A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 213 He who knows the current affairs is a hero

Aaron pursed his lips and made up his mind to lose the battle.

Wicht wanted to end the fight within one minute, so he had to win the match. No matter what happened, he had to persist for one minute and one second.

He also needs dignity. He doesn't need the magic book, but he must not be looked down upon by this ancestor.

The Holy Dragon and the Ice Dragon roared and rushed toward each other, and two giant shadows, one white and one blue, began to collide in mid-air.

Although the body size is similar, the ice dragon is made with magic power after all, and there is a certain gap compared with the real dragon body.

The dragon claws collided together, and a slight but obvious crack appeared in the ice dragon's leg. Abe easily pressed the counterfeit to the wall.

With a few claws, spider web-like cracks appeared on the ice dragon's abdomen, and shiny ice shards kept flying.

After being beaten, it also tried to fight back, opening its huge mouth and biting Abe's neck.


There was a crisp sound, and half of the ice teeth in his mouth were broken.

Abe felt a slight pain and itch on his neck, and subconsciously looked at the ice dragon's broken teeth. A humanized mockery appeared on the dragon's face.

Counterfeit goods are still fakes after all. Are the quality of our scales worthy of your challenge?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Aaron smacked his lips, "Ancestor, your ice dragon doesn't seem to be very good."

"Your dragon is too strong. Although it is far from the dragon clan in my impression, its potential is absolutely unique."

"Dragon clan? A big gap?"

Aaron thought of the dragon-slaying magic crystal in his hand, and immediately became interested, "Can you tell me more about it?"

"This... there will be a chance." Wicht glanced at the ice dragon struggling fiercely in the dragon's breath. "It's better to seize the time! End the battle before the ice dragon is shattered."


Aaron took a deep breath and flicked his wand gently.

On the opposite side, Wicht still drew an intermediate fire-attribute magic circle, and it seemed that he was going to repeat the previous operation.

Fierce flames shot out from the center of the magic circle, evaporating all the rainwater in its path.

"You're so welcome!" Aaron thought to himself, then quickly raised his wand and threw out a ball of blue-white light.


The two energies collided together, forming a layer of energy ripples in the air.

"Huh?" Wicht frowned slightly, "This is no different from before. Could it be that you still put your hope in your dragon?"

"Can't you?"

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid you will be disappointed.

The ice dragon created by magic is indeed not strong, but it also has advantages.

It has no sense of pain and will not rest until it dies. It is more tenacious than any other creature before it completely loses power. "

After hearing this, Aaron diverted part of his attention to look at the battle on the other side, and was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out.

Abe was still able to do it with ease, but his face clearly showed signs of impatience.

The ice dragon opposite it can no longer be described as miserable.

A small part of the ice-blue body was burned by Abe's dragon breath, and its size was less than three meters, and its mass was reduced by at least one-seventh.

One front paw was completely shattered, and the two hind legs also had extensive cracks. The wings and tail were not much better, emitting white steam.

But even so, it had a high fighting spirit and used its broken body to block Abe's steps.

"Nah! This is too exaggerated."

"This is my proud work." Weiheter said proudly, "It just cost a little more."

As he spoke, the intermediate magic array had completed its advancement. The fire in the secret room suddenly increased several times, and the fierce flames engulfed the magic spell with an overwhelming advantage.

Just when the flames were about to hit Aaron, he uttered a spell in his mouth, and a layer of transparent ripples flashed across his body.

Wicht also noticed this subtle change, but didn't care. There was even a satisfied smile on his lips.


When Abe saw the flames engulfing his master, his smart eyes were instantly filled with anger.

He stabbed out the dragon's claws fiercely, tore the ice dragon into pieces ferociously, roared and rushed towards Wiht.

A yellow-brown magic circle appeared instantly, and a dozen brown chains stretched out from the ground and wrapped around Abe's body.

It struggled violently, white light emitted from its body, and the chains instantly shattered.

"Calm down, after all, he is my descendant, I won't do anything to him.

Moreover, his physical fitness is extremely high, and his mastery of magic spells is quite rich. At the last moment, he should have applied a layer of protection to himself. At most, it was only a minor burn, and he could just go back and apply some magic potion. "

Wicht briefly comforted Abe, then looked at the mist and fixed his gaze on the flame that had not yet been extinguished.

“The outcome has been decided, and I won this competition.

Don't feel unconvinced. I could have made up for it a few times before your dragon arrived, but I didn't do that. "

However, there was no sound coming from the mist. Wicht frowned and used a wind-attribute magic circle to release a strong wind, blowing all the way ahead.

Sure enough, Aaron was nowhere to be seen.

But there was a hazy figure slowly retreating in the rain. It didn't take much thinking to figure out that it was someone's body illusion spell.

Wicht patted his forehead, looked at the retreating figure and sighed helplessly, "You are stubbornly resisting!

I seriously suspect that you have masochistic tendencies. The difference in strength is already obvious! "

"Ancestor, don't think too much, I just want to survive for a minute." Aaron said lightly, while a low voice sounded in the air.

Abe's ears twitched, and he suddenly blew out a breath of dragon's breath at Weiheter.

"It's useless." Wicht shook his head and summoned a layer of ice shield in front of him. "Given a few more years of growth, you may have a chance to pose a slight threat to me, but now there is no possibility."


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind Weiheter.

Aaron held a silver sword in his hand, and the third black crystal on the hilt emitted a faint light, slashing down horizontally.

There was a crazy warning in Wicht's mind. In a hurry, he instinctively raised his arm and blocked it in front of him with an ice blade made of solid ice.

Silver sword light flashed, the ice blade was split into two, and Weihet was also thrown away by the tyrannical force.

This was the first time he was forced back. Half of his sleeve fell to the ground, and a few drops of red blood dripped from his fingertips.

But he didn't feel very angry. Instead, he laughed heartily.

"Your uncle, this is not possible?" Aaron said with a depressed smile. He had high hopes for this sneak attack, but the result was not satisfactory.

"I don't have an uncle. Even if I have you, I still have to call you ancestor."

But let’s face it, Phantom Movement is an advanced teleportation magic. You little guy has hidden it well enough!

If Genes, the butler, knew this, he would be so ashamed that he could not hold his head up. "Wecht sighed, and then looked at the long sword in Aaron's hand, "There is also the magic weapon made by Alger. If that kid knew that his sword could hurt my tail, he would probably raise his tail to the sky. "

"Are you also injured in your current state?"

"No, I'm already dead.

This is just a simple visual effect that proves that you can indeed threaten me as a beginner wizard. "Wecht chuckled and shook his head, "I admit that I underestimate you a little. It's been a long time since I've seen you, and I feel a little bit of danger.

In this kind of competition, if it is a fair one-on-one, you will die, but I might also be seriously injured. "

Aaron: ...

Damn it! Is this what people say?

"Then should I feel honored?" Aaron rolled his eyes, feeling extremely speechless.

He had always been regarded as the hope of the Gaius family for a century, but he ended up fighting a wizard one level lower than himself. He only managed to seriously injure the wizard even though he fought for his life. This made him feel extremely embarrassed.

"Yes." Wicht nodded unceremoniously, "If your father knew that you could hurt me, he would probably shed tears of joy. If it were more exaggerated, he might even have a seven-day and seven-night banquet."

"Are you kidding me?"

"It's not a joke, when I was a junior wizard, I could defeat the junior wizard." Wicht said, "Whether it was before or after death, no more than ten people could hurt me if their strength was not much different.

Among all your teachers, I am the ceiling in terms of combat power. No one is my opponent one-on-one. That means Flo can occasionally take advantage of me through psychic magic. "

When Aaron heard this, his Adam's apple couldn't help but move up and down, and the expression on his face gradually changed from shock to excitement.

"We unworthy descendants are indeed inferior to you, but you still have to give me that magic book today."

"Are you so confident?" Wicht smiled meaningfully.

“It’s not that I’m confident, it’s a fact.

I can phantom, and I have a dragon, so I have a certain amount of initiative.

And your magic energy should be almost consumed. If I estimate correctly, only one-fifth is left!

Even if you consume a lot of magic energy and can only use the elemental magic circle, you may not have much chance of winning. "


But things may not be what you guess. "

Wicht pointed upward, and the blue magic circle on the ceiling disappeared instantly, and his own magic power stabilized. "Now the magic power is barely enough."

"So what? We still have a good chance of winning."

"One move will determine the outcome!" Wicht said impatiently, "Besides, you really need to change your bad habit of feeling good about yourself."

"I will consider it after I win you."

Aaron jumped on Abe's back, his white wings fluttering, one person and one dragon rising slowly, the purple advanced magic circle and the red dragon's breath ready to go.

Just when they were about to win the victory at once, they were shocked to find that six purple magic arrays were neatly arranged above, below, around, and around them.

A cube surrounded them inside, with purple arcs appearing and disappearing. The man was so frightened that he was helpless, and the magic he was about to release was carefully withdrawn.

"This is my last strength. If you can dodge it, you win." Wicht took out the magic book, his voice full of temptation, "Would you like to give it a try and see if your phantom moves faster or mine?" Lightning fast?

Just like you said, wealth can be gained through risk, and it doesn't matter if you take a gamble. "

"Haha! He who knows the current affairs is a hero!"

Aaron showed an awkward yet polite smile, and decisively threw down the wand and sword in his hand.

"Actually, there is a second half to that sentence: Wealth and honor are sought in danger, but also lost in danger. One tenth of the time it is sought, nine tenths of the time it is lost.

So...surrendered, and losing to the famous Weihet Gaius was not shabby.

Besides, I also made him injured and bleed, which is considered an honor after all! "

Wicht looked at him in surprise, his face twitching uncontrollably.

To be honest, he expected Aaron to surrender, but being able to perform the surrender so skillfully and naturally also caught him off guard.

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