A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 164 If there are too many coincidences, it won’t be a coincidence anymore.

school clinic.

Harry was lying alone on the hospital bed, his right arm wrapped in a thick bandage.

Although it was extremely painful, he could clearly feel that the removed bones had grown back, and he felt relieved.


Two tennis ball-sized eyes suddenly appeared in front of Harry, startling him.

Dobby sat on a table at the end of the bed and said aggrievedly but seriously: "Harry Potter should listen to Dobby. Harry Potter should go home before he catches the train."

"How did you know I missed the train?" Harry stared at Dobby suspiciously, "It turned out to be you. You sealed the partition wall to prevent us from entering."

Dobby nodded guiltily, "That's exactly it, sir."

"You almost got me and Ron expelled."

"At least it keeps you out of here, Harry Potter must go home.

Dobby thought his Bludgers would make Harry Potter understand..."

"Your Bludger?" Harry immediately thought of what happened on the field, and his anger was suddenly ignited. "Did you make that Bludger chase me?"

Although Gryffindor's defeat was not so miserable today thanks to the Bludger, it didn't mean that he had to be grateful to Dobby. No one wanted to be hit hard by a ten-inch iron ball.

Moreover, the speed of the iron ball is so fast, it is obviously running for his life.

"Dobby just wanted Harry Potter to get hurt and sent home"

Harry raised his bandaged arm angrily, "You want me to be shattered to pieces!"

You'd better leave quickly before my bones have grown, or I'll strangle you to death. "

"Dobby never meant to harm you," Dobby said in panic, "Dobby remembers what everything was like before Harry Potter defeated the devil who must not even be named.

We house elves were considered pests, and of course Dobby still is. "

Dobby said, remembering countless painful memories, covering his face with his burned hands and crying bitterly, and then wiped his nose with the rotten and rancid clothes on his body.

Seeing his appearance, Harry calmed down, looked at him with some sympathy and asked, "Why are you wearing that thing, Dobby?"

"This is a symbol of the status of a house elf slave. Dobby can only be freed if his master gives him clothes."

Harry opened his mouth, but couldn't find the words to comfort him.

Although he and Lucius Malfoy had only met a few times in total, he seemed much darker than his son, and Dobby might never be able to escape the Malfoy family.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of the door opening downstairs, and Dobby immediately jumped to the window and whispered: "Something terrible is about to happen at Hogwarts, and Harry Potter must not stay here.

Because history is about to repeat itself, the secret room is opened again. "

Harry wanted to ask something else, but the footsteps were getting closer.

Dobby immediately snapped his fingers, and his body turned into smoke and disappeared. Harry quickly lay down on the bed, covering himself with a quilt and pretending to sleep.

After a while, Dumbledore came in, and behind him Aaron and Professor McGonagall carried Colin and carefully placed him on a bed.

"Minerva," Dumbledore whispered, "call Madam Pomfrey."

Professor McGonagall nodded and quickly walked out of the room.

"Mr. Gaius, we can take advantage of this time to talk.

This is not a suspicion, but a way to clear your suspicion. After all, you are the first to discover him, and there is no one else around you.

Aaron pursed his lips, knowing that he still couldn't escape this round of questioning.

“Professor, you can ask whatever you want.

I will tell you everything I know, and I will tell you everything I know. "

"Where were you when Creevey was attacked?"

"I had just returned the books at that time, not long after I came out of the library, and Mrs. Pince can prove it for me.

When I heard Colin's scream, I was only ten meters away from him. "

"Okay!" Dumbledore narrowed his eyes slightly, "Then did you see what attacked him?"

"No." Aaron said without thinking, "He turned a corner and I didn't see anything."

"Understood, thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Gaius."

"It should be." Aaron said a little embarrassed, "By the way, Professor, I hope you will keep this matter a secret for me?

I knew very well that I was innocent, but others in the school didn't know that. If they knew that something happened to Colin, I was at the crime scene, and some rumors would inevitably arise. "

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment and then said thoughtfully: "I will keep it a secret, but..."

"Don't worry, no one else saw us when we came."

"I'll go talk to Professor McGonagall."


Soon, Professor McGonagall came back, followed by Madam Pomfrey who was wearing a red coat.

"How is this going?"

“Another attack.

I checked and he was petrified, just like Mrs. Norris. "

Professor McGonagall noticed the camera in Colin's hand and asked eagerly: "Could he have taken a photo of the attacker?"

Dumbledore bent down, opened Colin's stiff fingers, and took out the camera.

He opened the back cover of the camera, but before he could take out the film, a pungent smell came out, followed by a bright spark.

"Melted, all melted." Madam Pomfrey said in shock.

"What does this mean, Albus?" asked Professor McGonagall.

"This means the chamber has indeed been opened."

"It also means danger." Aaron interjected, "Muggle-born wizards and half-blood wizards are no longer safe."

"Aaron, is it possible that you discovered something?"

"Minerva." Dumbledore shook his head slightly at her, "At least in my opinion, Mr. Gaius is not suspicious at this time."

"Professor, I am indeed innocent." Aaron said seriously, but seeing the doubt in Professor McGonagall's eyes, he still sighed helplessly, "I know this is not convincing, but you understand me. , If I were the heir of Slytherin, you wouldn't see me at the crime scene at all."

When Professor McGonagall heard this, he hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

What Aaron said made sense. With his intelligence, it was impossible for him to expose himself.

But the problem is that he was present at the scene of both attacks, which was too much of a coincidence.

“McGonagall, promise me to keep this a secret for the time being.

We cannot affect a child's study and life because of groundless suspicion. "

"What did the teacher say?"

"Tell them the truth and tell them Hogwarts is no longer safe."


The next day, Harry opened his eyes and saw that the winter sun was particularly warm on the bed.

He could feel that his arm was fine and the bones had grown out, but it was still a little stiff and needed some movement.

Madam Pomfrey came over with a breakfast tray and immediately checked his arms and fingers. "They look good. You can leave after eating."

Harry picked up the spoon and ate the porridge with his newly healed right hand tremblingly. After ten minutes, he changed his clothes and walked out of the school doctor's office.

When he passed Colin's bed, he couldn't help but turn his head, but unfortunately Colin's bed was completely blocked by white curtains, and he couldn't see Colin's condition at all.

Remembering what he had heard the night before, he quickened his pace back to the Gryffindor common room.

"Harry, your arm is healed." Wood said with some relief, "Yesterday's game was a pity, but don't be stressed, you did a good job.

This time we were unprepared, but next time Slytherin's tactics won't work and I already have some ideas. "

"Don't talk about it yet, aren't Hermione and Ron in the lounge?"

"They went to the library. The Weasley brother seemed to want to learn from Granger's homework assigned by Lockhart.

But don't worry, Lockhart wants you to recover well, so he's exempting you from your homework. "

"This is the best news I've heard in these days." After Harry said that, he went to the library without any hesitation.

He easily found Ron and Hermione in the area where the three of them usually stayed.

Hermione held a thick school history and glared at the other person from time to time while flipping through it. Ron wrote hard and ignored the angry glances.

"Harry." Hermione asked with some joy, "How is your arm?"

"It's almost recovered."

"It's a blessing in disguise for you, at least you don't have to do homework."

"You still have the nerve to say it?

Even if he just copied my homework for nothing, he would copy paragraphs every other paragraph, and the characters would be big and ugly. "

"Listening to what you said, I know that you have never copied homework before, and only inexperienced people copied it word for word.

Besides, it’s not that I didn’t write it, I just borrowed part of it. "

Hermione rolled her eyes. She didn't want to argue with a scumbag about homework copying techniques.

"Listen to me first." Harry looked around nervously, making sure that no one was there before sitting down and telling the two of them what he had heard last night, including what Dobby had asked him to do.

After listening, Ron's expression became a little complicated, "So, now Aaron's suspicion really exceeds Malfoy's?"

"I'm afraid so."

"But this..." Hermione was still in disbelief, "This is impossible! How is this possible?"

"Hermione, I don't want to believe it's him either, but facts speak louder than words.

This is the third coincidence, but if there are too many coincidences, it is no longer a coincidence. Harry said anxiously, "Now that Colin has been petrified, we don't know who will be next." "

"But we can't prove it," Ron said. "According to what you said, without evidence, Dumbledore might not be able to do anything to him."

"So I came to see you after I was discharged from the hospital." Harry looked at Hermione who was silent and asked with some embarrassment: "Is there anything you can do?"

"I, maybe..." Hermione hesitated and shook her head slowly, "I might not be able to do anything about it."

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and it was hard to believe that she couldn't help it.

“I know you trust him more than anyone else, but the stakes are high this time.

If they trust and let things go, all the half-bloods and Muggle-born wizards at Hogwarts will be doomed. "

"Well..." Ron looked at Hermione with some embarrassment, "You may not want to hear what I say, but Harry and I are both purebloods, but you are born as a Muggle."

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