A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 204 Major life events at the age of thirteen

Hogwarts Express.

Aaron looked at the scenery outside the car window and sighed melancholy.

"Why do you look so sad?" Draco on the opposite side asked with some confusion, "Aren't you happy after the holiday?"

"No." Aaron waved his hand feebly, "I'm happy."

Draco's eyes twitched slightly. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that Aaron exuded an indescribable decadence.

"We are good friends!

If you have any questions, you can tell me and I will help you. "

"Thank you, but unfortunately, you can't help me, and no one can help me.

Some things can only be done by myself. "Aaron smiled bitterly and shook his head, then opened his personal panel.

[Host: Aaron Gaius]

[Magic energy: body 4010, thought body 3990, total 8000 (intermediate magister, the end of most wizards' lives)]

[Talent: rare in a century (magic energy increases by 3 points every day, body increases by 2 points, and thoughts body increases by 1 point)]

[Items: Moon Drops (can remove any negative spells), Resurrection Potion (can resurrect any creature that dies within an hour)]

[Magic Points: 3]

Last night he struggled until the early hours of the morning before finally making up his mind. In order to deceive the perceptions of his ancestors, he upgraded all the magic points he had accumulated so far to magic energy.

Possibly due to obsessive-compulsive disorder, he rounded up the whole number for his body and thoughts, leaving the last three magic points alone to support the data, full of a sense of desolation.

Although he had raised his true strength to the intermediate level of Magister, the feeling of returning to before liberation overnight still made him feel lost.

What's even sadder is that this way of improvement is fair, half of the magic points will be evenly distributed to the missing body.

In other words, even now his true form may still be unable to defeat his own clone.

However, Aaron is confident enough that as long as he can survive this summer vacation, the magic energy can slightly widen the gap, and coupled with the buffs superimposed on him by more than 20 tutors, he will definitely be able to defeat the missing body after returning to school.

A few hours later, the train slowly arrived at King's Cross Station.

Aaron stretched and took Abe out of the box.

He left his luggage and holiday homework with the missing body, and this time he took nothing with him except his pets, a wand and a few galleons.

"Long time no see, Master." Genes came over, "Didn't you bring any luggage?"

"It's obvious."

Aaron shrugged and walked forward on his own.

He knew very well that he would not have any free time from tomorrow until the start of school, so he had to take the time to take a good rest today.

Genes hurriedly followed and said with great relief: "Albus Dumbledore wrote a letter to my family some time ago. Since the owner and his wife were not here, I took matters into my own hands.

But you don’t know it by looking at it, you will be shocked when you look at it.

Master, you were able to defeat the thousand-year-old basilisk and the sixteen-year-old Dark Lord. It really brings honor to the Gaius family. "


I thought you were going to criticize me! Aaron chuckled, "After all, I'm risking my life..."

"Young master won't do it." Old God Genes smiled knowingly, "If you don't have enough confidence, you won't take the risk.

The young master may lose, he may lose miserably, but he will never die. "

Aaron glanced at him speechlessly, "You said it as if you knew me very well."

"After all, young master, I watched you grow up!"

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly appeared behind Aaron, and the Weasleys came over with Ginny, Ron, Fred and George.

Harry and Hermione were with the family.

"Aaron, thank you very much this time." Arthur Weasley said gratefully, "Dumbledore has told us that you saved Ginny's life."

"Yes! This child is our only daughter." Molly held Ginny's hand tightly, "I feel so sad when I think that she almost left us."

"That's what I should do. After all, I was quite happy during the few days I lived in Hao.

This is a favor I owe Weasley, and I will feel uneasy if I don't save her. "

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley looked at each other, and their children looked a little unnatural.

It was true that they took Aaron in at the beginning, but he lived in their own tent, and they paid enough for food, so it could be regarded as a fair deal. The most they could do was send him to the station on the first day of school.

In comparison, Aaron risked his life to save Ginny, which made them very ashamed.

"Aaron, you are welcome to be a guest at the Burrow at any time." Arthur said awkwardly but politely, "If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can come to me at any time. Although my position in the Ministry of Magic is relatively low, there are many People are still willing to give me face.”

Even Gaius couldn't deal with the trouble, and Weasley definitely couldn't count on it.

Although he thought so in his heart, Aaron did not intend to embarrass Weasley in public, so he just smiled and nodded.

"This is for you." Harry handed a piece of parchment to Aaron, "This is called a phone number, Muggle contact information. If you don't know how to do it, you can find someone to teach you."

"Uh..." Aaron couldn't laugh or cry, "Our family is different from most wizarding families. We have never lost contact with the Muggle world for thousands of years."

Harry's face turned slightly red when he heard this.

Many of the classmates he knew looked down upon Muggles, and most of the pure-blood wizards even scorned Muggles. They preconceived the idea that the Gaius family was like this too.

"I'll just accept the phone number, but I'm not sure if I'll call you." Aaron said, glanced at Jeans, and sighed: "After all, I really have no control over my vacation! "

Harry thought about Aaron being forced to run away from home by the cram school last year, and smiled sarcastically, "I can understand this."

"What's the meaning?"

Hermione was a little confused. It was possible that Harry was dependent on others and couldn't help himself, but Aaron didn't look like a person without freedom!

"It means that I will be very busy during my vacation, very busy." Aaron said, "Unless there is a change in the middle."

"It won't happen." Genes patted his young master on the shoulder, with a playful smile with a little seriousness, and said solemnly: "We will never fall twice in the same place at the risk of our dignity for the rest of our lives. ”

Aaron sneered at this. His clone was still wandering around Hogwarts. From the moment he said this, the dignity of him and the six bodyguards had been cut in half.

After exiting the partition wall of platform nine and three-quarters, everyone went back to their homes.

Aaron didn't waste time on the road and took Jeans to a remote alley. "Just use Apparition to take me back!"

"Master, there is no need to be in such a hurry."

"Haha! School starts tomorrow." Aaron deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "school" and said coldly: "If I don't take advantage of today to have a good rest, it will lead to a bad state and may even delay the progress of the course. Do you think my teachers will be happy?"

Genes twitched the corner of his mouth and grabbed Aaron's arm helplessly, while Aaron lifted one of Abe's paws.

The next moment, the two of them were sucked into the space vortex and disappeared instantly.

When they appeared again, they were already in the hall of Gaius Castle.

"It feels pretty good." Aaron commented objectively and impartially. Genes' phantom movement was a little worse than his, but it was still much better than the average person.

"The young master's talent far exceeds mine. It is only a matter of time before you learn this magic."

I've known it for a long time, you just didn't know it.

Aaron smiled secretly in his heart, but on his face he nodded confidently, "When will my parents come back?"

"Well..." Jeans hesitated for a while, "The head of the family and his wife have some matters to deal with. It will take a month at the earliest."

"I knew it." Aaron held his forehead and shook his head, saying speechlessly: "Uncle Genes, I suddenly feel that I am a little lacking in love.

In the past few years, I have been with both of them for less than two months. Am I their biological child? "

"There is no doubt, yes." Genes said with a serious face, "And with all due respect, Master, your thoughts are a bit pessimistic. Although your parents are not around, there are still more than 20 ancestors who are always caring about you. , How many people in the wizarding world can enjoy this kind of treatment?"

Aaron: ...

I really want to give you a thumbs up for your negative energy.

"Are you consoling me?" Aaron said, almost crying but without tears, "There are more than twenty cram schools! Who can withstand such torture in their childhood?

Could you handle it when you were thirteen? "

"No." Genes said very bluntly, and then changed the subject, "But Master, you can definitely do it. You have proved it when you were twelve years old.

Moreover, being mentored by more than twenty great wizards is something that ordinary people can never imagine in their lifetime. Young Master, you should take good care of both emotions and reasons. "

The corners of Aaron's eyes twitched slightly. According to this, is it because I am so blessed that I don't know how blessed I am?

Genes looked at the confused young master, but his anger level was rising, and immediately decided to change the subject, otherwise he would definitely be greeted with a scolding.

"Well, Master, you are not young now."

"I'm only thirteen years old." Aaron curled his lips.

"Of course I know. What I mean is, is there any girl that the young master likes at school?"

When Aaron heard this, a flash of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he asked in surprise: "Why do you ask this?"

"This is what Madam asked me to ask." Jeans explained, "After she knew that you risked your life to save a girl...she thought about a lot of things, and even couldn't wait to go to Weiss. Let’s see what our future daughter-in-law looks like.”


Aaron's face turned red and he almost slipped off the sofa.

"Are you kidding me?"

Aaron's heart was filled with thunder. He had never thought that his mother would be so unreliable.

This major life event should be decided by himself! Do you want to be so hasty?

And he has no such thoughts towards Ginny at all, they are just ordinary friends at best.

"Master, don't get excited." Jeans joked, "The head of the family stopped her in time, so the incident hasn't happened yet."

Hearing this, Aaron thought about the attitude of the Weasley family towards him at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, and he breathed a sigh of relief, "My dad still loves me, he is always so sensible."

"But they have reached consensus on some aspects. For example, if they are looking for a fiancée for you, Miss Ginny is on the candidate list.

They'll be back in a month, so you'd better be mentally prepared. "

Aaron: ...

Tired, destroy it!

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