A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 25 Seniors of the Academy Team

7pm, Quidditch pitch.

Today, Slytherin has obtained the right to use the court. Seven members of the academy team are waiting here, among which Terrence, the seeker, has a slightly ugly look on his face.

Because his status was challenged by a slightly famous first-year student.

But after all, it was a candidate recommended by Snape personally, and he could not refuse, so he could only speak with his strength.

I couldn't believe that an eleven-year-old boy who had never played Quidditch could beat him, an experienced seeker, without any training.

A few minutes later, Aaron came, and Abe walked beside him obediently. Besides them, Snape also came with him.

Seeing this scene, the college team looked a little unnatural. If it was just Aaron, they would be able to show off their power.

But with Snape as the dean, they could only cooperate honestly and not dare to make any small moves.

"Hi! Good evening to all seniors and sisters!" Aaron said hello, and then stepped forward to shake hands one by one, showing great excitement.

Although I don't want this first-year freshman to join the college team through the "back door", I don't want to hit the smiling man.

Everyone was so polite, and they had no choice but to respond obediently even if they didn't want to. After all, the Headmaster was still here, and Snape's majesty in Slytherin was quite high.

"That's about it! Don't tell me that you specially called me here just to see you having a friendly exchange with them." Snape said with a cold face.

"Of course not!" Aaron turned around and said, "I came here just to avoid trouble.

Although I am a new student in Slytherin, I have been at school for two weeks, so I still know some things.

Some students in Slytherin are very arrogant, and those in the house team are even more arrogant. Violating the rules of the game is commonplace. I don't think they will be very friendly to me, a new student.

If I didn't find someone with a high enough status to support the scene, I would have spent almost half an hour dealing with their difficulties.

Although I don’t care, it’s better to have one less thing than one more thing! "

After hearing this, Snape looked at the seven people and found that they were gnashing their teeth but dared not speak out. His face instantly darkened, and he immediately cursed angrily: "Look at how you are now, you are really embarrassing to Slater." Lin was embarrassed.

Could it be that Slytherin really couldn't stand the challenge? I'm not asking him to directly take Terence's place. The capable ones will go up and the mediocre ones will go down. If you don't even have this little confidence, then put down your magic broom as soon as possible and quit the college team.

Otherwise, you will prove that you are better than him. "

The seven people were embarrassed by the rebuke. In fact, it was not as serious as Snape said. It was not that they could not accept the challenge, but they were just a little dissatisfied.

But facing the angry Snape, they didn't dare to say a word.

"Ahem! Professor Snape, that's it." Aaron said, "They didn't mean it."

As he said that, Aaron looked at the seven "seniors" of the academy team, his expression full of apology, "Don't worry, everyone, I will only participate in this Quidditch duel with Gryffindor. I don't mean to Really replace Senior Terrence.

It's just that Dean Snape felt that Gryffindor had replaced a first-year Seeker, and we Slytherins couldn't bully others, so they could only find me, a first-year student, to compete fairly with Harry Potter.

I solemnly promise to you that I will quit the college team after this competition. It will never affect the friendship between my seniors and my classmates, and I will never participate in Quidditch matches organized by the school in the future. "

The seven members of the academy team looked at each other, feeling a little overwhelmed for a moment.

I thought Aaron was a backdoor person, but I didn’t expect there was such a reason.

And they are very sincere! I will never take part in Quidditch again. What a determination it takes! In comparison, they seemed a little ashamed of themselves.

It's just that no one noticed that Snape had a few black lines on his face. If you don't want to participate in the competition, then you don't want to participate! As for saying so high-sounding?

But this guy is really not a cheap guy. In just a few words, the proud Slytherin changed his mind and even had a good impression.

Tsk tsk! The Gaius family really has a successor.

This skill of telling lies with open eyes can at least make this family prosperous for decades.

"Hmph! Don't talk nonsense." Snape said, and then looked at Aaron, "The ability of a fox to fake a tiger's power is very proficient, but you still have to compete to know the outcome."

"Professor Snape, I completely understand what you mean!" Aaron said modestly, "My strength may not be as good as that of Senior Terrence, but at least I must be recognized by the college team, otherwise I will not be qualified to represent Slytherin competes."

"Just know."

"Thank you for your understanding, Professor, but before the competition officially starts, I have to make one thing clear.

I usually have a lot of things to do and may not have much time to train before the official competition. "

As soon as these words were said, Snape and the academy team's expressions were not very good.

Even if you have talent, you can't waste it like this! If you don't train before the game, it's really not the same thing as Quidditch!

"Don't push yourself too far," Snape said coldly.

"Professor, please listen to me first. What I mean is that I will compete with my seniors three times.

All the Seeker needs to focus on on the field is the Snitch, so whether or not to participate in training is not that important.

So I suggested that in the first game there would be only the Golden Snitch on the field, whoever catches it first between me and Senior Terrence would win. If I win by chance, it would prove that I am capable of participating in this Quidditch match.

The second game is also about who can catch the Golden Snitch first, but it is a little more difficult than the first game, and two bludgers are added to interfere. If I am lucky enough to win in this case, then It proves that I did not win the first game by luck, so that all seniors can also be convinced.

As for the third game, it’s still about who can catch the Golden Snitch first. In addition to adding Bludgers, I also need to add Quaffles, and I also have to ask the seniors from the academy team to come off the field to attack me, but I can’t. Use a bat.

If I, an eleven-year-old freshman, can still win in this way, then..." Aaron paused and looked at everyone on the academy team with a smile, "Just don't interrupt my study before the game, and..."

"Do you want to challenge our entire team by yourself?" Captain Marcus interrupted him unhappily. This was simply a naked provocation.

"Hey! Of course not, how can you say that?

I just want to simulate the game scene as much as possible. "


Marcus was about to say something when Snape stopped him with a look. He looked at Aaron, "What else?"

"Also, you can't commit fouls during official matches." Aaron said seriously, "After all, winning is meaningless if you commit a foul.

Although I won't foul, I don't want to hear others say that Slytherin's victory was won by fouling.

Of course, you seniors don’t have to agree to the third game, just the first two, but you also don’t ask me to come over for training before the official game. "

"Promise, of course you have to agree, why not agree." Marcus sneered and said, "But I guarantee you will regret it."

"Very well, then let's ask Professor Snape to be a witness."

Everyone looked at Snape, who was dressed in black robes. He looked at Aaron with a gloomy expression, "Are you sure you want to do this? They may not be merciful."

"Sure, but..."

"But what?"

"But when I call for help, Professor, you must save me." Aaron said righteously.

The corner of Snape's mouth twitched, "So you know how to be afraid?"

"Nonsense, otherwise why would I call you here? I really thought it would be enough to hold up a scene. Then your level as the dean is too low."

Hearing Aaron's confident tone, Snape nodded blankly with a dark face, then looked at the academy team standing aside, ready to teach Aaron an impressive lesson, and said calmly: "I agree. It’s been three games, but you must not be polite to me, I will take care of you when the critical moment comes.”

The seven members of the academy team looked at each other and nodded in unison.

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