A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 195 The diary is the real body

"I want to too!" Aaron said without tears, "But I have no strength anymore, and do you think he will give us a second chance?"

When Riddle heard this, a proud smile appeared on his face.

Having personally experienced the terrifying baptism of thunder, he did not dare to give Aaron the chance to portray the magic circle again.

The future Voldemort experienced what it means to capsize in the gutter, and the current Tom Riddle does not want to experience the same humiliation.

"That means we can only fight with him." Harry looked seriously, looking at the wand in Riddle's hand and suddenly thought of something, "Aaron, lend me your wand."

"What the hell?" Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, "Even if you are crazy, you still have to pay attention to the situation!"

"You don't have much magic power now, but I do. All that's missing is a wand."

Hearing this, Ron also reacted.

His wand was useless, but Aaron's wand was still good, so it might as well be borrowed.

"I also..."

"No." Aaron rolled his eyes, "Even if I am in a bad state now, the effect of the wand in my hand is definitely better than yours."

"Ginny's wand," Hermione reminded. "You can use Ginny's."

Ron didn't think too much and took out a black wand from Ginny's pocket.

"Are you ready?" Riddle ignored the four little wizards at all and played with the wand in his hand meaningfully. "Today you will know the meaning of despair."


A roar suddenly sounded, and a white figure suddenly flew over. The red dragon flames forced Riddle back several meters.

"That damn dragon."


Aaron looked at it with relief and found the black diary in its pocket, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Abe jumped up to Aaron with a smile and murmured.

The general meaning is that the basilisk lost the diary when it was biting around, and it took a lot of effort to dig it out from under the collapsed pillar.

"Well done, you saved us all this time."

At this moment, Aaron no longer had any scruples. Originally, he had thought of adding all the remaining magic points to the magic energy, plus the rewards for completing the two tasks, which would be enough to elevate his strength to the peak of the mid-level magician.

By then, he would have the capital to confront Riddle head-on.

Although they may still be unable to beat them, after all, the opponent's accumulation cannot be underestimated, but with Abe and Fox, they are not without a chance of winning.

Four or six is ​​a bit of a stretch, but five or five is still possible.

But now that the Horcrux is in his hands, it is equivalent to controlling Tom Riddle's wealth and life. Everything is not so troublesome. No matter how capable he is, he can't turn over.

"What a pity! Tom Riddle." Aaron said meaningfully, "The victory or defeat has been decided. You are dead this time."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Riddle frowned, "Although I admire you very much, both your talent and your character are beyond my imagination, but this does not mean that I can endure it again and again. You disrespect me."


Aaron couldn't help but sneered, and then he saw the black line on Riddle's face, "I'm sorry, I just think you are too self-righteous, and you don't know until you are about to die."

"What's the meaning?"

Aaron shrugged and took out the diary from Abe's pocket, "This thing should be a Horcrux!"

"Stop." Riddle was shocked and looked at Aaron extremely nervously, "Do you know what this means?"

"Of course I know, this is your life."

Harry and the others also analyzed the meaning of the diary from Riddle's expression, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it feels strange, the situation seems to have changed dramatically, and the initiative is in their hands.

"Destroy it, and Riddle will die!" Harry said excitedly, "Hogwarts will be peaceful, and Ginny will wake up."

"You're not hopelessly stupid."


Harry felt like a sword had been stabbed in his heart, which was painful.

But thinking that they had done more than one ridiculous thing, I could only laugh in embarrassment.

"Horcruxes are not that easy to destroy." Riddle said confidently, but to a few people it sounded extremely guilty.

"The normal situation is like this. Normal spells can't affect this diary.

But unfortunately, there are at least four ways to destroy it in this secret room. Aaron chuckled and said, "Gaius's sword, you have also seen the power of this sword." "

Riddle's face looked a little ugly, but Harry and the other three grinned. This is a sure thing!

“Second, the fangs of the basilisk and the venom of magical creatures that have lived for thousands of years should also be able to destroy Horcruxes!

Third, dragon breath, Abe's dragon flame has a very strong restraining effect on dark magic items such as Horcruxes. "

Riddle couldn't bear it anymore. He knew that he had to get the diary back, otherwise he would be dead.

"Avada Kedavra."

A green, ominous spell shot out from the tip of the wand, accompanied by chaotic sounds, and the target was quite clear.

Although Riddle admired Aaron and hoped that he would assist him, an assistant with great potential was nothing compared to the temptation of resurrection.

"Fourth, the death curse." Aaron sneered and threw the diary away.


The diary was hit by the Unforgivable Curse and turned gray-white in mid-air. Black ink exploded from it and spilled all over the floor.

Riddle's body was also covered with white holes of light. His whole body was in special pain and turned into ashes amidst the tragic wails.


Harry's wand fell to the ground, causing a few splashes of water.

"This should be the end, right?" Harry asked with some uncertainty, "Riddle won't be resurrected!"

"Unless he has a fateful relationship with the God of Death, otherwise..."

Ginny suddenly groaned, opened her eyes, and sat up in confusion, "Where is this?"

Aaron shrugged and said half-jokingly: "It seems that the God of Death is quite fair."

"You finally woke up." Ron happily gave Ginny a hug, "It's okay, Ginny.

Riddle is dead, his basilisk is killed by Aaron, and it's all over. "

Ginny looked at the gray-white diary and the basilisk that had been chopped into two parts. Her eyes were red with fear and tears were falling down.

"I'm sorry, I did it, but I really didn't mean it.

It was Riddle, and he had control over me. "

"No one would blame a little girl who almost died." Aaron comforted, "Besides, the mandrake has grown, and several victims will be lifted from their petrified state in no time."

"I won't be expelled!" Ginny cried. "Mom and dad will be very sad."

"You can rest assured that you will not be expelled." Aaron said confidently, "Dumbledore will be back in school soon. Although he always misses the mark at critical moments, it cannot be denied that he Not bad for students.

Myrtle died fifty years ago, and Hagrid was wrongly accused of becoming the heir of Slytherin. It was his persistence that allowed him to stay in Hogwarts.

You are also a victim this time, and more importantly, no one was killed, and we found the secret room, killed the basilisk, and eliminated a huge hidden danger for Hogwarts.

In any case, the merits outweigh the demerits, and he has no reason to punish you. "

Hearing this, Ginny's face looked much better, "Thank you, Aaron."

"You're welcome." Aaron waved his hand, "But in the future, you should be more careful about magical props with autonomous consciousness. If you do it next time, I may not be able to save you."

"We'd better wait at the entrance first!" Hermione reminded, then carefully helped Aaron up, "You're really not in a good condition now."

Harry also hurriedly held Aaron's other side, treating it like a piece of fine porcelain, so as not to bump it.

Ron comforted his sister, telling her what happened while helping her walk to the entrance.

"Wait, my ring." Aaron suddenly stopped, "That's very important, have any of you seen it?"

"Is that that one?" Ginny pointed to a puddle, where a medieval ring reflected the faint light.

Abe ran over immediately and brought the ring to Aaron.

Hermione picked it up and prepared to put it on Aaron, but the next moment she felt weak and staggered before she recovered.


Hermione looked at Aaron in astonishment. After experiencing the magic of the ring herself, she understood why Voldemort valued Aaron so much.

Geniuses are also divided into levels. She considers herself far superior to the average peers, but compared to geniuses like Aaron and Voldemort, she is simply a scumbag. There is an unfathomable gap between them.

"Don't tell others." Aaron put on the ring and said meaningfully.

Hermione nodded blankly and continued to help Aaron move forward.

After climbing up a ladder and passing through the narrow tunnel, they saw the gray-white barrier again.

"Professor, we're out," Ron shouted.

When Professor McGonagall saw Ginny Weasley also coming out, she felt relieved and smiled excitedly: "Thank God, Ginny, you are still alive."

If no lives were lost, the matter would not be irreversible.

It will also be easier for Hogwarts to deal with the aftermath, and there will also be an explanation for the Weasleys.

"Professor, don't just look at her!" Aaron said weakly, "I need a doctor."

Only then did the four professors notice the extremely weak Aaron, and their hearts suddenly trembled.

The main reason is that the barrier blocks the view too much. If you don't look carefully, you can only see a few figures.

Moreover, Harry and others were all fine, so they subconsciously thought that Aaron must be fine, but they didn't expect that the worst one was actually the one who was seriously injured.

"Gaius, are you okay?" Professor Snape immediately walked to the barrier and decisively released the spell, but the curtain wall only shook slightly and the effect was minimal.

"Minerva, when will Dumbledore come?"

"Don't worry too much, I won't die for a while." Aaron said happily, "It's just that my whole body is very numb and I can't exert much strength."

"You..." Snape couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw the redness on Aaron's face, "How did you end up like this?"

“This is normal!

After all, the opponent is a giant snake dozens of feet tall, plus a sixteen-year-old genius wizard. "

"I know, but nothing happened to them." Snape looked ugly. He knew that Aaron was very talented, but it would be stupid to put himself in danger by trying to be a hero.

"We couldn't intervene at all." Harry explained sheepishly, "Riddle easily disarmed us. If it hadn't been for Aaron, we might not have been able to come back."

"That's it, that giant magic..."

Hermione coughed immediately and gave Ron a warning look to stop him from continuing.

"What giant magic?" Professor Flitwick couldn't help but ask.

"Uh...it's nothing." Ron sneered at Aaron guiltily, almost exposing the magic circle.

Aaron's mouth twitched slightly. In fact, there was no need to be so nervous. The trump card he used was no longer a trump card.

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