A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 170 Disgusting Polyjuice Potion


The weather is getting colder, and thick white snow covers the entire Hogwarts Castle.

Because the successive attacks have made many students panic, the number of names on the detention list is much smaller than last year.

Most people chose to go home for Christmas, except for the students who were confident enough in their own blood. They felt that the heir of Slytherin had no reason to harm them.

Aaron woke up in the morning and went to collect his package, Christmas gifts from family and friends.

He took all the packages back to his dormitory and couldn't wait to open the gifts from his parents.

Two postcards, one showing the colorful aurora and the other showing the magnificent sea, plus a sentence: I hope you can visit these beautiful places one day.

"Beautiful! I really shouldn't expect anything from them, but at least it shows that they haven't forgotten that they have a son like me." Aaron smiled helplessly, and then opened the large package sent by Genes.

There were several gift boxes of different sizes in the package, which he had asked Genes to prepare specially for his friends.

But a long sword emitting silver light caught Aaron's eyes tightly, causing him to subconsciously ignore the existence of those gift boxes.

This sword ranks among the top three in the family's arsenal. It was Alge Gaius's most satisfying work during his lifetime. It took a full two months to complete.

Made of mithril, the sword is enchanted with sharpness-enhancing runes, and the hilt is inlaid with three black magic crystals.

Aaron did not forget that one of his tasks was to kill the basilisk, but powerful magical creatures were not so easy to kill. They were even immune to spells with limited power to a certain extent.

He is now a junior mage, so he is not very weak, but relying on magic alone to deal with a basilisk that has lived for thousands of years is indeed a bit taken for granted.

Unless all the accumulated magic points are used to improve the strength at once, it may be a bit certain to reach the level of a magician, but it is still difficult to kill it.

Although Aaron planned to take a group of professors there to reduce the dimensionality after finding the secret room, but just in case, he had to have some means of self-protection.

Aaron picked up the long sword with some excitement. The erosion of time left almost no trace on it. It was still sharp and cold.


With a wave of his hand, a crisp sword sound sounded, and a sword mark was drawn on the ground.

"It is indeed the sword that killed the giant dragon in legend." Aaron couldn't help but admired. Just ordinary sword energy can cut through rocks. If magic power is injected into it, the power can be increased many times.

"I don't like it." Abe snorted in displeasure and took out the weapon used to slay a dragon in front of a dragon. Is there anything more malicious than this?

"Why are you panicking?" Aaron smiled and said, "This sword can only kill ordinary dragons. You are a holy dragon. Don't you know how rough your skin is and how thick your flesh is?"

Abe clasped his four paws on the ground and said a little aggrievedly: "That will be in the future. I am still a baby now. I have to evolve a few more times to become invulnerable."

Aaron rolled his eyes and said seriously: "You are almost two years old and are no longer a baby.

Also, I won't use this sword to hurt you, otherwise if Vico and the others find out, they might know how to deal with me! "

Abe nodded and immediately flew to Aaron's head, "I'm hungry."

"I know, I'll take you to the auditorium when I put this thing away.

I brought Christmas gifts to a few people by the way. "

Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

Thick black smoke came out of the crucible, and Harry and Ron watched nervously as Hermione dispensed the Polyjuice Potion.

The viscous potion was placed in three glasses, like bubbling mud.

"This is so disgusting." Ron said with an ugly face.

"It's not even the most disgusting." Harry swallowed and looked at the three glass test tubes on the sink. "You also have to add Malfoy's hair, Crabbe's hair, and Goyle's hair."


Ron subconsciously covered his mouth, feeling disgusted and wanting to spit it out.

"I have to admit that drinking this stuff requires a lot of courage, although the most important thing Gryffindor lacks is courage."

Hermione put the last ingredients into the glass, and the decoction boiled, turning into yellow, brown, and brown solutions.

"It should be fine, the reaction is the same as what is said in the book." Hermione said firmly, "After drinking it, we will have an hour to look like the three of them."

"Shall we act now?" Harry asked, looking at Hermione.

"Of course not, we still have to make final preparations."

"Still waiting?" Ron asked very puzzled, "We have been waiting for more than a month, we can't back down at the last step!"

"It's Hermione. I know you don't want to doubt him, but I am now 99% certain that Aaron is the heir of Slytherin." Harry said eagerly, "He appears at the scene of the crime every time, even if I, the one who can hear that strange sound, am not that accurate.

More importantly, he personally admitted to Dumbledore that he was hiding something from him, and said that it would be beneficial to Hogwarts.

I bet Salazar was thinking the same thing when he was planning to eliminate Muggle-born wizards. "

"But..." Hermione hesitated and opened her mouth, "Okay! I didn't say to back down, but... we have to make sure that the real Malfoys don't show up when asking Aaron questions. , and we have to change our outfits.”

Harry and Ron looked at each other, they really didn't expect this.

If they met the real Malfoy, Crabbe or Goyle in the Slytherin common room, it would be impossible for them not to betray the gang. Slytherin would not think it was a prank.

And their clothes are indeed inappropriate. Not to mention the size, the Gryffindor logo on the clothes alone can attract many people's attention.

"Okay!" Ron shrugged, "Since you brought it up, I think you should also have a solution!"

Hermione raised her eyebrows and took out three pieces of chocolate cake. "I put enough sleeping pills in them to make them sleep for a few hours. Then just hide them in the broom cupboard."

"What about the clothes?" Harry asked, "Should we just take them off? Wouldn't this be too..."

"This is actually possible." Ron rubbed his hands excitedly, "If you can't do it, just let me do it."

"Eh!" Hermione gave him a disgusted look, "Just shoes are enough. You can find their clothes in the laundry room. There are usually spare ones there."

"Okay, then it's settled, let's start taking action tonight." Harry looked at the two of them, a wise light flashed in his eyes, "Hermione, I leave the clothes to you.

Ron, let's both try to get them to eat these cakes.

Meet here after success. "


As night fell, teachers and students who chose to stay in school gathered in the auditorium to enjoy dinner.

Compared to last year, this Christmas was a little quieter, but it was only less popular.

The auditorium was still decorated in a particularly grand manner, with more than a dozen Christmas trees covered in silver frost, and magic was cast on the ceiling. Warm and dry snowflakes continued to fall, regulating the temperature in the room.

Everyone ate with gusto, even some people with ulterior motives.

While eating, Aaron noticed that the three Harrys were whispering, and their eyes were glancing at Draco from time to time. This made him feel a little curious, so he simply walked to the Gryffindor table.

"Merry Christmas, you three look weird."

"Really?" Harry showed a forced smile.

"I'm not wrong." Aaron asked meaningfully, "I would like to ask, what did Malfoy and the others do to make you unhappy?"

"That's not true." Ron immediately helped change the subject, "We were just wondering why Crabbe and Goyle had such a good appetite.

The two of them devoured four portions of trifle, now on their fifth. "

"Um..." Aaron was startled for a moment, then smiled, "They both have always had good appetites, but I always feel that this is not the point. I vaguely heard you talking about Draco."

"Okay!" Harry shrugged, "We were just wondering who the heir of Slytherin is?"

Aaron raised his eyebrows. They couldn't be doubting Draco. If they were, they would be doing useless work.

"Then do you have any clues?"

"Not yet." Harry tried his best not to let Aaron see his eyes. Before the plan officially started, he wanted to eliminate all possible links that could go wrong.

"What a pity.

But believe me the truth is not too far away from us. "Aaron said half-jokingly. There were hundreds of students in Hogwarts, and he excluded more than 90% of them in the stupidest way.

Although I am a little tired, I have greatly narrowed the scope and will soon be rewarded.

"Aaron." Hermione asked after hesitating for a moment, "Who do you think the heir of Slytherin might be?

Many people said it was Harry, and some people said it was you. "

"I know that, but the truth is often only in the hands of a few people, isn't it?" Aaron didn't care, "Professor Dumbledore doesn't think we are heirs."

"By the way, where have you been today?

I prepared Christmas gifts for you, but there was no one to deliver them, so I asked Percy to deliver them to the Gryffindor common room. "

When the three of them heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other, feeling somewhat guilty in their hearts.

"We..." Harry hesitated, but couldn't find any suitable reason for the moment.

"We went to Hagrid's place," Hermione said immediately, "He doesn't seem to be in a good mood lately."

"Is that so?" Aaron didn't have much doubt. Chickens kept dying inexplicably in the chicken shed. Hagrid couldn't find the murderer, so he was naturally upset.

"Are you okay?" There was a hint of anxiety and impatience in Harry's voice. If Aaron delayed here until Draco and the three left the auditorium, their plan would have to be postponed.

"It's okay, I just remind you not to forget to collect it.

Although only Hermione among you sent me a book, I have read it. "

"Sorry." Hermione's face turned red, "I should have thought that you read much more than me."

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