A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 132 The sense of deja vu with nowhere to go


The slap of life is so loud and so unexpected.

One second ago, Aaron was still feeling smug and secretly proud of successfully completing the strategic shift and successfully swaying Butler Jeans. However, he never expected that the next second he would see a wanted poster for himself. This was like a bolt from the blue.

Arthur, the head of the Weasley family, was really used to living in poverty. He looked at Aaron as if he were looking at a mountain of gold, with money symbols even flashing in his eyes from time to time.

Aaron laughed sarcastically and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

What a loss, what a loss, it’s such a loss, it’s so much damage.

Isn't it just a run away from home? As for bringing the matter to the Ministry of Magic?

The search for foreign aid is too exaggerated. Can’t we afford it?

"Aaron, you..." Ron swallowed with a complicated expression, and a forced smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I didn't expect you to be so valuable."

"Five thousand gold galleons!" Fred laughed, "I have never seen so much money in my life."

"If I sell you, our house can be renovated." George looked at Aaron, "Otherwise, you will pity us."

The corner of Aaron's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and he actually heard a hint of heartbeat from these words.

Are you kidding me? I pity you, who pity me!

I finally ran out of home and avoided the dangerous stage, but I couldn't help but let the sheep fall into the tiger's mouth in the second half. It was really sad, ridiculous and deplorable.

"Um...you don't really plan to hand Aaron over to the Ministry of Magic, do you?" Harry Potter said with some embarrassment, "He saved me and Ron."

George and Fred looked at each other and smiled in unison: "We just said that casually to heighten the atmosphere."

Aaron breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned his attention to Arthur and Molly.

In the Weasley family, children have a certain say, but the real decision-making power lies in the hands of the parents.

"Haha!" Arthur sat across from Aaron and said in a very kind tone: "Don't be so nervous, we still know your name somewhat.

Harry, Ron, George, Fred, Percy and even Hogwarts Headmaster Dumbledore have all mentioned you.

I just couldn't help myself. After all, you know, pie in the sky doesn't happen often, and it's such a big pie. "

"Understood, I understand." Aaron forced a smile, "But I'm still quite scared. After all, five thousand gold galleons is not a small amount."

"Who says it's not the case!" Molly said with regret, "It would be great if you didn't save Ron, then we wouldn't have any psychological burden when we hand you over."

"What?" Ron looked at his mother in shock. He thought Aaron was not his biological child before, but now he felt like he was picked up.

"Just kidding." Molly rolled her eyes at Ron, "I just want to express that Weasley will not betray his friends.

In fact, even if you didn't save Ron and Harry, we wouldn't go to the Ministry of Magic to report a twelve-year-old child. After all, you didn't commit anything. "

Aaron breathed a sigh of relief, but only he knew whether he believed it or not.

"Then... let's get down to business." Arthur rubbed his hands a little excitedly, "Aaron, why did you run away from home?

Of course, you don't have to say it if you don't want to, but I still hope you can satisfy my curiosity.

After all, this is no small matter. In order to find you as soon as possible, your family even opened up connections with the Ministry of Magic and issued an internal reward.

You'd better not wander around now. Many Ministry of Magic staff regard you as a huge bonus and year-end performance. "

When Aaron heard this, the smile on his face became increasingly bitter.

He originally thought that the Burrow was no longer safe, and planned to find another place to move secretly, but now it seemed that no matter whether he wanted to or not, he couldn't leave here for the time being.

Once this reward order is issued, he will be targeted as soon as he shows up.

Rather than being hunted, he might as well surrender himself, that would at least be more dignified.

Thinking like this, Aaron showed the calluses on his hands in front of several people, and then said seriously: "Although it seems a little unbelievable, the cram school my family enrolled me in is like this. ...cruel.

This kind of life has been going on for nearly two months, and I ran away because I couldn't bear it anymore. "

Several people looked at each other, feeling a little sympathy for Aaron.

Arthur touched his bald red hair and comforted: "It's no wonder, if it were me, I would probably run away."

The one who felt the deepest impression was Harry Potter. He suffered a lot of injustice and bullying at the Dursley family, but that family never treated him so cruelly.

"Poor child." Molly sighed.

Arthur gave his wife a hug and looked back at Aaron, "You can stay here for the next two days!

But to start with, our family’s conditions are not as good as those of big families like you, so..."

"It's okay, I'm not that pretentious." Aaron waved his hand indifferently, hesitated for a while, and then continued, "To be honest with you, I actually stayed at Malfoy Manor for a day before coming here."


Everyone said in unison, their faces full of astonishment.

"Maybe I thought wrong." Ron said, "Is this the Malfoy I understand?"

"Lucius Malfoy?" Arthur was also in disbelief.

Aaron nodded, unable to comment.

"I know you and Draco are on good terms, but how did you come up with the idea of ​​going to their house first?

That family is not generally annoying. Ron said unhappily, while Harry and the Weasley brothers nodded in agreement next to him.

“Since I plan to run away, I have made certain plans.

I definitely can't go to my relatives' houses, and I can't go to hotels in the Muggle world or some places with too many people.

The only place we could go to was the home of our classmates. As for the reason for going to Malfoy Manor first, there was only one reason: their home was relatively close.

I know this may be difficult for Weasley to accept, but I think it is better to say some things clearly, otherwise there may be some unnecessary misunderstandings in the future. "

"That's true." George said thoughtfully, "After all, Malfoy and we both go to school at Hogwarts, and we see each other every day without looking up."

"Um... Well, I'm taking the liberty to ask." Arthur said with some embarrassment, "Since you have lived in Malfoy Manor for a day, what is the situation of their family..."

"Sorry, Mr. Weasley.

Although I have stayed at Malfoy Manor, I know that I am just a guest. "

"All right!"

Arthur was a little regretful. He originally wanted to ask Aaron if there were any contraband in Malfoy's house. After all, he wanted to make Lucius unlucky for more than a day or two.

But now it seems that this opportunity is gone. Guests must naturally behave themselves in the host's house and not know what they shouldn't know.

But because of this, Arthur's opinion of Aaron has improved a lot. Although he is a Slytherin, he still seems to be very sensible.

"Aaron." Harry asked suddenly, "Have you ever encountered an elf at the Malfoy house? He was dressed in rags and punished himself from time to time."

"More than?"

"That's him. It seems like it's really Malfoy." Harry said angrily, "It's really hateful. Malfoy doesn't want me to go back to Hogwarts."

"I have some understanding of the matter, and I have already criticized Dobby." Aaron said, "He knew he was wrong, but he said it was for your own good."

Harry opened his mouth but said nothing more.

In his opinion, Dobby is still very kind, but his identity means that he cannot disobey his master's orders, but his master is Malfoy.

"Ahem!" Molly coughed, "It's not easy for guests to come here and ask questions.

Fred, George, Ron, do we still have a place to stay? "

The three brothers were stunned for a moment, and briefly exchanged glances with a slightly embarrassed look on their faces.

"Apparently, no more." Ron looked at Aaron sheepishly, "We didn't expect you to come over at all.

Harry now shares a room with me, Fred and George live in the same room, my parents live in the same room, Percy's room is used for office work, and there is no way to squeeze in a second person, so the only thing left is gold. Nice..."

"Ron Weasley!" Molly suddenly shouted, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

There seemed to be fire in her eyes, and her fierce momentum instantly erupted in the crowded living room.

Aaron could clearly feel everyone including Harry Potter trembling unconsciously. Sure enough, when a woman is angry, she is second only to the Tibetan Mastiff in danger!

"Mom, Mom, listen to what I have to say." Ron said tremblingly, "Ginny is the youngest sister in our family, and her room cannot be accommodated for you."

The flames of anger gradually subsided, and Mrs. Weasley glared at Ron fiercely, then turned around and gave Aaron an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, kid, how about...we build you a temporary cabin?

Arthur's carport is good. I haven't liked it for a long time. After it was dismantled, all the materials were readily available. "

Arthur Weasley: ...

"This is more or less..." Arthur saw the fire dancing in Molly's eyes halfway through her words, and decisively chose to follow her heart, "This is a really good opinion, I don't have any objections."

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