A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 161 The only thing left to fight is luck


Wood was stunned for a moment and then reacted.

Although he was very anxious in his heart, his expression was still calm, but there seemed to be a flash of fire in his eyes.

He looked at Malfoy who was following Harry, and his hands couldn't help but tighten his grip on the broomstick he was riding.

Slytherin's tactics are very simple, but extremely effective, but the method of cracking them is also very simple. Finding a way to knock out the opponent's seeker can reverse the situation.

But when he was hesitating to take action, Marcus appeared behind Draco.

"Hey, Wood, the situation in Gryffindor seems not to be optimistic!"

"I already understand your tactics." Wood said coldly, "It's very rogue."

"Rogue?" Marcus disagreed, "This is called prudentness, and we don't seem to have committed any fouls!

Compared with two years ago, we Slytherin have made considerable concessions, otherwise the Gryffindor team would have been reduced. "

Wood gritted his teeth and said disdainfully: "What's the point of relying on equipment?"

"That's nice to say." Draco glanced at Harry meaningfully, "Didn't Gryffindor also equip the Seeker with the latest Nimbus 2000 last year?

Why are you unhappy when Slytherin is replaced by Nimbus 2001? "

"What's going on here?" George flew over, "Wood, do you need help?

Three against two, we won't suffer. "

"That's not necessarily the case," Marcus said.

After the words fell, Derian flew to Draco's side, "Be fair, three versus three."

At this time, commentator Lee Jordan's voice came: "The Slytherin team is leading, one hundred and ten to twenty. This kind of disparity is difficult to see in previous seasons."

Wood frowned and looked at Marcus with a stern face, "Flint, I think you don't mind a ten-minute intermission!"

"Sorry, I mind.

If you come up with a way to break the game in these ten minutes, then we will ruin the victory of the game in vain, and I will not give you this opportunity. "

"Flint, if we give them a chance, I'm afraid they won't be convinced!"

"Draco, do you know what you're talking about?

Now we have an absolute advantage. If we score another 60 points, the game will be stable. We cannot take risks. "

"Are you afraid?" Wood teased, "Can I understand that Slytherin is afraid of Gryffindor?"

Derian couldn't help it anymore and was about to rush over to give Wood a look, but Marcus stretched out an arm to stop him.

"Yes, we are scared." Marcus said nonchalantly, "The method of provoking generals is useless today."

The three Woods looked at each other in confusion. The Slytherin team had changed its nature. This move was not so easy to use before.

"Is it surprising?

To be honest, we cannot afford to lose. Marcus patted the Nimbus 2001 in his hand, "This broom is good, but if we can lose to a group of Gryffindors with tattered brooms using the latest broom, how can we survive in the future?" "

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched, and he immediately turned his attention to Draco, "Do you think there's nothing I can do?"

Marcus and Derian made a tacit understanding to protect Draco behind them, "Of course we thought of what you thought of.

Even if we lose a Seeker, other team members will take his place, just holding Porter back. How difficult can it be with Nimbus 2001?

We have the latest equipment, so even if it’s four versus five, the disadvantage isn’t that big. "

"Flint, I think I need to remind you." Derian smiled, "Although we haven't fouled on the court for a long time, it doesn't mean that we are raw."

Hearing this, Marcus also had a sinister smile on his lips.

"Okay! As long as they dare to take action first, we can just defend ourselves."

Wood immediately understood that it was impossible to get Draco out. When it came to cheating and fouls, the Slytherin team was far behind them.

"George, you do what you have to do."

"But here..."

"Go quickly."

"Got it." George glared at the three Slytherins opposite him, accelerated towards one end of the field, and knocked a Bludger away.

Flint winked at Derian on one side, who nodded and also flew away from the place.

"I really didn't expect that you Slytherins actually have some rules."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just worried about the team members below suffering a loss."

"Harry." Wood came to Harry Potter's side and whispered: "I have no choice this time, I can only rely on you. Your flying ability is better than Malfoy, maybe you can make a comeback."

Harry opened his eyes slightly and looked at him in astonishment, feeling particularly depressed.

Before you say this, look at the scoreboard!

One hundred and ten to twenty, no, it's one hundred and twenty to twenty now, Slytherin is one hundred points ahead.

If you want to make a comeback, you have to find and catch the snitch within five balls. Isn't this a bit difficult?

If it was before, he wouldn't have been under so much pressure, but this time Slytherin's seeker didn't play according to common sense at all.

Malfoy didn't grab the Golden Snitch, he just stopped him from grabbing the Snitch. They were not prepared for this tactic and it was impossible to play.

"I know this may be a little difficult for you, but you are the seeker, and what we can do for you is do our best to prevent the opponent from scoring.

Isn’t it just fifty points? Believe in yourself, you can do it. "

"Slytherin scored another goal, leading 110 points." Jordan's commentary sounded again, "You may not have noticed it, but I have.

All members of Slytherin had new broomsticks, Nimbus 2001, which gave them a huge advantage against Gryffindor. "

Neither Wood nor Flint looked very good.

The former felt that the commentary was intentional and put more pressure on them for no reason.

The latter felt that they not only had to win this time, but also had to win beautifully, otherwise they would not be able to live up to what others said was their huge advantage.

"Wood, it's forty points now." Harry said somewhat unbearably.

"I heard you, Harry.

The situation facing Gryffindor is more serious than imagined. "Wood let out a long sigh and forced out a smile that was uglier than crying. "Perhaps, the only thing we can fight for is luck. "

Harry nodded, turned his broom, and flew in the opposite direction.

"Malfoy." Marcus said seriously, "I don't care what you do, before we score four goals, we must not let him steal the Golden Snitch."


Draco immediately chased after Harry Potter. With the speed of Nimbus 2001, he was on par with Harry in a short while.

"How about we rest where we are for a while." Draco said seductively, "In short, the outcome of this game is already visible, so why do you waste your efforts."

"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry said with an angry look. He only had one idea in his mind, to use a Bludger to knock this annoying dog-skin plaster off.

Perhaps Merlin heard his prayer, a ten-inch black iron ball flew from the front, but the target was not Malfoy.

Harry turned left to avoid it, but the Bludger, as if it had eyes, gave up on Draco who was closer, turned around, and hit Harry's head.

He immediately accelerated and got as far away from the Bludger as possible.

But no matter whether he was spinning and turning, rising or falling, or circling in a zigzag pattern, the Bludger would bite him, and its speed was much faster than usual, almost catching up with Nimbus 2000.

The only consolation was that in this situation, Draco still didn't abandon him, but his face became particularly ugly.

"You Slytherins must have tampered with the Bludger." Harry said angrily.

"Don't slander others, we have an absolute advantage, there is no need to do this.

I seriously suspect that Gryffindor is shouting "Catch the thief." It's now much more difficult for me to catch up with you than before.

Oliver deserves to be the captain, even if he does this kind of damage, he doesn't take you seriously at all. "

"It's impossible. I know exactly what kind of person Wood is."

"Tch, you are so confident, Potter, but do you know what he is thinking?"

At this time, everyone in the stands also noticed something unusual. After all, the two rampaging Seekers were too conspicuous, and the Bludger behind them was so fast that they could even see its afterimage.

The Gryffindor and Slytherin players also stopped their movements in unison and looked at each other's captain suspiciously.

"Wood, what should we do?" Aaliya asked, "Ask Ms. Huo Qi for a timeout!"

"But the Bludger was fine before."

"Is now the time to discuss this?" Katie said anxiously, "Harry will be in danger if we delay it any longer."

"I know, I'll go find Ms. Huo Qi right now."

"Wait, Wood.

No timeout required, the game continues. Harry said as he flew over while dodging the crazy Bludgers, "Although it's dangerous, this could be our chance." "

"Don't be stupid, getting hit by that ball is no joke." George said, "We'd better ask for an investigation!"

"No, I'm sure this wasn't caused by Slytherin.

And the danger was not mine alone, I had someone to support me. Harry said meaningfully, "This rampaging Bludger is our only advantage." "

Only then did several people notice Draco Malfoy, who was following him with a gloomy face, and his expression couldn't help but become a little complicated.

"Be careful." Wood turned around with a heavy heart. "Everyone performs their duties. Leave the Bludger to Harry. All we have to do is prevent Slytherin from scoring."

"Flint, we..." asked Montague, Slytherin's chaser.

"Believe Malfoy, you have also participated in his training. This kind of accident is also within the imagination, otherwise he would not follow Harry Potter." Flint said thoughtfully, "Oliver's attitude towards them Seekers have confidence, and we should have confidence in our seekers.

If you want to help him, just hurry up and score a few more goals. "

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