A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 219 If you don’t have the guts, just imitate others and come out to rob

"But..." the old witch hesitated, trying to raise the price, "We have lost at least two people for this product..."

"What does that have to do with me?" Pierre immediately darkened his face, "People like you still care about this. If you are not satisfied, turn left when you go out. I have no shortage of children here."

Hearing this, the old witch gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, five hundred is five hundred."

Pierre smiled contemptuously, "That's right!"

"Wait a minute." Aaron interrupted the transaction between the two, "I'm not satisfied."

"You have no place to speak here." The old witch said fiercely, "You don't really think that I want to take you home! You are too naive, child.

But you should thank me. I sent you here. At least you still have a chance to survive. You must know that there are shops in Knockturn Alley that specialize in collecting human organs. The fresher they are, the more valuable they are.

Your eyes and skin are worth three hundred galleons, plus blood, organs, and bones, and selling for a thousand galleons is no problem. "

"Pull him down! If it was so easy to make money, you wouldn't have brought me here." Aaron picked his ears, "But I do have to thank you for helping me get rid of that guy.

I haven't been to Knockturn Alley a few times. I originally wanted to try my luck, but you happened to appear in front of me and led me as quickly as possible. "

The old witch looked at him blankly, feeling inexplicably more frightened.

This doesn't seem to be a harmless child, but a wolf in sheep's clothing!

"Who are you?"

"That's not important. What's important is your next fate." Aaron raised his lips slightly, and then looked at the interested Pierre, "I would like to ask, how much is this old immortal worth?"


The old witch's eyes were splitting, and she pointed at Aaron tremblingly, wishing she could strangle him to death on the spot.

She has been in this business for decades, and this is the first time she has encountered such an outrageous thing. She, a human trafficker, dares to sell goods that are about to be sold.

"What are you?" Aaron said confidently, "It seems there is no rule that I can't sell you!

Boss, the quality of the goods this time is a bit low, just give it to me. "

Pier laughed, his laughter attracting dozens of dark wizards around him.

Their eyes were cold and their faces were full of curiosity and amusement.

"Interesting, it's so interesting." Pierre praised Aaron without hesitation, "As long as people like you don't die, they will definitely be number one in the future."

"Thank you for the compliment, many people think so."

Pier shook his head, "Moqila is already seventy years old this year. His body is covered with hidden wounds and diseases, and his strength is average. No one wants to be a slave, and he is not worth much, at most ten galleons."

"Pierre." The old witch roared angrily, "Are you going to break the rules?"

"Of course not, everyone knows my credibility, otherwise this auction house would not have existed for so long.

The current situation is that both of you may be sellers, and it’s not easy for me to do it either! Pierre sneered, "You don't even have a uniform, and you have the nerve to come to me." "

Moquila couldn't help but cursed in her heart, and glared at Aaron fiercely. She would have knocked the boy unconscious before he came.

"What's your name?" asked Peel.

"Severus." Aaron said without blushing or out of breath, "Severus Snape."

"Severus, I give you two choices.

One is to accept your fate honestly. If you are lucky, you can spend the rest of your life safely..."

"I choose the second one." Aaron said immediately.

"The second one is to have a fight with Mochila. Whoever wins will decide the fate of the other person."

Mojira showed a sneer, "I'm extremely happy."

Aaron also shrugged, "I don't seem to have the right to choose."

The wizards in the auction house were all in high spirits and consciously made space for them.

Pierre immediately cleared his table, spread a layer of red blanket, and made a simple gambling table. "Everyone, if you want to place your bets, try to be quick. You won't have a chance in a while."

"I bet Mokira, ten galleons." An old wizard with a gloomy face slapped a handful of gold coins on the table.

This seemed to be a good start, and a group of wizards couldn't wait to put the Galleons, Sickles and even Nat in their pockets on the gambling table.

Most of them bet on Mochila to win, and those who bet on Aaron only had seven or eight Sicos and a few Nats, but none on Gallon. This was because his odds were high and he wanted to try his luck.

In the eyes of the wizards present, there was no suspense in this bet. Although Mokila was old and not very strong, it was still not a problem to handle a child.

"You really have no vision." Aaron curled his lips.

"This is normal, Severus." Pier said, "You have to cheer me up! If you lose, you will not only lose the rest of your life, but you will also cause me to lose money."

Aaron rolled his eyes, walked to the gambling table calmly, and took out a money bag from his pocket, "I only brought one hundred and twenty gold galleons, all for myself.

Pay ten for one! If you win, you will get ten times the profit. This kind of bargain is not available all the time. "

Mokila gritted her back molars and made a 'gurgling' sound, and the anger in her eyes almost turned into substance.

She regretted that before bringing Aaron over, besides knocking him unconscious, she should have also searched him. More than a hundred gold galleons were just gone.

Pierre was stunned for a moment, then clapped his hands, "It's really interesting, but if I were you, I wouldn't do so much. I don't have many good people here."

Aaron glanced thoughtfully at the surrounding wizards whose eyes were shining with undisguised greed, "I think I'm safe in the auction house, right?"

"Not necessarily." Pierre poured cold water on him, "You are just a child after all."

"I understand." Not only was Aaron not afraid, he actually smiled happily.

He took out his wand and walked to the opposite side of the old witch Moqila, "Those who sell people will always sell them. Although you can't even compare to my fraction, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are, right?"

"Go to hell."

Moqira waved her wand, and a ball of light cyan light shot towards Aaron.

When Aaron saw this, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

He originally thought that this old witch was a mage after all, and it would take some time to deal with her, but now it seemed that she was only a junior mage, and her combat experience was not that bad.

But think about it, if you have the strength, you won't be so bad.

Aaron cast an iron armor spell on himself and calmly bumped into it.


The cyan light group and the transparent barrier collided and canceled each other out.

"This...impossible." Mokila couldn't believe it. In her imagination, she should have ended the battle with one move, and even if it didn't work, she should have seriously injured the child. There would never be a situation where the fight was evenly matched.

The other wizards also looked at Aaron in astonishment, and Pierre's pupils were slightly dilated. 'Severus Snape' was more talented than he thought.

"Old witch, seeing is believing!" Aaron said meaningfully, then he tapped his chest with the wand, and his whole body became transparent.

"Illusion Curse."

Mokila's face was ugly, and she carefully looked around.

But the next moment, a ball of white light shot out from behind her, and she was sent flying several meters before landing on the ground.

Aaron released his invisibility, walked quickly to her, and tried out a magic spell he had learned during this period.

"Heart-piercing and bone-cutting."


The screams echoed in the auction house, and the dozens of dark wizards around were also numb.

They naturally knew about the Unforgivable Curse, but they didn't expect that a child could use this kind of spell. What's more important was that he behaved very naturally and didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

A ruthless character, this is definitely a ruthless character.

Many people have put away their little thoughts. They originally thought that the mantis would catch the cicada, with the oriole behind, but now it seems that it is not easy to be the oriole!

"How dare you betray me, you're blind!" Aaron kicked her hard. Every time the wand was waved, Mokila hit the ground heavily.

Aaron didn't stop casting spells until he could see obvious blood stains on the ground.

"Severus, damn bastard!" Moquila gritted her teeth, red blood oozing from her yellowed teeth.

"Still not convinced." Aaron sneered, flicked his wand and flew her wand away, then pointed it at her body and struck out the bones with another heartbreaking blow.


Soon the old witch rolled her eyes and fainted.

"What a pity, I thought she could hold on for a little longer!" Aaron shook his head regretfully, then used the transformation technique to make a rope and tied her into a rice dumpling, and tied a tight knot very thoughtfully.

The skillful and professional techniques made everyone onlookers doubt life. Is this really a child?

"You win," Pier said, then took ten galleons out of his pocket. "That's what she's worth."

"anything else!"

Pierre sighed and first handed over the money that Aaron had won from the two wizards. Then he took out a money bag from the drawer and put all the gambling money on the gambling table into it. "These should be enough."

"Boy, hand over the money." A one-eyed wizard stood up and looked greedily at the bag in Aaron's hand.

"Alas! After all, there are people who want money rather than life!" Aaron sighed, "I'm not looking down on you, but are you sure you can beat me?"

"Not sure, but..."

Before he finished speaking, several more wizards stood up. Seeing this, other wallflowers also joined in. For a time, the dark wizards were united as never before.

"Haha!" Aaron said calmly, "No one can steal my money."

"There are so many of us." The one-eyed wizard laughed wildly, "Do you want to fight with so many of us?"

"No, I'm not that stupid." Aaron put the bag on the table neatly, "But... I swear on the honor of the Snape family, whoever takes action first, I will Fight him desperately.

I don’t need the money, but even if I die, I will take the first one to see Merlin.

Do you want to try it? "

The one-eyed wizard's mouth twitched slightly and he couldn't help but swallow.

The others also looked at each other, no longer so aggressive.

They didn't know whether 'Severus' would keep his word, but it was undeniable that he was capable of killing eight hundred enemies and damaging himself a thousand one-on-one.

It's true that they have strength in numbers, but they also understand each other very well. Everyone wants the money, but no one wants to be the first. They were not worried about 'Severus''s targeted retaliation. How much power could a teenager have to threaten them? However, the others were not easy to deal with. If half of their lives were accidentally taken away, they would probably be killed in the next moment. There will be no scraps left that will be eaten by other dark wizards.

Furthermore, even if there is really an idiot as the first person, how much will the remaining dozens of people get even if they get the bag.

They are not stupid, this is not robbing Gringotts, so the small amount of money is not worth the risk.

"Tch!" Aaron glanced around with contempt, "If you don't have the courage, don't imitate others' robbery."

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