A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 152 Rare materials are difficult to obtain

"Delay?" Draco was stunned for a moment before reacting, "You mean you want me to delay?"

"That's right!" Aaron nodded, "The key to Quidditch is the Golden Snitch. If you catch it, you will get one hundred and fifty points, and it means the end of the game time.

But this does not mean that the other team members are just decorations. As long as the score exceeds the opponent's by more than 150 points, then even if the opponent grabs the Golden Snitch, it will only be a better loss. "

When Draco heard this, his expression kept changing, and he was a little hesitant for a moment.

This tactic is very stable, he is self-aware, his flying talent is indeed a little bit worse than Harry Potter, and his equipment advantage is not that big.

But he was quite confident in holding Harry back during the game and preventing him from grabbing the Golden Snitch.

With the speed of Nimbus 2001, it would not be a problem for the remaining chasers and batters to surpass their opponents by 150 points or more, but he just felt unwilling to do so.

I finally became Slytherin's Seeker and could compete with the famous Harry Potter, but I could only win in this less than glorious way, and I wouldn't have much sense of accomplishment if I won.

Looking at Draco's expression, Aaron knew what he was thinking, and chuckled: "If you are not an opponent in a head-on confrontation, you can only work on tactics."

Draco's mouth twitched, "I'm not that bad, am I?"

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that.

Your flying talent is already pretty good on the Quidditch team. After training for a while, coupled with your speed advantage, you may not be able to beat Harry Potter.

But this takes time and involves certain risks, and the outcome is 50-50.

My idea may not make you shine like a star, but it can win the game.

Of course, I’ll give you the method, but it’s up to you to decide how to do it. "

Draco frowned and thought, and two little people appeared in his mind.

One of them asked him to choose A. Wealth can be found in danger. If he is half sure, he might not be able to give it a try.

Let him choose B, as long as he can win, it doesn't matter if he gets the limelight or not.

"By the way, you just said that Mr. Lucius will also come to Hogwarts to watch the game?

What if, I mean what if he saw that he spent a lot of money to invest in the Slytherin team, but his good son lost to Harry Potter, I don't know what he would think. "

Draco shuddered as he thought of his father's sad face.

The villain who suggested choosing B suddenly released a life-killing spell on the villain who suggested choosing A, beating it to ashes.

"I know what to do." Draco said solemnly, "The result is the most important thing."

The corners of Aaron's mouth raised slightly, it was worth the time he spent talking.

"Congratulations, you made the right choice."

Draco was not very excited, but rather a little disinterested, "This tactic is fine, but will Flint and the others have any objections?"

"Tell them, just say it was me who said it." Aaron said very domineeringly, "Although Marcus is simple-minded and has a bad temper, he knows better than anyone how to choose him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to be this person. Captain."

"I can rest assured that."

The time when I don't have to go to class always flies by, and it's night in a flash.

Aaron was alone in the dormitory concentrating on carving the magic circle, but this time he did not use media such as paper and pen, but used a wand to carve in the air.

It took half a minute for a green magic circle the size of a manhole cover to be drawn.

A hurricane erupted from the magic circle and blew his desk to the corner.

"It feels pretty good." Aaron murmured, feeling a little sense of accomplishment in his heart.

This was the first time that he did not use physical objects, but only used his own magic power to depict the magic circle. Although it took a little longer, he succeeded at least.

He usually improves his proficiency on paper and carefully controls the input of magic power.

Each practice only uses less than a little magic energy, so no matter what type of magic circle it is, there will be no obvious effect.

But this time he increased the input of magic energy and used about ten points of magic energy to summon a hurricane that could push the desk.

"If the input of magic energy is increased several times, this bedroom may be torn apart by the hurricane!" Aaron thought secretly, but he could also feel that with the magic power of his junior magician without the help of any materials, Under the circumstances, the most he could do was this step, and it would take him more time to draw the magic circle according to this standard.

If you want to increase the power of the magic circle on this basis, you may have to use some special drawing materials.

"I don't know to what extent the wizard's blood can increase the power." Aaron looked down at his palms, and this idea came to his mind involuntarily.

But the next moment he cleared this terrible thought from his mind. He would not harm himself for such a trivial matter. At worst, he would go back and ask Ancestor Wiht.

To take a step back, even if you really have to use blood for experiments, you can't do it yourself. Other wizards...

That's not okay. Although he has a great desire for power, he knows that certain bottom lines must never be touched, because there is often an abyss behind the bottom line.

Thinking of this, Aaron shivered violently, then took a few deep breaths to calm down his mood.

At this time Abe ran to him and took out a piece of bread and a few oranges from his pocket.

"Thank you, I really need to replenish some energy." Aaron patted Abe's head, then suddenly realized something and looked straight at the cute white pet.

He didn't dare to think about the wizard's blood, but maybe he could give the pet's blood a try.

Abe is a holy dragon, a kind of dragon king among dragons. Its blood is much more valuable than a wizard's.

Seeing the eager eyes of his master, the cute pet couldn't help but shudder and took a step back.

Seeing this, Aaron put it on the bed with some laughter and tears, and then asked it seriously, "If your master and I are in trouble and need you to make a small sacrifice, will you be willing?"

Abe did not hesitate and nodded decisively.

"Very good, can you lend me some of your blood?"

Abe was startled for a moment, and with its online IQ, he immediately figured out what Aaron wanted its blood for.

It still didn't hesitate, but shook its head decisively and murmured, "I won't borrow it."

“You duplicitous dragon cub, isn’t it just a little blood?

Is there anything you can't bear to part with? "

"Baby Long is only one year old and is afraid of pain."

Hearing this, Aaron's face darkened.

Abe is indeed one year old, but he spent a lot of magic points on it and forcefully fed it to the level of a high-level magician. It transformed into a body of more than three meters tall, and he actually called it a baby.

"You really don't want to borrow it?"

Abe squatted on the bed, crossed his chest with his front paws, and glanced to the side, "I won't borrow it."

"What if I must!"

Abe was silent for two seconds, silently stretched out his right paw, did not speak, and just looked at his master with tearful eyes.

"Hiss!" Aaron took a breath and suddenly felt that his heart had been hit hard.

Who can stand this? It would be a sin to injure such a lovely creature.

"I was just joking, we won't do it."

Abe nodded aggrievedly, but quickly retracted his claws.

"This acting..." Aaron smacked his lips, "Forget it, I won't make any plans for you in the future."

Abe's tears suddenly turned into laughter, and a few crystal drops fell on the bed.

Aaron's eyes lit up. He heard that the tears of the phoenix could heal injuries, and the tears of the holy dragon might also have special effects.

"Um...I don't want blood, but can tears be allowed?"

"No." Abe once again crossed his arms and shouted in dragon language: "I didn't expect that my favorite master would abuse his pets."

"If it doesn't work, forget it." Aaron was also speechless. He couldn't get blood or tears, so all that was left was saliva.

This kind of liquid does not need to be discussed with Abe. Put a plate of meat in front of it and get as much as you want.

But the problem is, using saliva as a material to draw magic circles, he is not that hungry.

Aaron lay on the bed, put Abe in his arms, and tried to comfort him.

It's just raw materials, maybe not that complicated, and the blood of the holy dragon is not available, but the blood of the fire dragon can still be obtained.

After a while, write a letter to Jeans and ask him to send some.

One person and one dragon fell asleep like this, but within a few hours of sleeping, Aaron was woken up.

He looked at Abe, who looked wary, and asked worriedly: "Are you having a nightmare?

Sorry, I may have scared you tonight, but I was kidding.

You know me, even if you really want to, I will not use your blood and tears for experiments. "

Abe shook his head and growled: "I heard some terrible noises."

Aaron frowned, sat up from the bed, and carefully looked at his single dormitory, but found nothing strange.

"Did you hear that correctly?"

"You heard that right." Abe responded in dragon language, "Disgusting, scary, cold, not like a human being."

Aaron couldn't help but shiver, and then calmed down to think about his feelings, but with his physical fitness far beyond ordinary people, he could only hear his own breathing and heartbeat.

"You must be having a nightmare, I didn't hear anything."

"The sound only lasted for a while. Master, it's normal that you can't hear it." Abe murmured.

Aaron didn't take it seriously and lay back down again, "I admit you scared me, but now I'm tired and want to sleep.

You too, have a good rest and talk about it tomorrow if you have anything else to do. "

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