A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 125 The invisibility and avatar that I have been thinking about

Draco's training barely ended until nightfall.

But the way it ended was a bit unexpected. He didn't catch the Golden Snitch, nor was he shot down by a Bludger or Quaffle. Instead, he accidentally fell off the broom because he was too tired.

Dobby finally waited for the opportunity to show off, and caught Draco firmly before everyone else, thus avoiding close contact between him and the ground.

Aaron controlled the magic carpet and flew to Draco, looking at him with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"It was just an accident.

If I persist a little longer, I will definitely catch the golden snitch. "

"I believe you can do it, but let's forget it. That's it for today's training!"

"Why forget it?"

Draco frowned slightly. An afternoon of high-intensity training had greatly improved his familiarity with the Golden Snitch, Bludgers and Quaffles. He could tell which ones were flying just by hearing the sound. ball.

Now that he is barely able to perform with ease on the field, ending the training at this time is tantamount to surrendering when he is only one step away from victory. He is really unwilling to do so.

"You are in too bad a state now. Training is all about combining work and rest."

"I can."

"But I can't." Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Genes said something, which I think is quite reasonable. Teachers will always suffer more than students.

I swung the bat almost two hundred times this afternoon, and my arms were a little sore.

I ran away from home because I was too tired. If the same thing happens when I come to your house, then what's the point of running away from home? "

Draco heard this and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry."

"Okay, it's getting dark." Aaron yawned and walked towards the castle. "Eat something and have a good rest!"

Draco shrugged and followed.

Lucius and Narcissa were sitting in the hall. When they saw Draco coming in, they looked at each other and smiled.

"Father, mother, I..."

"Needless to say." Narcissa pulled him to her, "We have all seen your performance. Your father said it was quite satisfactory, but I think it is quite good.

You are only twelve years old, and it is already commendable that you have persisted for so long, even to the last moment. "

"Ahem!" Lucius coughed, and then gave Draco a satisfied smile, "Although I failed to catch the Golden Snitch, I didn't lose Malfoy's face."

Draco was a little flattered, but he straightened his back and said, "I'm Malfoy."

"Uncle and aunt, I'm a little tired, so I won't disturb you for now." Aaron said, picking up Abe and heading upstairs.

"Eh..." Draco stopped him, "Aren't you going to stay for dinner?"

"Still not, I think uncle and aunt have a lot to say to you.

And I haven’t slept in for more than two months. You can’t even fail to satisfy me with this little wish! "

"Draco, we must try our best to meet the guests' requirements." Lucius said, then looked at the house elf standing behind the two of them, "Dobby, go and prepare a copy for Mr. Aaron and his pets. dinner."

"Yes, Master, Dobby will go right away." The elf said immediately and quickly ran to the kitchen.

Aaron also went upstairs and returned to his room.

I washed my face, lay down on the bed, and rolled around twice. It was the long-lost comfort.

There are no Jeans here, no supervision from various teachers, and no messy courses.

Although I am in someone else's house, this relaxed feeling is as if I have been standing for a lifetime, but today I sat down.

In order to celebrate this hard-won moment of freedom, Aaron was silent for a while and opened the system store.

[Magic category: @Transfiguration (1000 magic points, including Animagus); blank; blank; @Patronus Charm (200 magic points); blank]

[Material category: @Phoenix feathers (30 magic points); @Dragon blood (20 magic points); @Mandrake (5 magic points); @Bezoar (1 magic point); @Rhino horn (3 magic points)]

[Item type: Blank; @Magic Crystal (100 magic points, has powerful magic power, can power the magic circle); Blank; Blank; @Collector’s Edition Quaffle (30 magic points, if you like Quidditch It is a priceless treasure in the eyes of those who love it)]

His current magic points are only 422, which seems like a lot, but in fact every expenditure must be carefully considered, and he would like to break a penny in half to spend it.

"Even if you can't get something you're satisfied with, you can't spend more than twenty-two."

Aaron looked at the blank product column in the magic category and kept reminding himself to consume rationally.


An empty product slot is filled with a new magic.

[ @Illusion Charm (100 magic points, also called the Invisibility Charm, can keep the body consistent with the surrounding environment, but please note that the effect of invisibility varies from person to person.)]


Aaron swallowed, feeling that today was his lucky day.

Not only did he succeed in escaping, he also got the invisibility spell that he had been dreaming about, and he got it in one go. No one else was so lucky.

As for the final 'effect varies from person to person', Aaron guessed that it meant that the stronger the person, the better the invisibility effect would be, and this spell might not be able to hide from powerful wizards or people with strong intuition.

He is only a magician now, and the transformation spell he cast may be able to barely hide it from the magician, but in the eyes of the great magician, it may be a joke.

But this is not important, as long as it can be hidden from ordinary people's eyes.

With this spell, he no longer has to worry about the amount of invisibility potion to take when running away. He can drink as much as he wants, and even show off all at once.

Aaron suppressed his excitement, looked at the next blank product column, and put in another magic point.

[ @Flashback Spell (100 magic points, activated when the wand’s spell is in conflict with the spell of another wand with the same core. One of the wands forces the other wand to replay, and the one who is forced to A wand will eject cursed objects from the end of the wand in a flashback)]

Aaron looked at this explanation and was silent for a few seconds, dismissing the magic.

It looked like that, but in fact this spell was of no use to him.

The core of the wand must be consistent, requiring the core material of the wand to come from the same part of the same magical animal. This condition is very harsh and difficult to meet.

The second point is the spell stalemate, which requires that the spells cast by the warring parties remain in a stalemate.

Only when these two conditions are met can it be possible to trigger the flashback spell. It seems that this spell is prepared for people who have a close relationship, such as brothers, father and son, or master and apprentice, but who turn against each other for some reason.

Aaron's wand was carefully selected by Ollivander. Even if he was unlucky enough to meet a stranger who met the conditions for casting the Flashback Spell, he would still have a spare wand that could prevent the Flashback Spell from being triggered.

Moreover, he plans to gradually abandon external objects such as wands in the future and specialize in wandless spellcasting, so this spell will be even less valuable.

"Sure enough, luck won't last forever."

Aaron shook his head and brushed off the flashback spell.

But then he refreshed it a dozen times in a row, but nothing satisfied him. Either he had already learned it, or it had no practical value at all.

However, just when he thought his luck would end here, the last refresh made his eyes widen, and he felt like he was not going to be able to survive.

[ @Thought body (2000 magic points, a clone created by consuming half of one's own magic energy. The clone completely obeys the orders of the main body, has independent consciousness and the same abilities as the main body.

After the clone dies, it will automatically return to the main body. When the main body needs it, it can take back the missing body anytime and anywhere to replenish its own losses and obtain the memory and ability of the missing body)]


Aaron sat up from the bed excitedly, his eyes gleaming, which startled Abe who was lying next to him.

Clone technique! The price-performance ratio of this magic is far beyond what the Illusion Curse can match.

Having a clone is equivalent to having a highly efficient training device. He can completely offload work such as classes, homework, fighting, and studying to the clone.

Although it is unrealistic to push them all, at least you can share half of your pressure.

And with this skill, he no longer has to deliberately hide his strength.

After creating the missing body, his strength will become half of its original strength. If he wears a magic ring that seals half of his ability, it will be half of it.

By then, he will be an ordinary mid-level magician, at most a little stronger than ordinary wizards, considered an average genius, and may not even be comparable to Harry Potter, which can greatly reduce his sense of existence.

"Beautiful, very good, quite outstanding, simply unparalleled." Aaron was excited and incoherent, "System, I have to give you a thumbs up this time, it's great."

"This system reminds the host that before getting happy, you might as well check the price."

"That's not important." Aaron said nonchalantly, "Compared to the clone's ability, let alone two thousand magic points, just twenty thousand... Forget it, twenty thousand, that's really unaffordable.

But for two thousand, it is definitely worth the money. "

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