A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 222: Out of the wolf's den is the tiger's mouth

Pierre didn't care about those people who were unconscious or lying on the ground wailing helplessly, but seeing his place turned into ruins, he was heartbroken and bleeding.

The repair spell was not omnipotent, and it would take a lot of energy to restore it to its original state after it was damaged like this, but he did not dare to show a trace of complaint, and instead took out the magic sealing ring wisely.

Having witnessed with his own eyes what had just happened, he had realized that this was probably not a peak magister, but a genuine great magister, and he was not someone he could offend.

"You're quite aware of current affairs." Genes found a chair and sat down. "Do you know why your treatment is different from theirs?"

"Because I never had any intention of killing myself from the beginning to the end." Pierre said firmly. He was also extremely lucky that he didn't show any killing intent when he fought with Jeans, otherwise he would probably end up worse than these people. , because he is the only one among all people who can pose a threat to the Grand Mage.

"I like talking to smart people, because things will be much easier." Genes smiled, "Well...Mr. Peel, you know what to do next!"

Pierre nodded and dealt with the aftermath!

In essence, he is also a dark wizard. He doesn't need to follow as many rules as Muggles when doing things. He can cast a forgetting curse on him, which is convenient and fast.

"My lord, is he really... your young master?"

"Obviously." Genes sighed depressingly, "During his youthful rebellious period, this is the second time he has run away from home."

The corner of Pierre's mouth twitched, and all the scenes of Severus entering the auction flashed in his mind. He suddenly had the urge to curse, and his face became particularly ugly.

"Mr. Peel, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"My lord, I may know Master Severus's plan."


Is that so? "The corner of Jeans' mouth raised a slight arc. He thought it was Snape who was meddling in his own business, but now it seems that the young master borrowed the teacher's name unkindly.

When Pierre saw this, there was a trace of bitterness on his face, and he obviously realized that the other person was not using his real name.

But he didn't dare to mention it, let alone ask. The family that could command a great mage was not something he could just inquire about.

Jeans skillfully took out a small notebook and took out a pen to record it enthusiastically, "Tell me about it."

"Yes!" Pier said respectfully, "The young master asked the trafficker to lead him to find me, and then find a way to attract our attention.

I set up a bet for the young master to have a fair duel with Moqira, that damn human trafficker.

He succeeded, and by the way won money from almost everyone here.

Logically speaking, a child like him can't get out of Knockturn Alley with so much money, but he made a deal with me using the magic sealing ring, using my power to protect himself, and asked me to stop you by the way. "

"But you failed." Jeans said playfully, "There are some things you can't covet."

"This is exactly what he planned. He knew that I would fail and that I would not be able to get this magic item, so he was very happy when he gave it to me." Pierre said with a bitter smile, "Then he took out all the money he had and bought it. People's hearts, tie dozens of wizards to the chariot...and then you appear."

"The young master has grown up!" Jeans said with some relief, "If the head of the family and his wife knew this, they would feel more relaxed."

"Um... Sir, Master Severus has been away for a few minutes. You see..."

"What? You want to drive me away?" Genes asked with a half-smile.

"No, no, no, I don't dare. I definitely didn't mean that." Pierre said immediately, "I mean it might still be too late to chase him at this time."

"You don't have to worry, one accident is enough, there will never be a second time.

You deal with the current matter honestly. After you finish it, I will put a forgetting spell on you and leave. "

Pierre: ...

"But the movement just now was too big. I believe many people have noticed it."

"There will be someone dedicated to handle it. After all, this is an indoor duel and no one will see it." Genes said, then rolled up his sleeves and tapped lightly with his wand.

The Gaius clan emblem on his arm flickered slightly, then disappeared under his skin.


The two guards who had been following Aaron secretly, Modo No. 3 and Dika No. 4, felt the warmth coming from their arms and immediately understood Jeans' order.

Protect the young master and persuade him to go home in a place with few people. If that doesn't work, kidnap him back.

The two looked at each other, both seeing excitement and depression in each other's eyes.

I was excited because I could avenge my shame, but I was depressed because this job was not easy to do. If I used violence against the young master, I would inevitably get a note in his notebook.

They seriously suspected that Jeans had sent them this mission on purpose, otherwise it would not be a matter of minutes to capture a magician with his great magician strength.

"Let's do it!" Modo gave a firm look, "As the saying goes, the first level of officialdom kills people. We are just following orders."

"That's all we can do. I hope the young master won't embarrass us!"

Aaron held Abe in his arms, returned to Diagon Alley from the original route, and walked skillfully to the Leaky Cauldron.

"We're a rare visitor! Aaron, would you like something to drink?" Tom asked while wiping the glass.

"Vodka, I have something big to do today, so I need to drink something strong to calm my nerves.

As for the money... I just spent it all, but someone will pay for it. Aaron said carelessly, and inadvertently glanced at the shadows where the two guardians were: Your young master has no money, do you know what to do?

"You're really good at playing!" Modo said speechlessly, "But being able to discover us is also a skill."

"After all, I have been protecting him for some years, and with the significant improvement in strength, it is normal for us to be able to sense that we are acquaintances.

But asking us to pay is a little... unjustifiable. "Dika smiled bitterly and shook his head, "We were obviously responsible for catching him and were supposed to be the ones taking the initiative. We didn't expect to have to pay for his consumption, so we had to go back to the boss for reimbursement. "

"forget it!

We can't even afford a glass of wine, let alone our own little master. "Modo said, taking out a gold galleung from his pocket and quietly placing it in front of Sam's counter.

Tom, who had just poured Aaron the wine, saw the golden Galleons and immediately put it away with a smile, "Gaius, do you need anything else?"

"Um..." Aaron thought for a while and took two empty glasses from the table. "Then let's pour two more glasses! I may not be the only one who has big things to do today."

Modo and Dika looked at each other and smiled. The young master is still very considerate!

Although they are well prepared, drinking can make people timid, so it is good to have a drink before taking action.

After Aaron finished drinking, he walked out of the Leaky Cauldron and entered the Muggle world.

Just as Tom was about to put away the wine glass, he found that the other two glasses were empty, and he felt a little baffled.

Aaron took Abe for a walk around the busy streets and stopped at an abandoned construction site.

"You two are really persevering!

After following me for so long, it’s time to come out and do some activities! "Aaron looked at the two shadows in the open space and was alert.

This is the second hurdle to overcome in running, and it is also the most difficult hurdle.

If you pass, the sea is wide enough for fish to jump, and the sky is high for birds to fly. If you can't make it, all your efforts will be wasted, and you will go home and accept your fate.

Although these two guards are weaker than Jeans, Aaron is not sure of winning even if he fights alone, and they have always been in the dark. Unless he is in danger, they will not show up easily. This is better than the bright side. The housekeeper responsible for looking after him was much more difficult to deal with.

After a few seconds, two figures stepped out of the shadows.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Aaron looked at the two men in their twenties in front of him, showing great excitement, "This is the first time I've seen you."

"Modo, twenty-three years old, high-level mage."

"Dika, twenty-four years old, high-level mage, slightly stronger than Modo."

"It's really neat."

Aaron found a cement cylinder and sat on it, making his position as high as possible to show the majesty of the little master.

"I believe you know my purpose, and I am sure that the housekeeper gave you some kind of order, otherwise you would not have come out to see me."

"Master Mingjian." Dika said, "We are just here to persuade you to go home."

"I will go back, but not now." Aaron explained, "I need some time to accept some things, so...please go back!"

"Master, please don't embarrass us. Lord Jeans is our immediate superior after all."

"I'm still his young master!" Aaron pouted, "I'm also your young master, so can you give me some face?"

The two looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

"What a fool!" Aaron held his forehead and shook his head, "Then as my young master, I order you to go back. That's all right!"

"No." Modo said very directly, "The six of us only listen to the orders of the head of the family and the housekeeper. Master, you can't order us yet."

"You two, please keep a line in your behavior!

Are you sure you want to offend me? How does this benefit you? "

"It's no good, but we can still tell the difference between early death and late death."

"Beautiful!" Aaron gritted his teeth, "Then if I don't go back, will you two take me back?"

"I don't dare. The best we can do is to respectfully invite you back, young master."

Aaron: ...

This word "please" is used wonderfully!

But when you pull out the wand, the word "please" is in quotation marks.

"Alas! It seems we can't reach an agreement." Aaron jumped off the cement cylinder with some regret, and then solemnly saluted the two of them.

Modo and Dika were flattered by the sudden movement, and even subconsciously wanted to stop it. The hand holding the wand trembled slightly.

Aaron raised his head, looked directly into the eyes of the two of them, and smiled: "Although it will make people feel uncomfortable after a long time, I am still very grateful for your protection for so many years."

"Young master, you're welcome." Modo said with emotion, "This is our responsibility, and we already made a mistake last year."

"We will not allow that kind of thing to happen a second time, so we have to ask you to go back today no matter what." Dika's eyes were firm, "If you want to punish us, you can discuss it with Boss Genes after you go back."

Aaron looked at the two of them with some confusion, and took out his wand, "I knew this day would come two years ago, but I didn't expect it to come so soon."

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