A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 157 Returning to the crime scene, even the female ghost...

Aaron looked at the clues sorted out on the blackboard. After thinking for a while, he wrote down a few questions and the incomplete answers he guessed in his notebook.

First, the identity of the monster?

It may be some kind of magical animal with an extremely long lifespan and a very powerful ability to petrify. It is inextricably related to Harry Potter.

Second, who is the heir of Slytherin?

It could be a freshman, or it could be someone who was expelled from school fifty years ago.

Second, where is the secret room?

It’s not known yet, but considering the water damage at the crime scene, it may be close to a water source.

After a while, Aaron closed the notebook and erased all the clues on the blackboard.

"This is the only thing that can be sorted out at the moment. There may be some missing parts that have not been found." Aaron muttered to himself, and then walked out of the classroom.

He planned to go to the crime scene to take a look. Although it might have been cleaned up by Filch, there might be some clues left.

When he came to the corridor, Aaron couldn't help rolling his eyes, and he was extremely speechless.

"I must admit, you three are really... surprising!"

"Aaron, what are you doing here?" Harry asked doubtfully, a trace of suspicion flashing in his eyes.

"What are you doing here again?" Aaron asked.

"Looking for clues." Hermione replied, "Many people in the school already regard Harry as the heir to the Chamber of Secrets, and we don't want him to bear the injustice."

"It's not just Harry." Ron hesitated for a moment, "And you. When I had breakfast today, I found that several Gryffindors suspected that you were the heir to the Chamber of Secrets."

Aaron: ...

"What does this have to do with me? I was wrongly accused."

"But you were here that night, weren't you?" Hermione gave him a rather heartbreaking reason, "But there are far fewer people who doubt you than Harry, which is a blessing among misfortunes."

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched, and his heart kept sinking.

Before, it was just for system tasks, but now I have to add another one to prove my innocence.

Sensing the inexplicable decline in Aaron, Hermione asked worriedly: "Are you okay? These are just rumors.

"It's okay." Aaron waved his hand, "I'm not that fragile, I just feel a little aggrieved.

You guys came here first, do you have any clues? "

"We..." Just as Hermione was about to speak, Harry and Ron turned their faces away together. One frowned slightly and the other shook his head slightly, but the meaning was the same: don't tell him yet.

"We haven't found anything yet."

"Is that so?" Aaron didn't have much doubt. Instead, he looked around and finally set his sights on the window. "I seem to have a clue. Look over there."

The three people's hearts skipped a beat. They naturally knew what Aaron was talking about.

They had just discovered that there were dozens of spiders crawling in panic on the windows.

They burrowed out of the cracks in the window one by one, hanging on with spider silk and crawling down, as if they wanted to escape from here.

"Fear, they are afraid." Aaron said to himself, feeling the need to add to the identity of the monster that it might be the natural enemy of the spider.

"You mean these spiders are afraid of the monster in the Chamber of Secrets?" Hermione asked.

"I didn't say that, it was just a guess." Aaron smiled and looked at the clean ground, "It seems that our administrator has mopped the floor clean."

"Where did that water come from?" Harry felt that he had grasped the key point. There wouldn't be anyone mopping the floor outside at the Halloween party!

Even if there is, you should get a bucket instead of pouring so much water on the ground.

"It should be that one." Ron pointed to a door parallel to the corridor, with the word 'malfunction' written on it.

"The bathroom, but we can't go in, it's the girls' bathroom."

"It's okay, no one will go there." Hermione smiled, "That's Moaning Myrtle's territory."

"This name..." Aaron frowned, "Ghost?"

"This ghost may have a bad temper and be particularly fragile." Harry said with a grimace, "We just said a few innocuous words at the death anniversary banquet and made her unhappy.

Then she made a serious fuss, but seemed to be scared away by Peeves. "

"Compared to Peeves, Moaning Myrtle is pretty good." Hermione said, turning the brass ball-shaped door handle and opening the bathroom door, "Come in! Maybe she saw something. You can't tell. "

This bathroom is not ordinary shabby. To describe it as being in disrepair is a bit far-fetched.

It's dark, damp, and dusty. The cement on the walls is peeling off, and some of the single rooms are covered with scratches.

Even the mirror in front of the sink was covered in stains and even had a few cracks.

"Tsk! No one has probably been to this place for decades!"

"Don't say that, there is a ghost living here after all." Hermione rolled her eyes at Aaron, then looked at one of the single rooms, "Myrtle, are you there?"

A female ghost with eyes and twin tails emerged from behind the single room. On her wizard robe was the Ravenclaw school emblem.

"This is the girls' bathroom." Myrtle glanced at the three people behind Hermione briefly, "They are not girls."

"Of course not girls, I just brought them here to see." Hermione smiled far-fetchedly, "It's so beautiful here."

"You have some misunderstandings about the word beautiful." Aaron said with a twitch in his mouth, "These days, beggars have to find a clean place to beg, but here... it's hard to describe!"

Hermione gave Aaron a meaningful look: Crying Myrtle is a little sentimental, don't irritate her.

Myrtle flew to Aaron, and just as she was about to glare at him, she saw Aaron's face clearly, and the curse words she wanted to say were immediately held back.

"Hello, what's your name?" Myrtle slowly landed on the ground, her two index fingers slightly touched each other, and said shyly: "My name is Myrtle Elizabeth Warren, if you don't mind, we can get to know each other."


Aaron suddenly had a muffled thunder in his heart, a bolt from the blue, and he was dumbfounded.

Fuck! It turns out that being handsome is really a sin.

He didn't mind having a ghost friend, but the relationship must not go beyond normal friendship, and Myrtle was completely out of his aesthetic line.

But before he could refuse, a figure stood in front of him. Hermione looked at Myrtle angrily, "Aaron is not a ghost."

"I just want to get to know him, nothing else."

Harry and Ron laughed unkindly, the laughter was very light, but it was particularly harsh in this bathroom.

"Is it funny?" Aaron asked with a sullen face.

"No, absolutely not." Ron waved his hand immediately, "We are just simply envious."

"That's right, you are so amazing, even a female ghost like Myrtle..."

Harry stopped talking halfway, because Myrtle flew in front of him, almost touching his face.

"Go on, keep talking, how about the female ghost?"

Harry took a few steps back, with an awkward but polite smile on his face.

"Hmph! Don't think I don't know what you think." Myrtle flew into the air and glared at Harry and Ron. "You must be mocking me, right?

Although I am dead, I also have feelings."

"No." Harry said immediately, "We, we just want to ask you some questions."

"This is a joke, you just want to make me sad.

Yes, who will sympathize with an ugly, pitiful, depressed and crying Myrtle?"

"Uh..." Hermione said, "We really just want to ask if you have seen anything interesting recently?"

"What do you mean?"

"On Halloween Eve." Ron said, "A cat was attacked outside the gate. Did you see who the murderer was?"

Myrtle looked at the ceiling, looking like she didn't want to say anything, but her eyes glanced at Aaron from time to time.

Harry and others saw this and understood something, looking at Aaron with hesitation.

Looking at Myrtle's meaning, she would only answer questions if someone else asked her.

"Haha!" Aaron sneered, "Goodbye."

"Don't!" Ron grabbed him and laughed nervously, "How about you sacrifice this time?"

"Abe." Aaron shouted impatiently. The holy dragon that had been squatting beside him quickly ran to Aaron and roared at Ron, with claws and teeth exposed.

A cute pet becomes a combat pet. Are you afraid?

"Don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand." Ron let go immediately. He didn't want to be slapped by Abe. "I'm doing this for the sake of the overall situation. You don't want to be wronged, do you?" Aaron rolled his eyes in disdain, and then looked at Myrtle and asked, "Did you see anything that night? I'll only ask this once. No matter how you answer, I'll leave here after you finish speaking." Hearing this, Myrtle sobbed with tears in her eyes, "In fact, I didn't pay attention to anything that day. Peeves scared me, so I wanted to find a place to commit suicide. After I came back, I remembered that I was dead." Aaron nodded, said nothing, and walked out the door with Abe. "Is he angry?" The three looked at each other, not knowing what to say. They didn't know whether Aaron was angry or not, but anyone would stay away from a ghost! Seeing that the three were silent, Myrtle was thoughtful, sobbed in grief, and dived headfirst into a water tank, splashing a large piece of water.

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