A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 16 Some families symbolize mystery

"Hi! Harry." Hagrid gave Harry a big smile, and inadvertently glanced at Abe in Aaron's arms, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Hagrid has raised magical animals for so many years, and he still has good eyesight. He can be 100% sure that this "cat" wearing clothes and looking a little too cute is definitely not simple.

"Freshman, your cat is very cute, can I hold it?"

Aaron didn't say anything yet, but Abe kept shaking his head.

Who are you? This dragon doesn't know you at all, why should I let you hold it?

"Sorry, Abe is my family.

You also saw it, I have to respect his opinion." Aaron said, he didn't intend to let Hagrid see it, not to mention Hagrid's unshaven appearance that was enough to scare children to tears, just the strange smell on his clothes was enough to keep people away.

Besides, this giant is a gamekeeper, and may not be outstanding in other aspects, but he is extremely sensitive to animals. He is just a freshman now, and there is no need to expose the fact that he has a dragon.

"That's a pity." Hagrid shrugged and didn't care. After all, this freshman will study at Hogwarts for seven years and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

"First-year students, come here to get on the boat. Come on, follow me."

Hagrid continued his work, and the first-year students followed him one after another, passing through a long and slippery path in the dark before arriving at the edge of the Black Lake.

Across the black lake is a huge castle built on the hillside. The castle has spires and pale yellow lights shining from each window, adding a bit of mystery under the moonlight.

The freshmen crossed over by boat. Each boat can only carry four people. Hagrid is relatively large, and he can take on four people, so he occupied a boat.

Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione sat in a small boat. They looked around curiously and excitedly, and exclaimed from time to time.

The ship docked quickly. After confirming that no one was lost, Hagrid pointed to the stairs in front and said, "Go straight up the stairs. Professor McGonagall will take care of what's next." The freshmen did as they were told. After walking up a few steps, a witch in a green robe and a black pointed hat was standing on the landing waiting for them. Her face was not very good-looking, maybe because she had been waiting for a long time. "Welcome to Hogwarts. Okay, in a while you will pass through these doors and be with your classmates. But before you take your seat, you must be sorted and determine which college you will enter. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. During school, the college is like your home. Good performance can add points to the college, and any college that has someone violate the school rules will lose points. At the end of the year, the college with the highest score will win the college cup, which is a great honor." At this time, the croaking of frogs came from in front of Professor McGonagall, and a fat boy among the freshmen opened his eyes wide when he heard the familiar voice. Neville often lost this toad. He lost it once before getting on the train. With the help of Hermione, he finally found it. But after coming to Hogwarts, he lost it again. He couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

Now it appeared in front of him. It would be a lie to say that he was not excited.

But just as Neville was about to go over, the toad jumped into his hand.

"Trevor." Neville hugged his toad happily. Although he didn't understand what happened, it didn't hinder the joy of regaining it.

Professor McGonagall was very keen to notice the black wand in Aaron's sleeve. The corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, thinking that the school had recruited a talented wizard this time.

"The sorting ceremony will start in a while. You'd better tidy up your clothes and faces first, because it will be held in front of all the teachers and students in the school." After saying this, Professor McGonagall left the group of freshmen where they were.

At this time, a boy with golden hair looked at Harry and said curiously: "It seems that what they said just now is true. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

The freshmen looked at each other, and were particularly sensitive to the name Harry Potter.

The blond boy looked at the two fat men behind him who were like door gods, and introduced Harry Potter: "This is Crabbe, this is Goyle."

"I'm Malfoy." The blond boy walked up to Harry, afraid that he would not remember his name, and said solemnly: "Draco Malfoy."

"Puff!" Ron couldn't help laughing.

Malfoy glared at him angrily, "Do you think my name is funny? I don't need to ask what your name is.

Red hair, old robes handed down from the family, you must be from the Weasley family."

Ron pursed his lips and glared at Draco angrily, but he didn't refute the truth after all.

Malfoy looked at Harry, "You will find that some wizard families are superior, Potter.

Don't make friends with people of questionable character, I can help you."

As he said that, Draco extended his right hand to Harry.

"I think I can tell good from bad, thank you." Harry said calmly.

Draco's face turned a little ugly, Harry Potter actually rejected his friendship, and in front of so many people.

This is really intolerable.

Just as he was about to say something, Aaron coughed lightly, "It's true that some wizard families are superior, but if you speak with a slightly better attitude, you may get a different effect."

Malfoy then turned his head to look at Aaron in the freshman team, and said proudly: "Who are you? It's not your turn to teach me how to do things."

"Aaron!" Harry was a little anxious. No matter how you look at it, Malfoy is either a rich second-generation or an official second-generation, or both, or even several generations. What if Aaron stands up for him and is retaliated?

Aaron ignored him, but stretched out his right hand and said with a smile: "Gaius, Aaron Gaius, nice to meet you."

"Are you from the Gaius family?" Malfoy's eyes narrowed slightly, and the arrogant momentum on his body instantly dropped.

"It doesn't matter. What's important is my attitude and your response." Aaron smiled and gestured with his right hand.

Draco then shook hands with Aaron in a daze, "Nice to meet you."

"That's right! Attitude is the key to making friends. You put yourself in an unattainable position from the beginning.

Those who know you think you are making friends, and those who don't think you are collecting slaves!

In this situation, few people will look good to you."

"Thank you, thank you." Malfoy said with a far-fetched tone, as if it was difficult for him to say these two words.

Ron stared at this scene with wide eyes, and silently pulled Harry away from the two of them.

Although he had a little good impression of Aaron, the moment he came into contact with Malfoy, this good impression began to decline.

Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other and could see the surprise in each other's eyes. They were Draco's followers, so they naturally knew how difficult it was for him to say the word "thank you".

At this time, Professor McGonagall came over and looked at the two people who were shaking hands in a ‘friendly’ way. She was also a little stunned, but soon came to her senses, “Everyone is ready over there, follow me!”

“Malfoy, is this Gaius family famous? I remember that this family is not among the 28 pure-blood families!” Goyle asked in confusion as he walked.

"You don't know, I also heard it from my father." Draco said, "Pure-blood families represent noble blood, except for some families that bring shame to pure blood, such as Weasley.

There are four wizard families that represent mystery. The time of their existence cannot be measured, and it is difficult to find a word even in the vast books.

It is rumored that they are always guarding something. They may not be well-known in the wizarding world, but their heritage, connections, and influence are no worse than pure blood.

In the words of my father, you can never imagine what kind of cards these deeply hidden families have.

The mysterious man and the previous Dark Lord once wanted to get the support of these families, but they were either rejected or couldn't find anyone.

Among them, the Gaius family is one of these mysterious families. In short, try to make friends with them if you can, and don't offend them if you can't."

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