A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 182 The Ministry of Magic’s intervention

Harry looked embarrassed. The invisibility cloak couldn't cover the four people, which meant that one of them couldn't go.

"How about I go back to the common room later!" Ron pursed his lips, "Although I don't want to admit it, leaving me here is the most reasonable thing to do."

Harry and Hermione looked at each other and nodded helplessly.

"No need to bother." Aaron said lightly, and then took out a small glass bottle from Abe's pocket, "The last invisibility potion is enough for a round trip."

"Great, let's go now." Harry said excitedly, then put on the invisibility cloak and covered Ron and Hermione inside.

Aaron shrugged and fed himself and Abe a bite.

After learning the Illusion Body Curse, this potion was useless to him, tasteless to eat, and a pity to throw away.

But it's better to hide a little, and tonight is when this bottle bottoms out.

The group of people walked carefully through the corridors, avoiding the patrolling prefects, professors and ghosts in the night.

After leaving the castle, Aaron and Abe exited the invisibility state, but Harry and the others still hid in the invisibility cloak and did not dare to come out.

"As for it?

Don't you feel uncomfortable walking like this? "

"Safety first." Harry's voice came from the air, "I think you and Abe should also remain invisible, in case they are targeted by the basilisk."

Aaron rolled his eyes, ignored him, hugged Abe and walked forward on his own.

"Aaron, you should know what it means to sail with caution!" Hermione reminded, "There is nothing wrong with being cautious."

"First of all, Abe is a universal radar, and I am absolutely sure that I can escape before the basilisk comes.

Secondly, you have also experienced the intensity of the patrol. At this time, the heir of Slytherin should be trapped in the Gryffindor common room and unable to get out.

He couldn't get out, and the basilisk could only stay in the secret room.

Finally, we have three purebloods here, and the basilisk will only target Muggle-born wizards who are alone or in groups. .

In other words, we are still safe. "Aaron explained patiently, but Harry had no intention of taking off the invisibility cloak, as if only this robe could bring them warmth in the silent night.

It wasn't until they saw the pale yellow light at the edge of the Forbidden Forest that they were willing to get out of it.

After knocking on the door for more than ten seconds, Hagrid opened the door.

He looked very nervous. When he opened the door, he aimed his crossbow at the door. After seeing a few people, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why are you here?" Hagrid asked doubtfully, "Forget it, come in first and I'll make tea for you."

After they sat down, they noticed that Hagrid's body was shaking constantly, and he was obviously absent-minded. The tea overflowed the cup without even noticing.

"Hagrid, are you okay?" Harry asked concerned.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

"Okay, it won't be like this." Aaron asked meaningfully, "What are you worried about?"

"No, it's nothing." Hagrid said with a sneer, "I'll cut the cake for you!"

"Wait a minute, Hagrid." Harry hurriedly stopped Hagrid, "We have something to ask you about the Chamber of Secrets."

Hagrid paused, turned to look at Aaron and asked, "Did you tell them?"

“I didn’t tell them, they found out on their own.

Although the process was a bit tortuous and bizarre, they knew everything I knew. Aaron said helplessly, "They are looking for you because they want to know if you have any other clues here, even if they are not important." "

"I can see that you are indeed being pushed into a hurry, but you have to understand..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door, followed closely by the barking of Yaya.

"Hurry up and put on your cloak." Hagrid looked at the door and immediately lowered his voice and said, "You two, hide and don't talk."

Several people immediately followed suit, and Harry, Hermione, and Ron hid under the invisibility cloak.

Aaron sighed regretfully, divided the remaining invisibility potion into two parts, and drank them all.

Seeing that they were all hiding, Hagrid picked up his crossbow and walked to the door.

After opening the door, Hagrid's expression turned a little surprised, "Professor Dumbledore."

"Good evening, Hagrid."

Dumbledore walked in, but it wasn't just him, there was a stocky stranger behind him.

"Cornelly Fudge?" Aaron looked at the short, middle-aged wizard with gray hair and a top hat in his hand and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. "Has the Ministry of Magic intervened?"

"Do you know him?" Ron asked in surprise, "That's my dad's immediate boss, the Minister of Magic."

“He comes to my house every year and promises various benefits to gain Gaius’ support, but I reject him every time.

This person does a good job on the surface, but that's all. He is weak at heart, obsessed with power, money, and suspicious, and he always has a kind of mysterious self-confidence until the end. "

"Can such a person be the Minister of Magic?" Hermione said in disbelief.

"It was chosen by everyone!

The current magical world is relatively peaceful, and it doesn't hurt to leave a mascot in that position. At least he barely has the ability to maintain the status quo. "

Harry poked the two of them with his arm and lowered his voice nervously, "Don't talk yet."

"It's bad, Hagrid, very bad.

I must come. Three attacks on Muggle-borns. The matter is too big. The Ministry of Magic must take action. "

"I didn't." Hagrid's face turned pale, "You can ask Professor Dumbledore."

"Cornelly, I have to tell you," Dumbledore said, "I have absolute trust in Hagrid."

Fudge waved his hand in embarrassment, "Albus, Hagrid's record is very detrimental to him, I must take him away."

"Take me away?" Hagrid looked at him angrily, "Where? It can't be Azkaban, right?"

Fudge felt a little guilty, but did not deny it, "I have no choice, Hagrid.

But don't worry, the time is short and this is just a precautionary measure.

If you are truly innocent, we will release you immediately and fully apologize. "

The implication is that you are the scapegoat for the time being, so you have no reason to disagree.

Harry couldn't help it anymore and wanted to rush out to defend Hagrid, but Ron and Hermione held him down.

At this time, there was a knock on the door again, and it was Lucius Malfoy who came in.

He looked at the three people in the room and smiled with satisfaction, "You are already here! Fudge."

"What are you doing here? Get out of my house." Hagrid said unceremoniously.

"To be honest, I don't want to walk into this at all..." Lucius looked at the small house with a sarcastic tone mixed with disdain, "This can also be regarded as a house."

"This is a true statement." Aaron curled his lips, "My dormitory is bigger than here."

"I'm not here to find you." Lucius glanced past Hagrid and landed on Dumbledore, "I just came to school for something, and they told me the principal was here."

"Okay! What do you want from me?" Dumbledore's tone was calm, but there was a trace of anger in his eyes. Obviously he also knew that Malfoy would definitely be up to no good when he came to him.

"The other directors and I agree that it's time for you to step aside." Lucius said, taking out a piece of parchment. "This is the suspension order, as well as the signatures of all twelve directors. We feel that you can no longer control the overall situation.

If the attacks continue, there may not be any Muggle-born wizards left.

In that case, it will undoubtedly be a loss to the school. "

"What? Is Lucius's brain crazy?

Even if you don't like Dumbledore, you shouldn't drive him away at this time! "

This time it was Aaron who couldn't bear it anymore. It didn't matter that Hagrid was imprisoned in Azkaban. He had not committed anything. At most, he would be under house arrest and he would be released soon.

But if Dumbledore leaves school, the security of Hogwarts will drop by at least half.

If the heir really wants to make a desperate move, a few professors alone may not be able to protect everyone.

But just as he was about to stand up, he was hugged tightly by the three Harrys, making it difficult to move.

"You can't get rid of Professor Dumbledore. Without him, who will protect Muggle-born students?

Remember what I said, there will still be murders. Hagrid said loudly.

"That's what I want to say." Aaron agreed with Hagrid's point of view. "Anyone can leave, but Dumbledore cannot leave."

"But you can't go out now." Hermione hugged him tightly and wouldn't let go. "Calm down, you can't change anything if you go out."

"Calm down, Hagrid.

If the directors want me to step down, then I have to step aside.

But please remember..." Dumbledore said, walking to the corner and looking at the invisible people meaningfully, "As long as someone asks for help at Hogwarts, they will definitely get it. "

Aaron met Dumbledore's blue gaze, and an awkward smile appeared on his face.

Sure enough, a small trick like invisibility couldn't hide it from the great magician who had stepped into the holy realm. It is estimated that what they just said and did did not escape his eyes.

"It's so touching." Lucius didn't take it seriously, but he still pretended to be moved and bowed: "Let's go!"

Dumbledore followed Lucius out of the room, but winked at the four of them before leaving.

"Let's go! Hagrid." Fudge looked at Hagrid, who was standing motionless, "Okay?"

"What if..." Hagrid coughed twice and glanced in the direction of the four of them pretending to be casual, "I mean if someone wants to find something, just follow the spider."

“That’s all I want to say.

By the way, help me feed Yaya when I'm not around. "

The two walked out of the hut and closed the door.

Harry pulled off the invisibility cloak, revealing the three people inside.

Aaron also released his invisibility, and he looked angrily at the figures walking further and further out the window, "He found us, he definitely found us.

Especially in the last statement, Dumbledore seemed to want to put his treasure on a few of us, and he was also full of confidence.

This sixth child is indeed an old and cunning bastard. "

"So he's not very good!" Harry said, "I think there must be something profound in Dumbledore's words."

"I have nothing more to say about you, Harry.

There's nothing wrong with trusting someone, but you can't trust someone too much. You and Dumbledore have only met a few times in total! "

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