A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 256 Shit Escape Is Absolutely Impossible

"What? Get into the toilet." Aaron stared at Bud with wide eyes, "I won't agree to it even to death. I have never been so wronged in my whole life."

Shit escape, thank you for thinking about it.

Although he is not from this world, if he does this kind of thing, it will be a nightmare to go to the toilet in the future.

The dwarves also glared angrily, with a lot of reluctance in their hearts. If word got out that their reputation would be ruined, how would they be able to survive in the future?

"That's the safest route, no one would think of it." Bud said with a forced smile, "And don't get me wrong, our toilet leads directly to the lake below, and it's not dirty at all."

"That won't work either," Aaron said angrily.

"Okay!" Bard spread his hands helplessly, "You can go to my house openly, and then be discovered by the watcher, and then be discovered by the mayor.

I don't care, the worst you can do is get a beating, or worse still, be imprisoned for a while, but you will definitely be caught and sent to the Woodland Kingdom to claim credit. "

After hearing this, Thorin was silent for a long time and then said: "We agreed."

"Thorin." Dvalin was extremely puzzled and looked at him in disbelief, "You, you can't..."

"Why not?" Thorin asked, "Is this journey more important, or is that self-esteem more important?

We are running out of time, we can't make any mistakes. If we miss this time, we may not have the chance. "

When the dwarves heard this, they could only accept this route against their will. After all, there was no comparison between personal honor and disgrace and rebuilding the dwarf kingdom.

"I want you to go, I will absolutely, absolutely, never go that way." Aaron said with disgust, "Even if I die, die outside, jump from here, I won't learn Shit Escape. "

"Aaron, be patient and it will pass." Bilbo advised patiently.

"There's no need to persuade me. The Elf Prince and I have some kind of friendship. Even if I get caught, nothing will happen to me."

"But this is not your problem alone!" Bahrain said solemnly, "We are a team. If you are exposed, we will naturally not be able to hide."

"Gaius." Thorin looked at him deeply, "Don't forget the contract you signed. Don't act out of emotion at this time."

"You..." Aaron laughed angrily, "Okay! Now that things have happened, I don't pretend anymore.

Yes, I am a wizard, and magic allows me to hide from the eyes of ordinary people and will not hinder the team. "

"But you don't even have your wand," Bilbo said weakly.

Aaron glared at him fiercely, why didn't you notice that you were so rude before?

"Are you sure?" Thorin asked seriously.

"I'm absolutely sure."

"Then can you help us..." Dwalin asked impatiently, his eyes seemed to have a glimmer of light.

Hearing this, Aaron gave him a gentle smile, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not that powerful yet."

I'm that powerful. It's not impossible to cast the Disillusionment Curse on more than a dozen people, but who told you to force me to escape?

It's not very harmful, but it's very insulting.

There was a hint of embarrassment on the faces of Dvalin and the others, and they no longer forced themselves.

"Have we discussed it?" Bud asked, "After we have discussed it, come with me."

He led everyone along a narrow path, but as soon as he turned a corner, he ran into a young man.

"Dad, our home is being watched."

"Your son?" Aaron looked at the boy and estimated that he should be a few years older than him.

Bud nodded, then looked at his son, "Don't worry, Barn.

You and Gaius stay here, I'll go and show the others the route, and I'll be back soon. "

After speaking, Bud took the others and continued walking around the streets, telling them the location of his home, focusing on describing the signs of the toilet, for fear that they would get into the wrong place.

After turning back, he saw Aaron catching his son and asking questions about his age, education, and living conditions.

"Ahem! It's time for us to set off. How are you going to get to my house?" Bud asked, "If you regret it now, I can take you there again."

"No need." Aaron snapped his fingers, and his body instantly became transparent.

Bud was a little better. Although he was shocked, his expression was still calm.

But Baan was dumbfounded and pointed tremblingly at the transparent area in front of him, "Dad, dad, dad, did you see it?

Is he invisible? Really invisible. "

"See, I'm not blind yet."

"A simple body illusion spell." Aaron said lightly, "Now you can safely lead the way."

Bud and Barn looked at each other and walked out of the alley silently.

In order to prevent the people monitoring them from finding out that the time was wrong, they went to the market and bought some useful things for cover.

Approaching the door of the house, the three of them climbed up the stairs.

Bud threw a piece of fruit to the two people fishing under his house, "You can tell the mayor that I have finished my work today."

A little girl saw Bud coming in and hugged him happily, "Dad, where have you been?"

Another older girl also gave him a hug, "Father, you are back, I'm worried to death."

"Here you go, Sigrid." Bud smiled and handed her the things he picked up from the market.

"Family harmony!" Aaron said with emotion.

"Who is talking?" Sigrid, the eldest daughter, looked around in surprise.

"Yes, it's a wizard, to a wizard." Barn said firmly, and then looked to his side, "Gaius, show them."

Aaron shrugged and then lifted the disillusionment spell.

The eldest daughter Sigrid couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw Aaron. This was the first time in her life that she had seen such a handsome boy.

"What a wizard." The younger daughter looked at Aaron curiously, "Can you teach me magic?"

"Well...it depends on your talent. There are some things that you can't just learn if you want to." Aaron said euphemistically. Wizards are still quite rare in this world, and this family doesn't have any wizard blood.

"Barn, let them in."

"I'll go too." Aaron was full of interest. "Where is your toilet?"

"Come with me!" Barn shrugged and led Aaron down the stairs.

He looked at the unobstructed view of the lake in front of him, and after confirming that no one was watching, he patted the wooden board on the wall.

boom! boom! boom!

A bald man emerged from the toilet. Dwalin looked at Barn with great seriousness and warned: "If you tell anyone about this, I will twist your hand off."

Aaron looked at the darkened Dwalin and couldn't help laughing.

"You still dare to laugh?" Dvalin's face turned even darker. "And you, if you dare to tell anyone, I will pull out your tongue."

"Hahaha..." Aaron held his stomach, "I'm very sorry. I have also been strictly trained. No matter how funny it is, I will not laugh unless I can't help it.

In addition, I appreciate your attitude very much, but it’s a pity that you can’t beat me, hahahaha..."

Dvalin's eyes were filled with anger, and he glared at Aaron fiercely, then opened the toilet seat and climbed out of the lake.

Baan wanted to pull him, but he slapped his left hand away, "Don't touch me."

"Go up that way." Barn pointed to the stairs, and then pulled Bilbo out of the toilet, followed by the third, then the fourth...

Every time a person came out, their heart would be stabbed by Aaron's unabashed laughter. Until the last person, Aaron suppressed his laughter.

It was quite difficult for Qili to hold on until now. If he was angered by his wave of taunts, the poison might spread even faster.

"Dad, why are these dwarves crawling out of our toilet?" Sigrid asked.

"This sword is really good at repairing it." Aaron thought to himself. He clearly felt Qili stagger just now, and it was undoubtedly a critical blow in his heart.

"Will they bring us good luck?" the younger daughter asked happily.

"Not necessarily." Aaron patted her head and put a gold coin in her pocket, "But I will bring you good luck.

Collect it, the pocket money your brother gave you. "

After everyone came out, they all gathered around the fire.

Now that winter is approaching, they soaked in the cold lake water for nearly half an hour, each one shivering from the cold.

Bud divided the blankets and clothes at home, and the three siblings even poured a cup of hot water for everyone to warm themselves up.

Sigrid handed the water glass to Aaron, "Do you need it?"

"Thanks, but I don't need the water, just give me the cup." Aaron took out the bottle of wine directly, "I have this."

Aaron opened the wine bottle and poured a full glass, and the fragrant smell immediately filled the room.

"Wine." Ouyin murmured. Others also looked at the wine bottle, and the sounds of swallowing came one after another.

"Hey, hey, can you have some quality?" Aaron glanced at everyone with disdain, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, "It tastes good, better than the wine made by Bilbo."

"How does this look like a key?" Barn asked in confusion as he looked at the cork.

"Ahem!" Aaron almost spit out the half-drunk wine, "Don't worry about those details. If you want it, I'll give it to you. If you don't want it, just throw it away."

Barn was stunned for a moment, then picked up the cork and threw it into the stove, adding a touch of warmth to the home.

"The dwarf's wind crossbow." Thorin looked at a dilapidated high tower outside the window and was lost in thought. On the high tower was a large crossbow.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," said Bilbo.

"Indeed," Balin explained, "The last time we saw this crossbow, the town was on fire.

On the day the dragon arrived, that is, the day Smaug destroyed Lake Town, the mayor of Lake Town, Girion, summoned his archers to attack the dragon.

But the dragon's scales are very hard, even harder than the strongest armor. Only black arrows fired with a wind crossbow can penetrate the dragon's armor, but such arrows are very rare.

By the time Girian struck his final blow, there were not many of these arrows left. "

"If Girion had really shot the dragon that day, everything would have been different." Thorin said regretfully.

"Say it as if you were there at the time." Bud came over and said.

"Maybe he was actually there." Aaron shrugged, "After all, he is a dwarf, and they are all dwarves."

"Then they should know that Girian shot the dragon. He left a scar on the dragon's left wing. One more blow would have killed the dragon."


Aaron squirted out a mouthful of amber liquid and looked at Barn in astonishment, "Are you serious?"

"Absolutely true."

"Where exactly is it? Is it close to the heart?" Aaron asked eagerly. If nothing else happens, they will slay the dragon next. All the weaknesses of the evil dragon must be understood.

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