A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 12 A somewhat downtrodden boy in front of the platform

On the first day of September, Aaron packed up his things early in the morning and rushed to Kingdom Cross Station accompanied by Genes.

He was pushing a cart with two large suitcases on it. One contained luggage and textbooks, and the other contained other things.

He had two wands hidden on his body. He intended to use the black one normally, but he did not intend to show the white one easily to others, either as a trump card or to deal with emergencies.

Jeans cast a small levitating spell on the two large boxes, making them not as heavy as they looked.

On top of the suitcase is a very cute white kitten wearing clothes. Abe lying quietly on the suitcase has brought a lot of head-turning attention to their combination.

Aaron looked at Jeans and smiled nervously and excitedly, "Uncle Jeans, after I enter the station, you will no longer be able to control me. Are you reluctant?"

“It’s okay to say I can’t bear to part with you, after all, I was mentally prepared for this a long time ago.

On the other hand, those who are secretly following you will probably be happy for a while. "

Aaron's face froze, and he felt a little sulky. He was eleven years old and still hadn't figured out the strength of the defense that was secretly following him, so he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"Then what, it's now, can you tell me who they are?" Aaron asked with some expectation.

Jeans hesitated, "There are six in total, two of them will protect you secretly at a time, and the shift will change every three days.

In terms of combat prowess, they are all at the elite Auror level.

Fortunately, Master, your range of activities most of the time is Diagon Alley and the Castle. If you were running around, they might have to use Apparition to change shifts. "

"Haha!" Aaron sneered. He has remembered these people. When I become more powerful in the future, none of them will be able to escape.

A gentleman takes revenge, and it is never too late in ten years. He considers himself not a sinister villain, but he is definitely not a gentleman, and he cannot wait as long as ten years.

Genes noticed the change in Aaron's expression and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He silently held a second of silence in his heart for these dedicated bodyguards.

As a butler, he doesn't have to worry about being liquidated in the future, but the remaining ones will probably need a beating in the future.

Entering the station, Aaron and Jeans waved goodbye.

He slowly pushed the cart alone, feeling the breath of "freedom" in the aisle. Although his sense of security had dropped by a billion, his mood was extremely relaxed.

He crossed the first platform, the second platform, and did not stop until the ninth platform.

At this time, he found a boy pushing a cart like him not far ahead. A white owl was waiting quietly in a cage on the cart.

He was discussing something with the guard at the station, but the result seemed to be somewhat unsatisfactory. The guard strode away, but the boy was a little anxious and restless, standing there blankly.

Aaron immediately guessed that this poor kid was also a new student at Hogwarts, but it was obvious that he didn't know how to get to the platform.

A young wizard asked a Muggle who had no idea about the existence of magic where the platform leading to the magic school was, but there was no one there.

For the sake of possibly being a classmate in the future, Aaron decided to help him and simply pushed the cart over.


A simple greeting seemed to frighten the boy. He turned his head in a panic and looked at Aaron, with a trace of astonishment flashing in his eyes.

But it wasn't because of Aaron's appearance but because Aaron was pushing something similar to him, but because of that, he looked even more nervous.

"I can see that you need a little help!"

"Ah! Yes, yes.

Do you know how to get to platform nine and three-quarters? "The boy asked a little embarrassed.

"You must have asked the right person, I know exactly where that platform is.

But...as a young wizard who is about to enter school, it is strange that you don't know where the platform is.

No family coming with you? "

The boy hesitated for a moment and hesitated to speak.

Aaron also saw that he had something to hide, so he didn't ask any more questions, "Come with me! I can see that you don't get along very well with your family."

"Thank you!" the boy whispered, silently following Aaron.

The two walked forward for a short distance and came to the middle of the ninth and tenth platforms.

Aaron pointed to a stone wall at the junction of platforms nine and ten, "That's it, platform nine and three-quarters, just hit it."

The boy nodded, then pointed at the stone wall in front of him in astonishment, "Are you saying we have to hit it?"

"That's right, you come first." Aaron said calmly.

The boy became a little hesitant, and looked at Aaron with a hint of suspicion. Could this guy be deliberately trying to mess with me?

"How about you go first! I have no experience."

"It's because you have no experience that I asked you to come here first. If I go in, I won't come out to help you." Aaron said, then looked at the boy who was a little shy and still unwilling to act, and frowned, "You can't You don’t believe me?”

"I..." the boy pondered for a moment, "a little bit, after all, this is a wall, and this is the first time we have met."

Aaron felt that he was offended. He kindly brought his future classmate to platform nine and three-quarters, but he did not expect that the other party would doubt him.

"I would like to ask, are you a half-blood wizard or a pure-blood wizard? Or are your parents both Muggles?"

"My parents are both wizards," the boy said hesitantly.

"Huh?" Aaron looked at the cautious boy in front of him carefully and said doubtfully: "That shouldn't be the case! So you can be considered a well-established person in the magical world, but your understanding of the magical world seems to be Very few."

"My parents died when I was one year old, and he has been living with my uncle."

"Oh! That makes sense." Aaron said with a sudden look on his face, "They are definitely not good people."

"Indeed, wait, how do you know?"

"You are wearing clothes that are more than one size too big, and the frames of your glasses are all taped together. I really don't understand what kind of family would treat their relatives like this." Aaron pointed to the coat and glasses on the boy, and looked at the corners of his eyes. All a little twitchy.

This is the first day of school! It's a bit unsightly to dress like this.

Fortunately, they wear school uniforms at Hogwarts, and there is no need for these casual clothes. However, this boy's condition is not generally bad, and it is hard to say whether he has prepared school uniforms.

"In this case, it is understandable that you doubt me. After all, your thinking is still in the Muggle world, so I will reluctantly forgive you." Aaron said, and then pointed to the wall in front of him, "This platform is not for Muggles." It is a wall to you, but it is a door to a wizard, and it is a door to the magical world for you.

I will only demonstrate once, but I will have no control over what happens after that, so you can do it yourself. "

Hearing this, the boy became a little anxious. To be precise, he regretted a little, because he felt that Aaron was not lying to him.

Besides, even if you lie to him, so what!

Is it harder to hit a wall than getting rid of the miserable school arranged by your family and aunt and uncle? At most, he would just be laughed at.

"Wait, how about I come first!" the boy said hurriedly.

Aaron stopped moving forward and looked back at the boy playfully, "Are you sure?"

"Um...not sure.

But I don’t know any other way, so I might as well become a live doctor! "

"Beautiful." Aaron snapped his fingers, "You're a little smarter than I thought, so...please."

The boy took a deep breath and pushed the cart forward. When he got close to the wall, he closed his eyes and was prepared to be knocked out.

However, nothing happened. He did pass through the wall and reached the real platform nine and three-quarters.

Aaron looked at the disappearing boy, shrugged, and calmly pushed the cart into the wall.

After all, this door only requires a run-up for those who find it fun for the first time or who are not mentally prepared. He does not need it at all.

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