A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 179 Sold the person quietly

When the conversation between Riddle and Dippet involved the attack, Harry had to put away his meager sympathy and carefully pricked his ears, for fear of missing any details.

But after listening, Harry's eyes twitched slightly, and there was a hint of bitterness at the corner of his mouth.

At that time, a little girl died, and the Ministry of Magic planned to close Hogwarts for safety reasons. At that time, Tom would have to leave the school and return to the orphanage.

And his current situation is not much better than Riddle's at that time. If there is another attack, history may repeat itself. Once Hogwarts is closed, he will have to go back to his uncle's house to continue his life in dire straits.

Unless, like Riddle said, we catch the murderer who opened the secret room, end all this, and ensure the safety of the school.

Unfortunately, Riddle never mentioned who the heir to the Chamber of Secrets was from beginning to end.

After leaving the principal's office, Harry continued to follow Riddle and found that his expression gradually changed from hesitant to firm, as if he had made up his mind.

At this time, Dumbledore from fifty years ago suddenly appeared on Riddle's path, "It's not good to wander out so late, Tom."

"I just had to see the principal, sir."

"Okay, go to bed now. It's best not to wander in the corridors these days." Dumbledore stared at Riddle for a few seconds, then said good night and walked up a flight of stairs.

Riddle turned a corner and quickened his pace after making sure no one was around.

Harry followed him down the dark passages, and finally stopped at a door.

Riddle pulled out his wand and opened the door roughly, "Good evening, Hagrid, I have to report you.

I know you didn't mean to kill anyone, but..."

"No, you don't understand." The young Hagrid used his giant body to block a wooden box behind him as he spoke.

"The dead girl's parents will come tomorrow." Riddle pointed his wand at Hagrid. "Hogwarts must ensure that those who killed their daughter are brought to justice."

"No, Aragog has never killed anyone, never." Hagrid explained eagerly.

“Monsters cannot be kept as pets!

Get out of the way. "


"Get out of the way, Hagrid."


Riddle couldn't bear it anymore and waved his wand directly, "The treasure appears."

A sudden light hit the box behind Hagrid, and a huge spider came out of it.

This spider had eight shining eyes and sharp pincers. After it appeared, it rushed towards the door in a panic. The spider's legs kept making a sparse sound, and it ran in a panic.

"Strike the giant spider hard!"

A white light shot out of the wand, but it was dodged.

Riddle tried to chase him, but Hagrid lunged at him, grabbing his wand and knocking him to the ground, giving Aragog enough time to escape.

The memory ended here, and Harry felt that the world was spinning and the surroundings were dark.

After a feeling of falling, Harry fell onto his bed, and he was in a daze for a while before he realized what he was doing.

He looked at the open diary and kept thinking about Riddle's memories from fifty years ago. He finally understood who Aaron was talking about who was expelled as the heir of Slytherin fifty years ago.

Rubeus Hagrid, he should have thought of that.

After taking several deep breaths, Harry simply adjusted his condition. After hesitating for a moment, he wrote in his diary: "Tom, I really don't want to say this, but Hagrid was wrongly accused."

Miscellaneous words appeared on the diary: "Impossible, no one except that monster would hurt the students, and there have been no attacks since Hagrid was expelled."

"But Aaron has investigated clearly," Harry wrote. "The monster in the secret room is a basilisk."

The diary seemed to fall into silence, and a few seconds later new words appeared: "What is a basilisk?"

"A magical creature with an extremely long lifespan. If you look at it, you will lose your life. Even if you look at it indirectly, you will be petrified. It is the monster raised by Salazar Slytherin."

After the handwriting disappeared, the diary was flipped through quickly, looking agitated: "You mean I wronged a student and let the real culprit go free."

Harry pursed his lips, feeling tremendous anger and guilt just from these words.

"I'm afraid yes, the heir of Slytherin is very cunning, and you are also trying to protect the school, so don't feel guilty.

And Dumbledore arranged for Hagrid to be a forest guard, and he still lives at Hogwarts. "

"That's fine, I owe him an apology.

But Harry Potter, I hope you don't tell him about my existence, because it will bring back bad memories for him. Hagrid's heart is actually very fragile. "

Harry hesitated for a while and wrote: "Don't worry, I have discretion."


By the way, can you tell me who Aaron is?

I'm curious as to what kind of wizard could track down the basilisk. "

Harry smiled slightly and dipped his quill in ink, "Aaron Gaius, he is my good friend, a very good Slytherin.

But I seem to have done something wrong that I feel particularly sorry for him. I can feel that he is a little more distant from us than before. "

“Everyone makes mistakes, but mistakes can be corrected and misunderstandings can be resolved.

Time is the best medicine, it can heal all wounds.

As long as you treat people with sincerity, you will definitely find your friendship back in the shortest possible time. "

Seeing these words, Harry's eyes lit up.

It was true that he, Ron and Hermione had comforted each other during this period, but they all made mistakes together, and even the most optimistic words were tinged with pessimism.

In contrast, the comfort of a close old senior is a shot in the arm, pure chicken soup for the soul.

"Thank you, Tom, I feel a lot better."

"I personally think you need to be stronger. There is no obstacle in this world that you cannot overcome."

Harry nodded, thinking of the problems he might be facing at present, he continued to write: "Besides that memory, do you have any clues related to the Chamber of Secrets?"

Soon, a few neat lines of font appeared on the blank page: "No more, but I can give you some valuable advice, but only if you tell me what you know.

I need to make up for the mistakes I made fifty years ago. Only by catching the true heir can I be qualified to apologize to Rubeus Hagrid. "

Harry struggled for a while and reluctantly decided to comply with Riddle's request.

At first glance, Riddle was very similar to him, and he felt like a spring breeze, trustworthy.

Secondly, this is just a diary, and it doesn’t hurt no matter how much you know.

Thirdly, he, no, rather they, they really need some helpers to help them find the real culprit behind the scenes, and Riddle undoubtedly has this ability.

"I can tell you, but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone else."

Another line appeared in the diary: "I pledge my father's surname."

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Harry wrote down all the clues he knew in his diary, "In addition to the basilisk, Aaron also gave us a list of possible Slytherin heirs. In addition to pure-blood wizards, There are also some mixed-blood wizards and the Weasley sister.

Unfortunately, we found nothing.

There is also a place that may be a secret room, but we have also done some investigation and found that the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake are still there.

Aaron didn't tell us all the clues, and he was so secretive about the last possible location that he didn't want to tell us. "

"Maybe there is something unspeakable!

Everyone has their own secrets, you have to try to understand them. "

"I know that." Harry shrugged, and the quill hovered over the diary for a moment before continuing to write: "Tom, is there any way you can help us?"

"No, but don't act rashly just yet."

"Aaron thinks so too. He is afraid that the real culprit behind the scenes will fight to the death with Hogwarts, so he won't let us notify Dumbledore until it is absolutely necessary."

"He is right, you need to calm down at this time.

Staying the same in the face of ever-changing situations, as long as the real culprit behind the scenes dares to hurt people again, his flaws will definitely be revealed. "

"But we can't risk the lives of students!" Harry wrote eagerly. "I don't know that Dumbledore will make the real murderer behind the scenes feel afraid, but that's why I want to take the initiative."

"Then you have only one choice."

A line of words caught Harry's attention, and before he could ask, another line of words appeared:

"Go to Hagrid. He has a good relationship with many magical creatures. With his help, it might be easier for you to investigate the Forbidden Forest."

"But what should I tell Hagrid?" Harry wrote sadly.

Hagrid was unjustly expelled fifty years ago because he raised a magical animal. Aaron had to help him keep secret what happened fifty years ago. What if he mentioned the Chamber of Secrets in the past and asked him to help investigate and uncover his scars? What's the difference?

“This is indeed a bit difficult, but I believe you will handle it as long as you do it in the right way.

My time is running out, goodbye. "

After writing two lines of words, the diary flipped quickly and closed again.

Looking at the black cover, Harry didn't think too much. He probably consumed too much magic power in the diary!

But it doesn't matter. Riddle has told him enough and given him enough encouragement. Just check it out slowly.

At the same time, Aaron, who was practicing the magic circle in the Slytherin common room, suddenly shuddered, his right hand holding the pen trembled violently, and a diagram of an advanced magic circle was completely scrapped.

Aaron looked at the dots of sparks on the table and couldn't help but frown slightly.

This kind of thing has never happened before, and he will not be easily distracted when he is concentrating.

Could it be some kind of ominous sign?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

He asked himself that he was still hiding it very deeply, and that he did not pose any threat to anyone on the surface. There should not be anyone who is not short-sighted and cares about him.

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