A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 215 Ammunition Depot, Muggle’s Wand

Compared to last year, Aaron's summer vacation this year was much easier.

The teacher is no longer so strict, and his time is a little more relaxed. He can even spare two or three hours a day to go around Diagon Alley.

It took him six days to adapt to the new tutoring life, until Genes brought him to the armory on the seventh day.

"I'm ready." Aaron warmed up confidently, "What is today's after-dinner exercise? Earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption or free fall from high altitude?"

"None of them." Genes shook his head slightly and took out the gray key engraved with the number three. "You only need to experience the second stage once or twice. It may not be a good thing if you really get used to it."

Aaron raised his eyebrows and looked thoughtfully at the third key in Genes' hand, "So I'm entering the third stage now?"


Genes inserted the key into the keyhole in the wall.

With a click, the entire secret room underwent earth-shaking changes.

Firstly, the space has expanded more than ten times, secondly, the ceiling has turned into blue sky and white clouds, the ground has turned into lawn, and most importantly, all the weapons on the shelves have changed.

Bows, arrows, giant hammers, armor, swords, and spears all disappeared, replaced by a variety of thermal weapons, pistols, rifles, sniper rifles, grenades, rocket launchers, and so on.


Aaron swallowed and looked at these modern thermal weapons in a daze, speechless in astonishment.

This armory is definitely worthy of its name, but can their wizard family, which has been passed down for thousands of years, learn this... and use it?

"I believe the young master has a certain understanding of these weapons, but understanding is all about understanding. Whether or not you can use them is another matter."

"Um...I understand the truth, but this, this...does it make sense?"

"Of course it makes sense." Jeans said patiently, "These weapons are Muggle wands. Although they have a single function, they are enough to take away the lives of wizards.

Based on this alone, Master, you must learn to use them. "

Aaron curled his lips. In his opinion, there was not much difference between sword practice and spear practice.

He picked up a revolver from the shelf and turned the wheel. It was filled with six bullets.

"It's quite new!"

"This is a newly replenished product last year." Genes said with some pride, "A batch specially customized by Gaius Industries."


Aaron accidentally pulled the trigger, "Don't tell me Gaius still produces arms."

“This company was established almost in the last century and is considered an old arms dealer.

However, your great-grandfather's purpose in developing the military industry was just not to let the Gaius family fall behind the times, so he didn't pay much attention to it, and it only ranked among the top 20 in the world. "

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched fiercely. He knew that the Gaius family had many properties, but he never expected that they were still doing this kind of business and were doing well.

"My great-grandfather is really a treacherous person. Bah, he's so scheming. He's really far-sighted!" Aaron sighed. "His one decision gave us three generations more third-stage training."

"To be precise, it was two generations of father and son. The old family owner was already an adult at that time, and he was not very close to these guns and ammunition.

In fact, the young master has taken advantage of it. At least your training conditions are much better than those of the master. "

"But I don't think so." Aaron glared at Jeans fiercely. "At least I have to learn more and more difficult things than Vico."

"You don't need to be so serious." Jeans teased, "Master, you are a wizard after all. You only need to know how to use these weapons. You are not required to be as skilled as a professional soldier."

"Huh? I can barely accept this, but can you tell me why you lowered your requirements?"

“Because the Muggle world is developing very fast, and weapons are being updated very quickly.

Master, you are a wizard, and magic is the path you are destined to take. There is no need to strive for excellence in Muggle weapons.

They are eliminated quickly, and there will be no qualitative breakthrough in a short period of time. Just understanding the specific operations is enough. "

"That's it." Aaron nodded thoughtfully, expressing his understanding.

Jeans took out his magic wand and waved it with one hand, and a row of targets appeared on the grass directly in front of him.

"They are ten meters, twenty meters, and fifty meters respectively. After that, there will be a new target every 100 meters. The shooting ranges of all kinds of guns are included. If you get tired of playing, you can change it to a moving target.

There is an instruction manual under each weapon, so the young master can practice by himself. As for the bullets..." Jeans glanced at at least three ammunition boxes stacked next to each shelf, "You can make whatever you want, and you can use it anytime after you finish it. Restock. "

Aaron: ...

I guess I haven't finished the fight yet, I can't even hold the wand with my hand.

At this moment, he just felt a lot of pressure. He was also somewhat interested in these weapons, but there were too many things.

Fortunately, this course was not very demanding, otherwise he would not have been able to graduate within a year and a half.

"Uncle Genes, you are experienced. Do you have any tips when my father is training?"

"Yes." Genes nodded seriously.

Aaron suddenly beamed and was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

He just asked casually and didn't have much hope, but he didn't expect that he would actually gain something.

"Why didn't you tell me such important information earlier?"

You didn’t even ask!

Genes complained secretly in his mind.

But he also knew that he couldn't say that. After all, his young master was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he might write something down in his notebook.

"I just wanted to tell you." Genes puffed up his chest and acted confidently.

Aaron looked at him deeply, always feeling that something was not right.

"What's the trick?"

"Master, would you like to inject magic power into it?"

When Aaron heard this, he immediately became interested. Could it be that this is also a magic weapon?

He immediately did as he was told, and with the input of magic energy, a light white magic circle appeared on the barrel of the revolver.

As a gun wielder, he immediately understood that this magic circle could adjust the angle at which bullets were fired, and the hit rate could be increased by at least 20%.

"Oh my goodness!" Aaron couldn't help but sigh, "I love magic so much.

However, with so many guns and ammunition, it is quite a luxury to replace them every six months. "

"It's not that troublesome." Jeans explained, "This is just the simplest enchantment. It can be completed in a day by a few professional wizards. It just so happens that Gaius Industries has trained talents in this field."

Aaron also felt that his question seemed a bit stupid. This waste was not even a drop in the bucket for Gaius, who had a big family and a big business.

"In addition to improving accuracy, are there any other functions?"

"It can also increase the power." Genes pointed to a rocket launcher and said confidently: "If a wizard uses it, it can increase the destructive power by at least 30%."

"Thirty percent?" Although Aaron was a little surprised, he was not very satisfied with this number. "Just 30%?"

"This is not low." Jeans said speechlessly, "First of all, these are just ordinary materials, which can only withstand one enchantment, either to increase the power or increase the accuracy.

Secondly, these weapons are only prepared for your training, young master. Except for a few wizards who make a living in the Muggle world, almost no one can customize enchanted guns.

Again, Muggles cannot activate the above formations without magic. To them, these weapons have no special characteristics and do not help the export of Gaius Industries' products.

The most important thing is that weapons also need to be maintained, and the same goes for enchantment arrays. The rewards for investing in research in this area can be imagined.

Of course, if Lord Weihet is willing to take action, then the situation will be different. "

Hearing this, Aaron smiled contemptuously.

It was a beautiful thought. Wicht would not waste time on Muggle weapons. Unless it was a divine weapon, it would be wishful thinking to ask him to help.

"Alas! I have to learn the magic of enchantment later.

With my talent, I should be able to increase the accuracy or power by 10 to 20% based on the existing ones. "Aaron shrugged, then picked up the revolver and fired five shots at the target ten meters away.

Thanks to his physical fitness that is far beyond ordinary people, he can aim and shoot in one go. All five shots hit the target, fifty rings.

Aaron's lips slightly raised, but within three seconds of being happy, there was a noise next to him.

“The young master’s shooting talent is good, but the third stage is not that simple.

Good shooters are fed by bullets, and terrible shooters are fed by firearms. "Jeans placed a stack of bullet boxes in front of him, and also pulled over a variety of pistols, "Try every weapon!

I have set a small target for you, young master. Each gun must finish one magazine, and the accuracy of the ten-meter target cannot be less than 50%. "

Aaron glanced at the pile of firearms forming a small mountain and smiled forcefully.

There are at least a hundred types of guns, and he needs to fire almost a thousand rounds of ammunition in one class.

"Do you want to tire me out?"

"I don't dare." Genes skillfully took out a bottle of purple potion, "This subordinate specially asked Mr. Lant to prepare this for you. Just rub a little on it to relieve fatigue."

Aaron: ...

"That's very thoughtful."

"This is what subordinates should do."

Aaron rolled his eyes, tossed the revolver aside, and casually pulled out another pistol.

boom! boom! boom...

For more than two hours, there was no gunfire.

Aaron exhausted a magazine in agony, and Genes would hand him a brand new pistol in time. Coupled with the target that would return to its original shape no matter how hard it was shot, it made him feel as if everything was in an endless loop.

Lant's magic potion did play a big role. His arms and fingers did not feel tired at all, but the mental consumption could not be easily compensated by the magic potion.

Moreover, he had been using magic weapons intermittently for more than two hours. The continuous consumption of magic energy made him, an intermediate magician, a little bit too much.

Throwing away the last pistol, Aaron cleaned up the dense bullet casings piled at his feet and collapsed weakly on the lawn.

"It's over."

"The accuracy is about 80%." Genes recorded it in his notebook. "Congratulations, young master, you barely passed the pistol section."

Hearing this, Aaron turned his face away angrily, "Stop talking sarcastically, try firing the gun for more than two hours in a row, it will bore you to death if you don't.

And this is my first time using a gun, so it’s great to have this result. "

"Master, this is a bit presumptuous." Genes said with some dissatisfaction, "I still remember your performance at Ollivander's Wand Shop two years ago. All the wands showed their surrender to you.

A mere Muggle wand..."

"Get lost!" Aaron grabbed a handful of bullet casings and threw them over, "Returning a Muggle wand, do you think it's a wand if it's enchanted?

I am already thirteen years old, don’t deceive me like a fool! "

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