A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 225 Delaying time is disrespect for IQ (1/2)

Chapter 225 Delaying time is disrespectful to IQ

"It seems that this magic crystal is the key." Aaron knocked on the crystal ball in the center, and then touched his chin, "You didn't have this equipment last year, it seems that it was just made.

Let me guess, this is Jeans' handiwork, right? "

Both Modo and Dika remained silent, but silence at this time was equivalent to acquiescence.

"Ha!" Aaron sneered, "It seems that the butler has learned his lesson and actually made a magic prop just for me."

"It turns out that it is still necessary." Dika said with a smile, "We will use it now."

"I was negligent this time, but I won't fall in the same place twice." Aaron said confidently, "The method to crack it is very simple.

One is powerful enough, and a powerful wizard will have corresponding sensing power, and can even destroy this magic item from a long distance.

Of course, this is still quite far away from me.

The other is to hide one's own existence, which is not difficult for me. "

Aaron looked at the two people who were silent and suddenly had an idea, "How about I try its effect first."

"That's not necessary." Modo said immediately, but soon realized that he was too excited. Just as he was about to explain, he saw the playfulness on Aaron's face, and his heart skipped a beat.

"This thing can't be fake, right?"

"It's absolutely true." Dika interjected, "I guarantee it with the happiness of the rest of my life."

"Hiss! The price is a little heavy, but you are trying to hide it."

Aaron ignored the embarrassed and ugly expressions of the two guards and gently placed the compass on the table.

He walked around the table, but surprisingly found that the pointer was motionless.

"What happened? Is it broken?" Aaron frowned, picked up the compass and changed the direction.

The needle turned, but it did not point to him, but to Abe, who was devouring his food.

"This, this, this..."

Aaron's eyes widened in astonishment, he looked at Abbey, then at the compass, and finally put his eyes on the magic crystal by accident, or to be precise, on the drop of liquid inside the magic crystal, as if he wanted to After understanding something, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"No wonder you don't want me to test it. If I take it lightly, maybe this thing can be used again. Is that what you think?"

The two looked at each other and nodded with difficulty.

They sincerely hope that this thing will not be used a second time, but they are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Who knows whether the young master will run a third time!

"Who are you looking down on?" Aaron rolled his eyes, and then put the compass on the table, "You little heartless little thing, don't eat it yet, you'd better take a look at this."

Abe paused, looked at the compass placed in front of him, and sniffed it gently.

"The smell is a bit overpowering!" Abe thought for a while with a sullen face, and an incredible embarrassment appeared on his face, "It can't be my saliva!"

"Okay! It's real."

Aaron didn't expect Genes to be so good at playing, but he could understand it.

Getting a tracker to track his young master, no matter how well-intentioned he was, was still a bit overstepping his capacity as a butler.

But getting a tracker to track pets doesn't seem that serious. After all, he is responsible for helping Abe lose weight at home, and knowing its exact location is essential.

And he and Abe are inseparable. If he runs away from home, he can accurately find their location with this cute pet tracker.

"Good guy, I really learned something this time." Aaron couldn't help but sigh, "Jeans is really good at it, and he is worthy of being my father's most trusted butler.

Not only did he get a sharp weapon that could track me, but he also perfectly removed himself. Even if he wanted to find fault with it, he couldn't do it. "

After hearing this, Abe seemed to have figured out something and squatted down on the dining table in aggrieved manner.

"I'm sorry, it was me who held the master back."

"Alas!" Aaron patted its faucet and comforted: "It's not a big deal. I can only say that you are too naive and are easily deceived.

The probability of me running away from home for the second time is quite low, but he still made such a thing, which can be regarded as conscientious and well-intentioned. "

Abe suppressed his tears forcefully, "I just said why the housekeeper was so kind to me during this period, it turned out that he was all a liar."

Aaron looked at the drop of ambergris in the compass, and his eyes twitched slightly.

You have misunderstood this. He is really good to you, otherwise it would be too easy to ask for a drop of your saliva.

"Dika, Modo."


The two of them subconsciously sat upright. They were still aware of the importance of respect and inferiority.

"Don't be so nervous, I just have some questions to ask you.

My knowledge of Genes has been stuck in the last ten years, and I wonder what kind of person he was before that. "

Just as Dika was about to speak, Modo gave him a look, and he swallowed back his words angrily.


"Signed a contract."×3.

Aaron seemed to have expected it, and looked at the two people who were a little stunned calmly, "Is it surprising?

The two words I heard the most during this holiday were "contract", maybe 80 times if not a hundred times.

One by one, this is the reason why I don’t want to answer. Can we come up with something new? "

Dika hesitated to speak, shrinking his neck unconsciously.

Modo also looked down at the floor, so embarrassed that he could dig out a three-bedroom apartment with his feet.

"You two, look into my eyes." Aaron curled his lips and said disdainfully: "This is not a secret. If I ask Jeans, he will definitely tell me, but this is a little bit abrupt."

"The boss...is a person who is considerate of his subordinates." Dika said, "We were all trained by him. Once I was injured, he bandaged me himself."

Modo couldn't help but turn his face away, but looking at his slightly trembling shoulders, he could tell that he was feeling uncomfortable suppressing his laughter.

Aaron noticed this, "Do you have anything to add?"

"No, he is right. The boss does take good care of us."

"Huh? I hope you tell the truth, because when I have nothing to do, I might go to Jeans for confirmation."

"Actually, there is!" Modo pursed his lips, "The boss did bandage him, but that time he was severely injured by the boss."


Aaron couldn't help but laugh, "Is there more?"

“The boss is very strong.

The six of us combined couldn't beat him, but that was a few years ago, and now..."

"Maybe I still can't beat him." Dika interjected. Modo was stunned for a moment but did not deny it.

"I know this, tell me something useful."


The two said in unison.

“If the seven of us are considered a team, Lord Jeans is the soul that deserves the honor.

He is our most respected teacher and our best friend. "

"Um..." Aaron blinked and looked at the two of them speechlessly, "What I said is the same as what I didn't say."

"Master, you can't blame us." Modo said with an embarrassed look, "We haven't read many books, and we don't know how to describe it."

"That's it." Dika nodded in agreement.

"I admire it." Aaron patted his forehead, "If you don't want to say it, don't say it. As for being so roundabout?"

"Master, have you finished eating?" Modo changed the subject, "If you finish eating, please go back with us!"

"I..." Aaron's face turned red and he saw that there was still more than half of the delicious food left, "Why don't you guys help share some of the food? It's always bad to waste food, right?"

"That means I'm full." Dika smiled, and then exchanged glances with Modo, and the two stood up from their seats in unison.

"Hey! What is this for?

At least pay attention to the situation, there are so many Muggles here, it would be bad to do anything! "

"No need to bother, we can just phantom.

Of course, it doesn't work here. It can still be done after walking far away. Before that, we have to make sure you are within our sight. "Dika said and gently grabbed Aaron's arm.

Modo walked up to Abe and said, "I know you have a very high IQ, so please cooperate. Otherwise, not only Jeans will be angry, but also the head of the family and his wife will be unhappy."

Abe, who was originally planning to struggle, gave his owner a helpless look and got into the light purple backpack.

Aaron: .....

Gan! Do you want to give in so quickly?

"Wait, I still have something to do."

"You can't wait, young master, you are too smart." Modo shrugged, "The longer this kind of thing is delayed, the greater the risk.

Delaying for a little longer would be disrespectful to our intelligence, so... I'm offended. "

"I haven't paid yet!" Aaron said with a look of grief and anger, "I am the sole heir of the Gaius family after all, and you don't want me to bear the stain of eating the King's meal!"

Hearing this, the two of them looked at the dazzling array of food on the table and couldn't help but smack their lips.

This is not a glass of vodka! Although they could ask Jeans for reimbursement afterwards, since the young master had the ability to pay, they would not waste any extra money.


After paying the bill, Aaron followed the two guards out of the store.

"One meal cost four figures." Dika said with some envy, "It feels so luxurious."

"This is a reward for myself after successfully running away. I won't be so extravagant in the future." Aaron said helplessly, "I didn't expect that you would find me after running for less than an hour."

"The duty lies."

"I know, I won't blame you." Aaron said lightly, "I hope you won't blame me for a while."

Both Modo and Dika felt their hearts skip a beat, and there was a feeling that things were out of control.

After all, they had been guards for so many years, and they knew that the young master would not scare people for no reason. It was okay if he was bluffing, but if not, it meant that he was sure to escape under their noses again.

The compass is no longer useful. If the young master runs away again, they will have no chance at all.

Thinking of this, the two exchanged glances. Dika grabbed Aaron's left hand harder, while Modo zipped up the backpack and lifted it in his hand.

After successfully arriving at an open space, both of them breathed a sigh of relief, and the stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

"Master, take care. The master and wife will be happy to see you." Modo said respectfully, and then gave Dika a wink.

The two of them used phantom migration at the same time, but the gray-white space vortex disappeared in a flash and did not play a role in teleportation.

"what happened?"

Dika was a little confused, but Modo looked at Aaron.

"Don't look at me like that." Aaron slowly took out his wand, "I also learned the anti-Apparition spell, not long after I learned the Apparition spell.

Although not as skilled as you, it can still be effective within a range of ten meters. "

"Master." Dika said tiredly, "Can you stop playing?"

"It's a pity." Aaron shook his head and said, "You have your responsibilities, and I also have my pursuits.

To be honest, I don’t know if I should run this time. Many people don’t think highly of me, and even I don’t have much confidence.

But this was my only chance, and I wasn't ready yet, but I knew very well that once my parents came back, I wouldn't have the urge to run away from home. "

"Master, you are forcing us to take action!" Modo said meaningfully, "The order given to us by Boss Jeans is to advise you to go home, but if you don't cooperate, we can kidnap you back."

"Then try it!"

Aaron quickly broke away from Dika's left hand and put some distance between him and the two.

An earthy yellow magic circle appeared instantly, and more than ten brown chains flew out from the ground and rushed towards the legs of the two people.

Dika and Modo waved their magic wands at the same time, the chains shattered inch by inch, and the magic circle turned into nothingness.

"Master, maybe we won't be your opponent in a few years, but you still have to go back with us today." Dika said calmly.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up."

Modo said impatiently, and then waved his right hand vigorously.

The ground cracked, gravel, and soil mixed with a strong hurricane swept towards Aaron.

"Hey! That's not it!

What if the young master is hurt? "

"Don't worry, I'm measured, and the young master is not that weak."

Before he finished speaking, the ice-blue light flickered slightly, and a blue ice shield blocked Aaron.


After a while, cracks appeared on the ice shield, and strong wind passed through the cracks, forcing Aaron back half a step.

He immediately waved his wand, and a pale white light appeared at the top of the wand. The magic energy belonging to the mid-level magician was released without reservation, thus blocking the gray storm.

"High-level mage!" Aaron gritted his teeth and said, "I am really no match for you now!"

"It's good that the young master knows." Modo winked at Dika while casting a spell, signaling him to go over and tie up the young master now.

Dika nodded, and just when he was about to take action, he heard the whistling wind in his ears.

Turning around to look, Aaron's magic power actually overwhelmed Modo, and the gray storm was blowing towards them.

"Are you kidding? Even if you want to let the water go, there's no need to be so exaggerated!"

"I'm not kidding." Modo looked ugly, "The situation doesn't seem to be right. Come and help me quickly. Hurry."

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