"Harry, did you forget to tell us something?" Professor McGonagall reminded us, "For example, what happened in the secret room? How did you defeat the Basilisk? How did you defeat Tom Riddle?"

Hearing this, Harry's face turned red and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into in embarrassment.

What did this make him say? I can’t say it!

The main attack was taken care of by Aaron alone. Hermione and Ron also cast a few spells. Although they had no effect, they still gave them a sense of participation.

But what about him? Even if he didn't help in any way, he even contributed a wand to Voldemort, which was a naked attempt to support the enemy!

"It seems that Mr. Potter seems to be in a bit of a dilemma!" Snape said angrily, "We won't force it if we don't want to."

"Potter." Professor McGonagall looked at him deeply, "This matter is very important, we must find out."

"Professor, here's the thing." Hermione explained, "Aaron killed the basilisk with his family's sword."

Dumbledore seemed to have thought of something. He looked at the ruby-encrusted sword on the table and said with a strange expression: "This sword is Godric Gryffindor's sword. Only a true Gryffindor can pull it out." out of it.”

Hearing this, Harry felt particularly relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

He has been wondering whether he was assigned to the wrong college during this time, and now it seems that he is sentimental.

"That's not it, sir." Hermione smiled awkwardly, "Aaron's sword is larger and inlaid with three black magic crystals, which can absorb blood, physical strength and magic power respectively.

After accumulating enough power, he released it at once, splitting the basilisk in half with one sword. "

"That was a giant snake of fifty or sixty feet!" Professor Flitwick said with his eyes wide open in astonishment, "Just killed like that?"

"Thanks to Fox.

It blinded the basilisk's eyes, otherwise the fight would be much more dangerous. "

"Then what did you do?" Snape crossed his arms and sneered at the corner of his mouth, "You were not vague at all when you rushed into the barrier!"

"It's not that we don't want to do it, it's mainly because Riddle focused his main energy on Aaron." Ron looked a little unnatural and muttered in a low voice: "At least we saved Ginny to a safe place."

"Oh! I see, you are worthy of being a Gryffindor."

"Severus, they are only second-year wizards." Professor McGonagall said helplessly, "Even if we can fight against that snake, it will take a lot of effort."

Snape shrugged and stopped talking, but the sarcasm in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"Where's Del?" Dumbledore asked seriously, "How did you defeat him?"

"This..." Harry hesitated for a while and then said: "Aaron used the blood of the basilisk to carve a giant magic circle on the ground, which triggered a terrifying thunderstorm and defeated Riddle."

When several professors heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

They did feel a slight shock at that time, but they didn't think about the magic circle. That kind of magic has been eliminated for at least a few hundred years, and it has almost become a legend.

Principal Dumbledore also narrowed his eyes slightly and was stunned for a moment before he recovered.

He has extremely rich experience and naturally has more to think about.

Different people have different powers when using magic circles. They can defeat the sixteen-year-old Voldemort. Aaron's talent and strength may be higher than he thinks, at least not what he sees on the surface.

There is also the sword that can kill the basilisk. The Gaius family can give such an artifact to Aaron for use, which means that their family has stronger magic props with unfathomable background.

"It is necessary to visit the Gaius family." Dumbledore thought secretly in his heart, but quickly suppressed the idea.

Aaron, the sole heir of the Gaius family, resented getting involved in trouble, and the current magical world was relatively peaceful, so they might not take Voldemort seriously.

"Okay, we now understand the situation.

But Aaron meant to be as low-key as possible, and we had to respect his opinion and meet his small request. Dumbledore said, and then looked at Professor McGonagall thoughtfully, "Minerva, I think Hogwarts has to lift martial law."

We need to tell the students that the secret room incident has been perfectly solved. As for the specific process, it is not convenient to go into details, but several students who discovered the secret room and made special contributions to the school should also be rewarded.

So, could you please go to the kitchen to arrange the banquet?

Wait, the banquet will be tomorrow. Let’s tell them the good news tonight. We have to wait for the petrified students and Mr. Gaius to recover.

Of course, we have to write a letter to the Ministry of Magic to welcome back our forest guard, Rubeus Hagrid. "

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

"Potter stays here, and everyone else can go do their own thing!"

Professor McGonagall opened the door to the principal's office, and everyone left one after another.

But before Professor Snape left, he took a deep look at Harry Potter and snorted angrily.

"Sit down, Harry." Dumbledore stroked Fawkes gently and said with a smile: "I have to thank you. You must have shown absolute loyalty to me in the Chamber of Secrets to summon Fawkes.

Secondly, I feel like something is bothering you, right? "

Harry nodded unnaturally, "Sir, why do I know parselang? What does this have to do with Tom Riddle?"

"Did you notice?" Dumbledore didn't seem surprised and said calmly: "If I guess correctly, when he left the scar on you, he also transferred part of his magic power to you.

He didn't mean to, but it is what it is because you have a great mother. "

At this time, the door was slammed open, and Lucius Malfoy walked in aggressively, followed by a trembling Dobby.

The house elf looked seriously injured, the marks of the whipping were clearly visible, and his body was covered in bandages, making him extremely miserable.

Harry's eyes widened. This was the first time he saw Dobby following his master. Although he knew that his life at the Malfoys was not good, he did not expect it to be so bad.

Lucius came to settle accounts in person, but Dumbledore actually returned to the school without his permission. This was because he did not take him seriously as a director.

Dumbledore acted quite calmly and told Lucius straightforwardly that after the accident of the pure-blood wizard Ginny Weasley, the other eleven directors wanted him to return to Hogwarts to serve.

There was no way to overpower others. Although Lucius was angry, he could only bring the topic to the real culprit behind the scenes.

But he apparently didn't know that the secret room had been found and that both the basilisk and the real culprit were dead.

When Dumbledore took out Riddle's diary, Lucius's face turned pale and his hands clenched into fists.

He knew that his visit today was in vain, and he would have to keep a low profile in the future, because he was the one who tucked the diary into Ginny's textbook at Flourish and Blotts.

Originally, I wanted to reduce the inventory of dark magic items at home and disgust my old enemy Arthur Weasley.

Whoever asked him to report that he had hidden dark magic items would be a big joke if his daughter was found to have hidden dark magic items.

But...the conscience of heaven and earth!

He just wanted to affect the reputation of the Weasley family. He had no idea that this diary had such great power and even almost caused more than one murder.

Fortunately, no one died, and the only evidence could not speak. Otherwise, the Malfoy family would definitely be in trouble.

Lucius calmed down, resisted the urge to draw his wand, and turned around pretending to be calm, "Let's go, Dobby."

Dobby unscrewed the doorknob for his master, and was kicked out by Lucius, screaming in pain.

Seeing this, Harry couldn't bear it, "Headmaster, can you give me this diary?"

"Okay." Dumbledore nodded, "But you have to hurry up."

Harry immediately picked up the diary and rushed out of the principal's office. When he went downstairs, he quickly took off a sock and stuck it inside the diary.

If a house elf wants to be free, he needs a piece of clothing from his master. He doesn't know if this method will work, but he has to try it anyway.

"Mr. Malfoy." Harry caught up with the two of them in the corridor outside the principal's office, panting and stuffing the diary into Lucius's arms, "This is your thing."

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

Lucius would not admit it, but he still accepted the diary and threw it into Dobby's hand.

Although this piece of evidence is no longer considered evidence, it is better to have it in your own hands. You can dispose of it when you return and burn it to ashes with the Calendar Fire Curse before you can rest assured.

"Let's go! Dobby."

"Open it," Harry whispered.

Dobby opened the diary in a daze and stared at the smelly socks inside, as if they were some priceless treasure.

"The master gave Dobby a sock."

"What? I didn't give..." Lucius turned around and looked at the black socks in Dobby's hands, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"The master gave Dobby clothes." Dobby grabbed his socks excitedly, "Dobby is free."

Lucius suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Harry Potter.

Sure enough, Harry lifted his clothes and exposed his sockless ankles.

"You made me lose my servant."

Lucius roared angrily, pulled out the wand on his scepter, and walked quickly towards Harry Potter.

Dobby stepped forward and said, "You are not allowed to hurt Harry Potter."

A blue light emitted from Dobby's hand, knocking Lucius away as he was about to wave his wand.

After receiving the blow, Lucius calmed down, stood up, put the wand back into the scepter, looked at Harry coldly and said: "You are a nosy fool like your parents.

Mark my words, Potter, one day you will be like them. "

After saying a harsh word, Lucius turned around and left.

"Harry Potter gave Dobby freedom." Dobby looked directly into Harry's green eyes and asked softly: "How should Dobby repay him?"

Harry grinned, "There's only one thing, stop trying to save me."

Dobby smiled sheepishly, showing yellow teeth.

Harry looked at the bright but not very pretty smile on the elf's face, and suddenly thought of something, "Dobby, you are free, but you are also homeless.

Do you know where to go? "

Dobby was stunned for a moment, then looked at Harry seriously, "Dobby, can I follow you?"

"Me? That's not possible." Harry refused without thinking, "Listen, Dobby, I sympathize with you and want to help you.

But it’s not like you don’t know that the Vernon family has a general aversion to magic and will never welcome a house elf.

If you follow me, you will only be abused by them. Let alone support yourself, you may be captured and taken to Azkaban the next day. "

"In that case..." Dobby shakily put on Harry's socks and bought himself the first piece of clothing in years, "then Dobby will find a job by himself."

Harry hesitated to speak. Although he was young, he didn't know everything.

With the influence of the Malfoy family, Dobby's job search journey may not be an ordinary bumpy one.

"How about we try to find Aaron?" Harry thought thoughtfully. Although the Gaius family was not well-known, its strength was definitely not weaker than Malfoy's.

"Is this...really possible?" Dobby asked in surprise.

"it should be no problem!"

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