Melee combat is a wizard's shortcoming, but in fact the body is.

According to my method, even if you are stabbed to the core in the future, you will not die immediately, and you can even survive the fierce battle for half an hour longer. "

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched fiercely, and then he waved his hand, "When I learn how to forge magic weapons from ancestor Argo, I will first equip myself with a set of armor."

“It’s a foreign object after all.

And what you learn is not just to strengthen your body, but the corresponding knowledge. As long as you have enough resources in the future, you can continue to evolve. "

"Well...I thought about it carefully and decided to forget it."

Aaron walked to the next secret room on his own. The Gaius family was not short of money and could rely on technological equipment. There was no need to use his own body to mutate.

"Stop, I'm obviously thinking of you, but I'm not a good person.

You have no right to refuse, you should know this! "

Aaron couldn't help but stop, and then he remembered that these ancestors had their own reasons.

He looked at Jeans with a bitter look on his face, but the other person shook his head, gave Aaron a helpless look, and then took out a small notebook and said, "Sir, please make arrangements."

"Just come once every three days. The time may be longer or shorter, depending on the specific situation."

"Isn't this... a bit too hasty?"

"You tell the others it was me who said it, and they'll understand."


"Okay, don't waste time. The time before tomorrow still belongs to you."

Aaron and Jeans looked at each other and immediately walked towards the next secret room.

After a familiar set of procedures, it was the tenth room, then the eleventh room, the twelfth room... until the twenty-eighth room.

They came back at noon. After learning the sword for a while, they started to visit the family's secret rooms, which totaled twenty-eight rooms, and they visited until dark.

But none of the twenty-eight teachers Aaron avoided. Every time he summoned their memories, he would be greeted with playful looks.

Under this look, he couldn't hide any secrets at all and could only passively accept their arrangements.

Aaron's pressure would increase every time. After twenty-eight times, he vaguely felt like a little white rabbit in the eyes of a pack of wolves, weak, helpless, and extremely innocent.

The last course was psychology. The patriarch was born with supernatural powers and could read other people's hearts. From his special perspective, he could clearly see the black lines emanating from Aaron's body.

However, this is not a prelude to darkness, but a feeling of hopelessness that is a combination of decadence and decay, which is particularly negative.

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