A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 189 The barrier outside the secret room

Lockhart pursed his lips, looked at the meaningful looks in everyone's eyes, and quickly made a choice between face and success.

If you lose face, you can earn it again. At worst, you can find another place to hang out, but if you lose your life, you will have nothing left.

"I'm sorry, I have to refuse this time." Lockhart said seriously, "I don't want to stay here any longer. I want to go back now."

"But you are the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and this is your responsibility." Professor McGonagall said unhappily. Although she also felt that Lockhart could not be of much help, it was not a good thing to have deserters in the team at this time.

"You can't say that, it's not my obligation." Lockhart disagreed. "When I accepted this position, this was not included in the work regulations."

"Are you saying you're going to run away?" Harry asked in disbelief.

Lockhart smiled and shrugged, not denying it.

"How could you run away?" Hermione couldn't accept it. "You wrote so many great things about yourself in the book."

"Books can be deceiving." Lockhart grinned. "Those stories are true, but they just change the protagonist from an ugly old wizard, or a disgusting old witch with hair on his chin and no taste in clothes." into the glamorous Gilderoy Lockhart.

Only by making people think that I did those things can the sales of the book increase. "

"You, you, you are really... a liar." Hermione's chest heaved with anger, her words were unclear, and her disappointment was palpable.

Others were also stunned. They could all see that Lockhart was a clown, but they didn't expect that he was even more despicable than they thought, and his character was extremely bad.

"It's really disgusting." Aaron had already expected it. It was perfectly normal for Lockhart to do such a coquettish thing.

"Whatever you say, what I did was plagiarism at best, and I didn't break any laws!" Lockhart said. Now that his cards have been shown, there is no need for him to pretend to be so tired.

Professor McGonagall directly cast a petrification spell on him, imprisoning him in place.

"Ignore this bastard. I will ask the Auror to investigate after Ginny is rescued."

Everyone gathered their spirits and continued to move forward in the rugged tunnel, bypassing the dense snake sloughs.

When they reached the end of the tunnel, a solid wall stood in front of everyone. On the wall were two snakes entwined with each other. Their eyes were inlaid with shining emeralds, and they looked like they were alive.

Abe jumped down from Aaron's arms and looked at the wall warily, sharp claws slowly protruding from his limbs.

Aaron took a deep breath, "The basilisk is inside, get the two roosters ready.

In addition, in the event of an accident, you must remember not to look into its eyes. If possible, it is best to close your eyes and fight. "

Ron and Hermione subconsciously hugged the roosters in their hands, and they immediately made a loud crow, dispelling the depression in everyone's hearts.

"Harry Potter." Snape looked at the wall and said meaningfully: "It's your turn, Parseltongue."

Harry cleared his throat, walked up to the wall, and hissed in Parseltongue: Open.

The two snakes began to slowly separate and coiled up on the left and right sides of the wall.

The wall slowly opened from the center, but what everyone saw was not a secret room. The emeralds in the eyes of two snakes emitted green light, forming a gray-white curtain wall to block the entrance.

"What's this?"

"Don't touch, Harry." Professor McGonagall cautiously stretched out her finger to touch, but was knocked back several steps the next moment.

Professor Flitwick took out his wand, and a white light hit the gray-white curtain wall, forcibly opening a black crack in it.

But soon the cracks healed and powerful magic seeped out of the walls, counteracting Flitwick's spell.

"The barrier." Professor Flitwick exclaimed, "And it's not an ordinary barrier. It's powered by two magic crystals and has been deployed for at least a month."

"Can it be broken open?" Ron asked anxiously, "My sister is still inside!"

"I'm sorry, Ron Weasley.

This barrier is carefully prepared at first glance. Even if a few of us work together to break it with brute force, it will take a certain amount of time. "

"how long it takes?"

"Twelve hours at least." Professor Flitwick said with an embarrassed look, "This is the fastest. The person who set up this barrier is an absolute genius.

Unless he leaves behind any rules, the only way to break them is to use brute force. "

After he finished speaking, two lines of words actually appeared on the gray-white curtain wall:

Aaron Gaius (this is the premise); 1357.


Aaron blinked blankly, and the others looked at him with puzzled faces.

"What's going on?" Aaron felt a big word "danger" carved on his forehead, as if someone was pointing a death curse at him.

"Obviously." Professor Snape looked gloomy, "You have come into the sight of the Slytherin heir."

"But I'm already low-key enough!" Aaron said without tears. "I haven't had any outstanding performance in the past two semesters. How did he know about me?"

After saying that, Aaron seemed to have thought of something and turned to look at the three Gryffindors.

"Don't tell me it was you who told me."

Hermione and Ron shook their heads immediately, but they were tight-lipped.

Harry weakly raised his right hand and said ashamedly: "Maybe I did it.

Tom Riddle took me back to his memory. I told him that Hagrid was not the murderer, and then told him the clues you had investigated.

He was very interested in you, so..."

When Aaron heard this, his mind went blank, and his heart was on the verge of collapse.

“Didn’t I tell you not to tell anyone?

You also promised me, is this your promise? "

"Sorry." Harry said awkwardly, too guilty to look directly at Aaron.

At the time, he thought that the secrets in Riddle's diary would not be revealed, so he didn't take it seriously, but he didn't expect that it would become such a big deal.

"Haha! Do you think that's the end of apologizing?" Aaron pointed at the curtain wall with a sneer, "Look clearly, it's my name written on it!

I have worked hard for so long just not to be targeted by the big boss behind the scenes. It would be better for you to just sell me out neatly. "

"I...I really didn't mean it."

"You better not do it on purpose, or I will definitely strangle you to death." Aaron gritted his back teeth and pulled up Harry's collar, "Do you know that I have never thought about taking risks on my own, never.

I'm just a Slytherin who keeps things safe. Why do you do this to me? Have I offended you in any way? "

Harry shook his head blankly and wanted to say something, but he swallowed the words as they reached his lips.

It seems that everything he says is wrong now. This is no longer a hindrance. It is dragging Aaron directly into the abyss. It's strange that he can be in a good mood.

Harry could only give Professor McGonagall a look of help, hoping that she would say a few nice words to at least let Aaron loosen his grip first.

"Alas!" Professor McGonagall said helplessly: "Now that time is running out, let's think about how to rescue Ginny first!"

"There's nothing we can do." Aaron sighed, "I'm the only one left now."

"No, I don't agree." Professor Snape snapped, "No one knows what's going on inside, except for the basilisk, there may be other dangers.

There is no need for you to take risks for Ginny Weasley, and there is no reason for us to take risks for you, a student. "

"Haha! Professor, I just said that I never wanted to take risks.

But thanks to the famous savior, I am now helpless because the other party is coming for me. Aaron gradually calmed down, "You can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can you guard against a thief for a thousand days?"

There is a saying in our family's ancestral motto: If I don't kill him today, he will definitely find a way to kill me tomorrow.

Now that he is on my mind, I have no choice but to kill him, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep well in the future. "

"Um... Gaius." Professor Sprout frowned, "Your idea is good, but your strength is too weak now. We can think of other ways."

"Time is running out."

Professor Sprout heard this and had nothing to say.

If they can break this barrier, it won't be so troublesome, but who makes it impossible for them to break it!

"Then what does the second sentence mean?" Hermione looked at the numbers on the curtain wall, frowning, "One, three, five, seven, these are all odd numbers, do they represent the year or the password? Or..."

"It's not that troublesome." Aaron rolled his eyes, "The four numbers add up to sixteen, which means people under the age of sixteen can pass through the curtain wall.

Riddle may already have the ability to break away from the diary. He is so confident that he can ignore any of his peers. "

"We can go in and help you." Harry summoned up the courage to say, "We are all under the age of sixteen, and the four of us together may not be able to beat Tom Riddle."

"No, I beg you, please don't hold me back." Aaron was very resistant. He had a very clear understanding of the abilities of these three Gryffindors.

Hermione was barely capable, but this was not an exam, and she couldn't help much.

As for Harry and Ron...it's really hard to describe them!

As long as one of these two people is more reliable, he can win behind a few professors, so there is no need to take such a big risk.

"But it's my sister inside." Ron said unconvinced.

"Then for the sake of your sister, stay outside." Aaron said impatiently, "If Ginny is still alive, I will do my best to save her. If she unfortunately dies, I will also do my best. His efforts brought out her body intact.”

"Ginny must be alive." Ron said loudly, but he was also a little unsure in his heart. After all, he saw a lot of bones along the way.

"hope so!"

Aaron sighed and walked towards the curtain wall.

"Wait, Gaius." Professor McGonagall stopped him and said, "You forgot to bring the cock."

"It's useless, Riddle has made enough preparations." Aaron said regretfully, "This barrier is prepared for living people, and roosters cannot get through."

Hearing this, Abe couldn't sit still. He didn't trust his master to leave him and take risks alone, so he spread his wings and flew towards the barrier.

The sharp claws tore out sparks one after another on the curtain wall, but the damage caused to the barrier was small and limited, and it would always return to its original state in the next second.

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