A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 121 Guest or Refuge

Abe flew at high speed for nearly half an hour. When he saw an old castle not far away, he let out a low roar.

"Huh? Are we here?"

Aaron rubbed his eyes, and instead of going in directly, he asked Abe to slow down and land in front of the wrought iron gate.

The moment one person and one dragon landed, they lost their invisibility. Abe also shrank to normal size and put on his own clothes.

Two white paws touched his breast pocket, and while he breathed a sigh of relief, he laughed heartlessly.

When Aaron saw this scene, he was a little dumbfounded. He didn't move the things in his pocket at all.

"Aaron." A slightly surprised voice came from the sky, and Draco flew down quickly on his magic broom, "You came to my house without saying hello in advance."

"It happened suddenly and there was no time." Aaron explained, and then looked at Draco's broom. The exquisite black broom had the words 'Nimbus 2001' clearly printed on it.

Noticing Aaron's gaze, Draco proudly brought the broom closer to him for a look, "How do you like it? This is the latest model of the Nimbus series. My dad bought it for me a few weeks ago."

"Um...are you going to join Slytherin's Quidditch team?"

"You saw it." Draco was not embarrassed at all. "My dad bought seven Nimbus 2001s and equipped the Slytherin team with Nimbus 2001s that can definitely crush Harry Potter."

"There's nothing wrong with this."

Aaron cannot deny that equipment is also part of his strength.

These days, if you give up your own advantages to give your opponents fairness, you are definitely out of your mind.

"Don't you want me to come in and sit down?"

"Sorry, I almost forgot." Draco quickly opened the iron door, "Please come in."

After walking through the door, Aaron had the opportunity to visit this lord-style mansion.

A garden surrounds the castle in the center, which makes people feel calmer. Fountains and free-roaming white peacocks can be seen everywhere.

The interior of the manor is extremely luxurious, with gorgeous decorations, marble fireplaces, even the mirrors are plated with gold, and the stone floor tiles are also covered with a thick carpet.

The first impression of anyone who enters this place is that this family is not short of money, and the second impression is that this family is rich.

"As expected of a top-notch wizarding family!" Aaron sat on the sofa and couldn't help but sigh, "This configuration is so luxurious."

"Is your family like this too?" Draco asked curiously, "My father said that your family's inheritance is much longer."

"I admit the second half of the sentence, but the first half is somewhat inconsistent with the facts.

Gaius Castle will undergo a certain degree of design renovation as the times progress. I don’t know how many times it has been renovated so far. The retro atmosphere is not comparable to Malfoy Manor.

Moreover, our garden does not surround the castle, nor do we have so many white peacocks.

Don’t be afraid of your jokes. Apart from the owl that delivers messages, the only pet in our family is this one I’m holding in my arms. "

Draco was stunned for a moment, looked at Abe lying in Aaron's arms, and said speechlessly: "But your pet is far from comparable to those peacocks."

"Speaking of which, why did you think of coming to my house? Doesn't school start in three days?"

"It's hard to explain in words!" Aaron sighed melancholy, "I may have to stay at your house for a few days."

"No problem, you are my best friend." Draco said without thinking, "I will arrange a room for you right now."


Aaron stopped him, hesitated for a while and then said, "It's better to wait until your father comes back to discuss this with him before making a decision!"

"That's no need, I can still make the decision on this little thing." Draco said proudly, "And my dad will definitely be very happy if he knows you are coming."

"Perhaps this is true under normal circumstances." Aaron smiled sheepishly, "But now there is a little accident."

When Draco heard this, the joy on his face dimmed a little, "What happened?"

"Let's put it this way!

I ran away from home and ran away secretly.

Therefore, my stay in your home needs to be kept secret. "

Draco also looked complicated when he heard this.

If Aaron was simply here as a guest, he could make arrangements in a minute, but his visit this time was not just for a temporary stay, but a temporary shelter.

This matter must not be hidden from his father Lucius Malfoy. After all, he took in the sole heir of a reclusive family without any permission and refused to report it. He was somewhat nosy. the meaning of.

"Now you understand!"

"I understand." Draco nodded, "But I still don't understand. Why did you run away from home?"

"Who would choose to leave their hometown if they couldn't stay any longer!" Aaron said sadly, "During the holidays, I suffered a lot of unfair treatment at home.

Can you imagine that you only have seven or eight hours of free time a day, including eating and sleeping? "


Draco took a breath. During his vacation, he was either eating, drinking, and having fun. At most, he was doing some personal things with his father, getting to know people, and accumulating some connections.

Compared to Aaron, he is simply not too happy.

"How did your family arrange your vacation?" Draco asked curiously, but thinking that this might be Aaron's painful memory, he immediately added, "If you don't want to say it, forget it."

“There’s nothing that can’t be said.

Some cram schools were arranged for me, but the content of the study was really... miserable. It was simply not what a twelve-year-old should learn. "

Aaron said, opening his hands, which were covered with calluses.

"This is too much." Draco saw this and felt a surge of anger in his heart. "I have never seen anyone arrange such a torturous course for their children."

"Who says it's not?

Sometimes I really doubt whether I am their biological child.

It’s okay if we don’t see each other a few times throughout the year. It’s okay to just leave me to the butler to raise me.

But I really couldn't accept the suffocating feeling when those classes were over. It was too painful. "

Draco could clearly feel the depression in his good friend's voice. While empathizing with him, he also comforted him and said, "I don't know if my dad will agree to you staying at my house these two days, but I promise I will try my best to persuade him." his."


Aaron was a little touched. Regardless of the final result, Draco's attitude alone made him feel that this friend was not wrong and could still be relied upon at critical moments.

"You don't have to force it. If it doesn't work, I have a plan B."

"Plan B?" Draco reacted and looked at Aaron with some suspicion, "I'm not trying to hit you. Are you sure that your Plan B will take in a child like you who has a noble status but ran away from home?"

Aaron shrugged and nodded seriously.

His first target was Malfoy Manor instead of the Weasley Burrow after careful consideration.

It would be great if Malfoy asked him to stay temporarily, but it didn't matter if he didn't agree.

As long as Aaron arrives at the Burrow and tells Ron's parents what the Malfoys are doing, given the extremely poor relationship between Weasley and Malfoy, Weasley will definitely support whatever Malfoy objects to.

Although the Weasley family is poor, Arthur Weasley's character is definitely much better than Lucius Malfoy, and their family will try their best to conceal his whereabouts.

At this time, green flames suddenly appeared in the marble fireplace, and two figures walked out of it.

One is Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, and the other is Draco's mother, Narcissa Malfoy.

Narcissa Malfoy is the third daughter of the Black family, a pure-blood family. She has blond hair and blue eyes. She looks noble both in terms of blood and temperament.

"Are guests coming?" Lucius saw that there was an extra person at home and reminded his wife beside him.

"Yes, father, he is my best friend."

"Yes!" Lucius nodded, and then he saw clearly that it was Aaron sitting there, and a smile appeared on his face, "It's Aaron!

It's really rare. Are you here to play with Draco? "

"I don't want to deceive you, Uncle Lucius." Aaron stood up, then looked at the woman next to Lucius, and gave her an apologetic smile, "Of course, I don't want to deceive you either, Narcissa. Aunt.

When we meet for the first time, can I call you aunt? "

"Of course." Narcissa said with a smile, "Draco is at Hogwarts thanks to your care."

"Aaron, what do you mean you don't want to deceive us?" Lucius asked with some confusion, "Don't you come here to see Draco?"

"Indeed, I came to Malfoy Manor to seek refuge."

"Don't be so outspoken." Draco stood up and explained, "Aaron ran away from home and wanted to stay at our house for a few days."

The Malfoys looked at each other and inadvertently thought of an episode that happened in Knockturn Alley.

"Well, Aaron, we just went to Knockturn Alley to do some errands." Lucius said, "We met a gentle man on the road. He seemed to be inquiring about the whereabouts of a twelve-year-old child."

"They're probably looking for me." Aaron said speechlessly. He didn't expect Genes to move so fast, but he also didn't expect that the target they were looking for was so simple.

For a twelve-year-old child, this undoubtedly expanded the scope of his search many times, but the disguises he had in mind to confuse his vision completely lost their effect.

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