A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 123 Malfoy’s warm reception

"Sir, this is your room." A house elf brought Aaron to the guest room very respectfully. "The master said that if you have anything, you can ask me to do it at any time."

Aaron looked at the house elf's protruding green eyes, and then looked at the dirty clothes on his body that couldn't even be considered clothes, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Don't be so nervous. Can you tell me your name?"

"Dobby, my name is Dobby." The elf said excitedly, but maybe he was a little too excited. Tears and snot were about to flow out.

Aaron handed him a piece of paper, "You have to control your emotions. Our house elf never cries."

"Yes, thank you, sir." The elf choked and wiped his nose with the rag on his body. "These days are really Dobby's happiest days. Thank you very much, sir."

"Thank me?"

Aaron was a little confused. It seemed that he had just met this elf for the first time today. They had not had any interaction before.

"Yes." Dobby said nervously but very confidently, "The young master has been a little nicer to Dobby after the holiday than before, and he did not punish Dobby casually.

This is all because you enlightened him at Hogwarts, sir. Although the master still treats Dobby no differently than before. "

Aaron then remembered that he had indeed reminded Draco to have more respect for people who were stronger than him, but that was a few months ago, and he didn't take it to heart.

"You don't need to thank me. To be honest, I only mentioned it once or twice."

"Sure enough, as Harry Potter said, you are a humble man." Dobby said, but the next moment he regretted it. He should not have mentioned Harry Potter.

Sure enough, when he raised his head, Aaron was looking at him suspiciously, which made Dobby take a step back.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, sir." Dobby ducked his eyes and quickly lowered his head.

"Harry Potter?" Aaron sat on the chair, crossed his legs, and slowly poured himself a glass of water, "I don't think I heard wrong, and I don't think a Malfoy family member with a low status How will the elf interact with the famous Harry Potter?"

Dobby swallowed, wanting to explain, but didn't know how to speak.

"Either it's Mr. Lucius's order, or you make the decision without authorization, but the latter is basically impossible, so it can only be the former.

So here's the problem, Malfoy doesn't like Harry Potter, but their elf seems to have exactly the opposite sense of Harry Potter.

I don’t think the Malfoys know this! "

"Sir." Dobby looked at Aaron sadly and begged: "Please don't tell the masters. This is all Dobby's fault. It was Dobby who took the initiative to contact Harry Potter."

"What did you do?" Aaron frowned.

"Dobby intercepted Harry's letters and found a way to tell his family that underage wizards cannot use magic casually."

"Beautiful, doesn't your conscience hurt?" Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Malfoy really knows how to play!

Forget about intercepting the letter, it wouldn't have much impact on Harry. At most, it would give him less spiritual comfort.

But telling his bitter aunts and uncles that Harry couldn't use magic outside of school was like erasing their fear of magic.

This family had bullied Harry before, and it was not impossible that they would bully Harry again in the future, or even get worse.

Dobby pointed his index fingers together and said with some guilt: "Dobby wants him to promise not to go back to Hogwarts, but this is Dobby's own intention, for the sake of Harry Potter."

"What? Are you going too far?

It took him more than ten years to get the chance to go to Hogwarts, and you actually want him to go back to that miserable life of being dependent on others and in dire straits.

It would be better to kill him! At least it's a little more satisfying than not seeing any hope. "

Dobby was stunned for a moment, and the tip of his nose twitched slightly. He turned around and bumped his head on the table. He also specially picked a relatively sharp place to put his head.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of impact was mixed with screams, which made Aaron couldn't bear to look at it, and he quickly pulled Dobby away from him.

"To be honest, I feel a little sorry for you." Aaron sighed, "You must have received a lot of abuse at the Malfoy family."

Dobby nodded, but thinking that this thought was disrespectful to his master, he suddenly had thoughts of self-harm.

"If you want to hit the wall, please move to another place. Don't hit me in front of my guest. This is somewhat rude."

"Yes, sir." Dobby said aggrievedly.

"Don't think I'm unkind.

How you carry out Malfoy's orders, whether it's good or bad, has nothing to do with me.

Your approach to Harry Potter with good intentions is incompatible with the Malfoy family and has nothing to do with me.

I simply don’t want to see the elf harming himself in front of me, and I will have to work hard to stop him when the time comes. Aaron explained, "But you can rest assured that I won't tell Malfoy what you did." "

"Thank you, sir, you are a kind man." Dobby said and slowly exited the room, "Call me anytime if you need anything."


After Dobby left, Aaron put Abe on the table and then looked around the room.

The room is on the third floor of the castle and has good lighting. Through the window, you can see the garden and fountain below.

The interior configuration is also good, with desks, mirrors, bathrooms, bedrooms, everything is available, and everything is luxurious, which is incomparable to ordinary hotels.

"By the way, I almost forgot to say it." Aaron looked at Abe with a solemn expression, "Outside is no better than my own home, nor is it better than Hogwarts, so you have to restrain yourself.

Don't show your wings, be polite, and most importantly, control your appetite. "

Abe nodded in understanding, but it wasn't until lunch that he really understood what Aaron meant.

At the dining table, Lucius and his wife were a little too enthusiastic, and kept asking Dobby to serve the dishes. All kinds of food were placed full of them.

"We don't know what you like to eat, so we prepared a little more." Narcissa smiled.

“Well...I’m not that picky.

In addition, uncle and aunt, you have prepared too much. "Aaron said sheepishly.

He seemed to know how Abe felt when he ate for the first time. At that time, Genes also prepared a large table of dishes, but his face was obviously not as thick-skinned as Abe. He could accept it with peace of mind and did not regard himself as an outsider at all.

"Where is it?

Aaron, you are a guest of Malfoy Manor, and we should treat you as landlords. "Draco said, and then gave Abe a chicken leg, "This little guy must be starving too. "

Abe suddenly beamed and sipped his saliva. As soon as he stretched out his paw, he was knocked by Aaron.

"Be polite." Aaron whispered in dragon language to convey his meaning, but to the three people in the Malfoy family, it was just heavy breathing.

Abe reacted and reluctantly suppressed his desire to eat. Although he was very greedy for the food on the table, he still waited quietly for his master to feed him.

"Aaron, your cat seems a little different!" Lucius looked at Abe lying on the table curiously, always feeling that this was not a simple cat.

"Abe has been professionally trained and is more sensible than ordinary pets." Aaron explained, giving Draco a look in order not to reveal Abe's identity.

Draco smiled coquettishly and started eating.

"By the way, Aaron, I hope you can help me with something." After eating and drinking, Draco said hesitantly.

"you say."

Draco pointed to Nimbus 2001 placed in the corner, "Didn't you ever work as a seeker? I would like to ask you to help me train."

"Huh?" Aaron glanced at Draco, "You want to be a Seeker?"

“Yes, the Seeker is the heart and soul of the team.

Harry Potter is the Seeker of Gryffindor, so my status on the house team cannot be lower than his!

I'm pretty good at using the magic broom, but after all, I haven't received professional training, so I can only ask you for help. "

"I can help you with this, but..." Aaron turned his attention to Lucius and Narcissa, "But you need the consent of your uncle and aunt, and you need to be mentally prepared.

My training methods can be a little harsh and you can get hurt if you're not careful. "

Narcissa was a little worried when she heard this, but Lucius didn't take it seriously, "It's very common to get injured in a Quidditch match. Since Draco chose to join the team, he was mentally prepared.

Besides, I guess the Malfoy kids aren't that delicate. "

"Since Uncle Lucius said so, I can't refuse." Aaron said half-jokingly, "Just think of it as paying the accommodation and food expenses for these two days."

"Great." Draco couldn't help but be happy, "Do you need help preparing magic broomsticks? Nimbus 2001 still has a few spare ones."

"No, I have this." Aaron said, taking out a dark blue blanket from the bag.

After Lucius saw it, the corners of his eyes twitched, "Is this a flying carpet? I remember that the Ministry of Magic stopped using this thing a long time ago."

"I'm only using it in private territory. The Ministry of Magic shouldn't have any control over it, right?" Aaron smiled shyly. The Ministry of Magic prohibited many things, but it still had to turn a blind eye when it came to people of different identities. Eye.

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