A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 175 It’s over before it begins

Harry and the three of them had completely changed into their original appearance, and their clothes were a lot bigger, so they had to lift them up to walk.

Entering the foyer, the three of them threw Draco and the others' shoes at the door of the cupboard where they were kept, and went to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom with their socks on.

"It was so dangerous, I almost got killed." Ron said breathlessly.

"It's not you." Harry glared at him accusingly, "What are you guaranteeing? You said Weasley's words in Crabbe's face.

If we reject him directly, we might not be so passive. "

“At least it’s not without gain!

The basilisk, where the Chamber of Secrets might be, and a list of suspects...except for Ginny, who was definitely not the heir of Slytherin. "

"But how do you explain what Aaron said?"

Ron curled his lips indifferently and said: "Coincidence, definitely a coincidence.

I would never have believed that so many coincidences could happen to one person before, but facts tell us that it is possible.

Do you think Ginny will be the heir of Slytherin? My sister has lived with us brothers for more than ten years, but she has never shown any talent for Parseltongue. "

"Let's not talk about it for now. I think we have to consider some other things." Hermione patted her chest gently, trying to calm down her breathing. "Aaron may ask Draco and the others after the Christmas holiday." Ask about the progress of the investigation and he's sure to find something amiss.

So we have to check the people on that list as much as possible before that, and when he questions us, we will have a reason to respond, otherwise..."

Hermione didn't finish her sentence, but both Harry and Ron knew what she meant.

Last year, a few of them worked together to defraud Abe from Aaron, but they were caught that night.

That crisis of trust made them embarrassed for a long time. Every time they saw Aaron and the dragon cub beside him, they would involuntarily lower their heads, not daring to look at him.

Even now when they face Aaron, they still feel as guilty as a thief seeing a policeman, even if the thief has fully realized his mistake.

But the problem is that they made the same mistake again tonight, and this mistake may be worse than the Raptor incident last year. If they want to make up for it, they can only find the real culprit before he discovers the problem. No matter what, he has to do it Just make some achievements.

"This is very difficult!" Ron said with a grimace. "To tell you the truth, of the twenty-three names, I only remember Ginny and the two people next to her, one is Lianna and the other is New. special.

But I didn’t know either of these students, or even heard of them. "

"I only remembered two. I'm not sure if I got it right." Harry said depressedly. At that time, he was only listening to Aaron's explanation and didn't pay attention to the names at all.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and then looked at Hermione in tacit understanding. Among the three of them, only Hermione had a better memory, and she might just remember the list.

"Don't have high expectations from me. Ron's performance almost made me mad to death. I don't have time to remember those things.

The Polyjuice Potion was about to expire, and I had no idea other than running. "

"That means you don't remember any of it?" The expression on Ron's face became even more bitter, and he said speechlessly: "It would be nice if the polyjuice potion could last longer.

It was promised for an hour, but expired in less than forty-five minutes. "

"Are you blaming me?" Hermione glared at him angrily, "This is also my first time preparing a potion of that difficulty, so it's good to be successful.

And the reason we're in this quandary right now is because who needs me to remind you? "

"Don't be too busy shirking responsibility. Aren't there five names?"

"Correction, it's four." Ron said very confidently, "Ginny's suspicion can be completely ruled out."

"Okay, let's count it as four!" Harry said helplessly, "If we can rule out one of them, maybe we'll be lucky enough to find the real culprit among these four!

Besides that, we can check the Gryffindor common room, which he can't. "

Hermione and Ron nodded silently, that was all they could do, just take it one step at a time!

But the situation was a little worse than they thought, and they didn't have as much time as they thought.

Early the next morning, Draco woke up and found himself locked in a dark space, but luckily the wand was still on him.

Although he was scared, he cast a simple spell.


A bright light appeared at the tip of the wand. He looked around cautiously, and then saw several magic broomsticks. He immediately knew where this place was.

Draco wasn't stupid either. Thinking of his current situation and the chocolate cake he ate last night, his lungs suddenly felt like they were about to explode.

A prank, a pure prank.

Potter and Weasley were really not ordinary insidious. They actually deceived him with an attitude that he couldn't refuse, and even locked him in the broom closet. They were simply lawless.

"Open the Alaho hole!"

Opening the cabinet door, the sunlight outside shone through the window on Draco's face, but he couldn't feel the slightest warmth, and his face looked particularly ugly.

There were three pairs of shoes on the ground. Draco looked at his bare feet and suddenly thought of something.

He walked to another cabinet and cast the unlocking spell to open it.

Two sturdy figures fell out, and Crabbe and Goyle woke up after being hit in the face by several brooms.

"Where is this?" Crabbe murmured in confusion, "Why are we here?"

"You two, get up quickly." Draco said angrily, and then threw their shoes over, "Put on your shoes by the way."

Crabbe and Goyle did it immediately, but they were still full of doubts.

After cleaning themselves up, the two stood beside Draco in silence. It was the first time they felt Malfoy's anger.

"Do you know why you are here?"

The two shook their heads together, but they were sure that they were not sleepwalking.

"I guess you don't know either." Draco rolled his eyes speechlessly, and then told them his guess.

"You mean we were drugged by Potter and his men?" Crabbe asked in disbelief, "How dare they do that?"

"Can you think of any other possibilities besides this?" Draco asked with a sneer, "They are really shameless for this prank.

Under the guise of an apology, they made us eat a cake with hypnotic drugs, and then locked us in this broken place.

Humph! If my dad knew, he would be mad."


Goyle slammed the cabinet hard, "This is really too much, when have we ever suffered such a loss, I will go to them to settle the account."

"Stop." Draco scolded, "Isn't it embarrassing enough!

You still go to settle the account directly, I want to teach them a lesson more than you, but how are you going to do it? Beat them up in public?

This way of revenge is the lowest level, not to mention whether you can beat them or not, if the matter gets out of hand, it will only lose the face of Slytherin."

"Then we can't just put up with it!" Crabbe said angrily.

"How is it possible? I can't swallow this!" Draco said viciously, "Let's go back first."

The three of them returned to the Slytherin common room with gloomy faces. Students who saw them on the way all stepped away unconsciously, because they looked like debt collectors.

They sat on the sofa, silent, exuding an aura of keeping strangers away.

Aaron just came out of the dormitory and was about to take Abe to the hall for dinner, but seeing the three of them like this, he was also a little curious.

"What's wrong with you? You were fine last night."

"Don't talk to me about last night." Draco looked fierce, clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, but when he saw that the person coming over was Aaron, he restrained his anger.

"Sorry, I shouldn't treat you like this."

"It's only one night! Even if you have a nightmare, you shouldn't be so angry."

"It's okay if it's a nightmare. We were..."

"Shut up, Crabbe." Draco interrupted him immediately. He didn't want his good friend to know his miserable side.

The heir of the Malfoy family was actually knocked unconscious and locked in the broom closet by Weasley and Potter. If this gets out, people will laugh their heads off.

"Hey, hey, hey! That's not the case!" Aaron's eyes twitched, "I just asked you to help me check some things. If you don't want to, you can tell me. There's no need to be so angry."

Draco was stunned for a moment, and Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other.

"Aaron, are you kidding? We didn't come back last night."

"What?" Aaron didn't realize the problem yet, and said in a joking tone: "Don't be funny, didn't you come to see me last night?

Or the prefect brought you here!"

"But we..." Draco was halfway through his words, and suddenly thought of something, and a grim smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "So that's it!

Saint Potter and his friends are really good at playing!"

"What are you talking about?"

Draco hesitated for a while, looking at Aaron with a complicated expression, "I didn't want you to know, but now it seems I have to let you know.

You'd better have Be mentally prepared, otherwise I'm worried that you won't be able to accept it. "

"Just say it!" Aaron waved his hand indifferently and sat calmly opposite Draco, "My psychological quality is far beyond your imagination."

"Okay! This is what happened.

Everything was fine, but the three of us ate the chocolate cake given by Harry Potter and Ron Weasley last night, and when we woke up this morning, we found ourselves locked in the cabinet in the broom closet. "Draco looked at Aaron meaningfully, "Do you understand what I mean?

We slept in the broom closet last night and didn't come back at all, and when we woke up, we found that our shoes were taken off. "

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