A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 115 The faster you learn, the greater the pressure

When Aaron opened his eyes, he looked at the white-haired Wicht with a sad face, feeling so wronged that he almost cried.

"No, not really." Wicht said with an awkward smile, "I just want you to get started quickly, but...who would have thought that your mental defense is the only one I've seen in my life, and it took a lot of effort. It takes so much force to barely enter your dreamland.”

"Then what?" Aaron said disdainfully.

"You are really a monster." Wicht said speechlessly, "You almost trapped me in your dream. If I hadn't been more resourceful, I would have been able to escape until you woke up."

Aaron looked at him deeply and doubted that this ancestor had killed himself.

If he were more powerful, or if he was not in a coma, he would definitely be able to use the power of dreams to cause Weihet to suffer a big loss.

When Wicht saw Aaron's expression, he immediately coughed and said in a pretentious manner: "You have learned Occlumency very well, and you don't even have any flaws.

But the spiritual aspect does not mean that magic alone can make it perfect. "

When Aaron heard this, he couldn't help but frowned. He had been happy for a long time after learning this magic, but he never expected that there was a loophole.

"Ask your ancestors for advice."

Wicht nodded with satisfaction, then pointed at Aaron's heart, "Occlumency can protect your memory and protect you from the intrusion of other people's will, but the mind is another matter.

You must know that some wizards can control the other person's actions by controlling the other person's mind. Even if someone stronger than themselves is tricked, it will be difficult to deal with it. "

"How to solve it?"

“It’s easy, go find Flo!

He had specially developed a mind-hiding technique, which could add an indestructible fortress to the mind. "


Aaron pouted, knowing that the solution was still in someone else's hands.

Wicht felt that he had been underestimated again, so he immediately drew a red magic circle in the void with a straight face.

"But the Hidden Mind Technique can only be used for defense. I can effectively counterattack with this one."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true, I wouldn't lie to a junior.

This is a spiritual defense circle that I researched based on the Hidden Mind Technique. If you don’t believe it, you can ask your housekeeper. "

Genes scratched his head in embarrassment, a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, "It's true."

Aaron hugged Wihter's thigh decisively, "Ancestor, you must teach me this."

"Don't worry, you are my disciple and descendant. If I don't teach you, who will I teach?"

However, there is a small prerequisite for learning this magic circle, which is to first learn the art of hiding one's mind. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Wicht felt his thighs being released.

Looking in the blink of an eye, Aaron was looking at him with contempt, and the meaning in his eyes was very clear: He had the nerve to say it so confidently when he improved on the basis of others.

"Hmph! Do you want to learn?"


"Then it's over." Wicht chuckled, "My quick method won't work on you, but your mental power is very strong, and your learning speed shouldn't be much slower.

You first pick a magic circle and start memorizing it. When you have it clearly engraved in your mind, I will tell you how the magic works. "

Aaron didn't say anything. He sat cross-legged on the ground and looked at a white shimmering magic circle on the wall, lost in thought.

Two hours later, Aaron danced with one hand in mid-air and carved out a summoning circle, preparing to see the effect of this psychic technique.

Soon, Abe appeared in front of the three of them, holding a half-eaten cantaloupe, looking around with a blank expression.

Aren't I secretly eating melon in the corner? Why did you come here suddenly?

Jeans: ...

I knew, I knew, this guy was definitely eating secretly.

"Uh... not bad." Wicht said calmly, "You can get started within two hours, you are worthy of being my descendant."

"How do you compare to your ancestors?" Aaron asked curiously.

"I am the one who creates words, and you are the one who writes them. What do you think?"


But as far as I know, the magic circle is not yours alone. "

Wicht immediately rolled his eyes at Jeans, why did you tell this guy everything.

"Don't look at me like that." Genes said sarcastically, "Reading is the young master's hobby. It's normal for him to know more."

"Okay!" Wicht smiled, "It seems like you little guy won't be willing to give in until I explain clearly.

It would take an average wizard at least a week to learn even the simplest magic circle, but it only took you less than two hours. Your talent is excellent. "

"To tell the important point, how does it compare to you?"

"I, I learned it the first time I saw the magic circle." Wicht said lightly, and then saw the dumbfounded Aaron, "I didn't plan to say it originally, after all, this is a slight blow to a genius. A little bigger.”


Aaron swallowed. He felt that his ancestor did not lie to him, but this was too unbelievable.

"Just study calmly!" Wicht said with emotion, "Almost no wizard today is willing to learn the magic circle because it is too difficult.

Thousands of years ago, most wizards would spend their entire lives carving dozens of magic circles, and their magic power could not support fighting with magic circles.

Over time, this advanced skill was eliminated and was only used in some fixed buildings at most.

But if you are truly proficient in magic arrays and understand the arrangement and cooperation between magic arrays, the power they can exert is absolutely unimaginable. "

Aaron couldn't deny it and extended a thumbs up to Wicht, "Remarkable."

"Use your words."

"I will learn these things, and I will definitely be stronger than you in the future."

"I've been waiting for this day." Wicht laughed, "But I need to remind you that there were more than twenty heirs who had the same ambition as you before, but only one succeeded in the end."

"Then I'll be the second one."

After saying that, Aaron looked at Jeans and said, "It's time to have lunch!"

"Yes, lunch is ready.

Meal time is half an hour, and you have to continue class after that. "

"I know, I know."

Aaron waved his hand and didn't care much. Although he only attended the class for half a day, he felt that these classes were not so boring.

At least he could persevere, and it wasn't considered a loss if he earned a 'psychic skill' in one morning.

After leaving the secret room, Aaron carried Abe to the restaurant to prepare for lunch.

It's just that the scene of the owner having four dishes and one soup, and all the pets having a banquet was still a bit unacceptable to him.

But when Abe was halfway through eating, Jeans took away the remaining fifteen delicacies.

Facing Abe's confused and angry look, he shook his head slightly, "This is the price you pay for stealing."

"Hahaha..." Aaron laughed unkindly, "You asked for this, you can't blame anyone."

As time passed, Aaron also continued to work two shifts between Diagon Alley and the family secret room.

Sign in and learn at the same time.

More than two months later, Aaron successfully graduated from Vaughn, learned how to use the piano and harmonica, and also successfully learned the art of hiding one's mind from Flo.

In addition, my drinking capacity has also increased significantly. At first, I poured three glasses, but now I can barely blow on the bottle. After three bottles, I am still full of energy.

What satisfies him the most is his current figure. After all, an ancestor used various rare materials to temper his body. In two months, his height increased by five centimeters, and he has eight-pack abs. His appearance alone makes him stand out. Corner Alley gained a wave of little fans.

The strengthening of his physique has also greatly improved his melee combat ability. Now he can defeat five sets of armor without using magic, without blushing or panting.

Although one versus six is ​​still a bit difficult, the two hours of swordsmanship training every day are much easier. At least you don't have to be beaten, and you can also learn how to use other weapons.

Seeing the results, Aaron solemnly apologized to the ancestor Hogg who was in charge of this course. It was because he was blind and had a careless understanding of physical fitness.

Hogg's original words were: The body is a huge treasure. This path of evolution has only a starting point and no end. He is just an explorer.

Aaron was very excited at the time, but also a little regretful at the same time.

What's exciting is the appearance, not that the physique can continue to improve. Unfortunately, ancestor Hogg died a little early. If he had lived for a few more years, maybe his descendants would be able to avoid some detours.

However, completing several courses does not mean ease, but rather a heavier burden.

While Genes was pleased with the young master's progress, he decisively allocated his hard-earned free time to other subjects.

Now the time for blacksmithing class is increased by half an hour every day, and the magic circle needs to be studied for forty-five minutes more every day.

The most difficult thing was that he had to stay in Moore's operating room for two hours every day, from observing at the beginning to hands-on dissection, learning first aid knowledge, simple suturing and the effects of various drugs on humans and other races, brain cells You have to die every day.

The dual physical and mental pressure caused him to collapse. Although it was only a few days before the start of school, he felt that he could not survive the whole day.

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