A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 258 The king begins to draw a pie

The door hurriedly opened, and Bud looked at the room where only his three children were left. He was at a loss for a moment and then became a little nervous.

"Dad, I tried my best to stop them," Barn said.

"How long have they been gone?"

"Almost two hours."

"Two hours?" Aaron opened his mouth in shock, "They left not long after we left?

Wait, did they leave anything for me? "

"Stayed." The younger daughter nodded, "Thorin said he believed you would follow on your own, and others said the same."

Hearing this, Aaron's mouth twitched slightly.

Being trusted is a good thing, but this kind of trust makes people laugh or cry.

"Where's Kili? Did he say anything?"

"He asked us to thank you for him," Barn said, "and I'm sorry."

"Haha! I can't bear this!" Aaron sneered and waved his hand, "I tried so hard to save his life, but I didn't expect that he didn't cherish it."

"Why are you talking about this?" Bard was worried. "The important point is where did they go? Did they leave Changhu Town?"

"Definitely not." Aaron said firmly, "Dwarves are more stubborn than you think. They will only leave if they get what they want."

Bud was stunned for a moment, "You mean?"

"The weapons arsenal is only there, and it can only be there."

"Then let's go quickly..."

"Going to what?

Your home has been monitored. In this case, what is the difference between going to the weapons depot and setting yourself on fire?

And they won't steal weapons during the day. The best time to take action is after dark. "

Bud was stunned, "Then shall we go there after dark?"

"No." Aaron refused decisively. After thinking for a moment, he said: "The dock closest to the weapons depot. They will definitely get on the ship and leave from there after getting the weapons."

"It makes sense." Bud suddenly realized, "I'm going to the dock right now and I must stop them."

"How many times do you have to tell me, you can't stop me."

"But the townspeople will make them give up." Bard said, picking up his bow and arrows and walking out of the room casually.

"Will my dad succeed?" Sigrid asked worriedly.

"No." Aaron sighed and shook his head, "He is destined to fail, but there will be no danger, and the dwarves will not hurt him."

He was extremely confident in his own judgment. Bard was not a bad person and could not kill him. Facing the dwarf who regarded death as his own, he could only give in.

As for appealing to the townspeople, it is even less possible. The townspeople hope that Thorin will succeed, so that they can live a good life.

"But why did Dad stop them?" Barn asked in confusion.

"Because of a prophecy." Aaron curled his lips and said, "Our destination is Gushan. He is worried that we will disturb the evil dragon in it and bring destruction to Changhu Town. Do you believe this illusory prophecy?"

The three siblings looked at each other, then nodded in unison.

"Uh... maybe I didn't explain it clearly.

If Thorin becomes the King of the Lonely Mountain, Changhu Town will change the world, and you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life. "

"But these seem worthless compared to life!"

Baan's tone was complicated, but his attitude was extremely firm, and his two sisters also gave him a look of affirmation.

Aaron: ...

Bud is definitely a qualified father, and this family education is second to none.

As long as they don't die prematurely, these three children will definitely be successful in the future.

"What about you?" Sigrid looked at Aaron, "How do you plan to keep up with them?"

"I'm a wizard, and this question couldn't be easier for me." Aaron pointed to the Lonely Mountain Road outside the window and said with a meaningful smile, "I know the end point, and I can go wherever I want, and no one can stop me. "

"But before that, I need your help with something." Aaron scratched his head sheepishly, and then placed the package behind him on the floor, revealing various medicinal materials.

"Why did you buy so much medicine?" Barn asked.

"Why do you care so much?" Aaron took out three gold coins directly. "You are all locals. Please help me classify these medicines. As for what you don't know, leave it to me."


As night fell, there was a commotion in the town.

Aaron, who was boiling medicine, heard the warning sound and looked at the torches that were lighting up quickly outside the window, and his face couldn't help but turn ugly.

Because there was a group of guards pressing the dwarves towards the mayor's residence, the residents stopped sleeping and spontaneously went over to watch the fun.

"They were caught?" Barn's face turned pale and he looked at Aaron in surprise, "Then my dad doesn't have to stop them?"

"Maybe!" Aaron spread his hands, "I thought of everything, but I didn't expect that they would fail on the first step.

You stay at home and watch my casserole. After the medicine is boiled, pour it into the bottle and seal it. "

When I walked out of the room, it was snowing heavily outside, creating a solemn atmosphere.

Aaron wrapped himself up so that only half of his face was exposed, blended in the crowd and walked slowly forward, stopping in front of the mayor's gate.

After a while, he felt someone tapping his shoulder. When he turned around, he saw Bud looking at him depressedly.

"If it gets too big, it will be difficult to end it if it doesn't happen."

"Then let me give you an idea." Aaron lowered his voice and said solemnly: "Don't be the first person."


"No but, I'm a wizard. I will save them if necessary." Aaron said. It wasn't too difficult for him to get in, but what was difficult was leading them out.

But facing so many guards and ordinary residents, ordinary magic may not be able to handle it. Do we need to use large-scale magic?

Bud's heart tightened, "What are you going to do? I warn you not to hurt innocent people."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt anyone casually." A glint flashed in Aaron's eyes, "What do you think of kidnapping the mayor?"

Bud: ...

Does this sound like what a teenager would say?

"Are you sure?" Bard was a little skeptical. "Although the mayor is a trash, he has a lot of guards around him."

“Don’t worry, I’m experienced, and experienced.

I have kidnapped trolls and the Orc King. If it weren't for me, Thorin and the others would have died countless times. "

Bud's eyes twitched slightly, and he no longer had any doubts in his heart, but he unconsciously moved a little to the side.

Damn it, what kind of family taught such a ruthless person?

The door opened, and a middle-aged man with a fat head and thin hair came out. Alfred stood beside him respectfully.

"What's going on?" the mayor asked angrily.

"We caught the weapon thief red-handed, sir."

"Oh!" A sinister smile appeared on the mayor's face, "Our enemy?"

"They may be a group of mercenaries, my lord," Alfred said.

"Shut up," Dwalin roared, "Do you know who you're talking to?

This is no ordinary thief. He is Thorin, son of Thrain and grandson of Thror. "

Thorin slowly stood up and confessed his identity in front of everyone in the town.

He didn't want to do this, after all, it was too high-profile, but there was no other way now.

"We are the dwarves of Erub, and we have come to reclaim our homeland.

I still remember the prosperous scene of Changhu Town in the past. The port was anchored with fleets loaded with silk and gems. At that time, Changhu Town was not dilapidated at all. It was once the trade center of the entire north. "

This passage resonated with the townspeople. They all recalled their past life, which was completely different from the current life of muddling along or even surviving.

"I hope to see prosperity reappear. I hope to revive the glory of the dwarves and let wealth flow from Erub's hall again."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was cheering all around, and even the mayor's heart beat fast.

What kind of thief is this? He is clearly the God of Wealth.

But among the crowd, Aaron struggled to pull Bud who was trying to rush out, "Don't go, it's useless."

"But if you let him continue to speak, it will really be impossible to stop him."

"You can't stop it anymore. Look at these people. Their eyes reveal nothing but joy and longing. They won't listen to you at this time."

"But life is more important."

“I quite agree with this, nothing is more important than life.

But the problem is that not everyone thinks so. At this moment, money is more important in the eyes of these people.

Do you know what it means to cut off someone’s wealth is like killing their parents? "

Bard was silent for a few seconds before speaking: "Let me try, otherwise I will feel guilty even if I die."

Hearing this, Aaron pursed his lips and let go of his arm.

Bard breathed a sigh of relief, walked out of the crowd solemnly, and said loudly: "Death is what you will bring to us, the dragon flame that destroys everything. If you wake up that giant beast, he will kill us all."

Thorin looked at Bard in surprise, but quickly adjusted, "You can also listen to this naysayer, but I promise you, if we succeed, we will..."


Continuous coughing interrupted Thorin, and Aaron walked out of the crowd.

"Gaius, what do you mean?"

"Well, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, I just feel that the king's promise cannot be too casual." Aaron smiled awkwardly but politely, "I suggest at least rebuilding the entire Changhu Town, what do you think? ?”

Thorin was startled. He almost said that he would share Erub's wealth.

But in fact, this is really impossible. If all the money is given to these townspeople, how can the dwarves rebuild Erub.

"That's right." Thorin silently lowered his standards and shouted loudly: "We will help rebuild the entire Esgaroth."

The townspeople were all happy. They had lived in such a dirty environment for decades, and it was natural for them to have help rebuilding their homes.

Aaron secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Not everyone can restrain themselves in the face of huge wealth.

If we reach this verbal agreement now, it won't be too ugly if we fall out. If it doesn't work out, we can just take out our share of the reward.

He doesn't value money very much. One-fifteenth of the treasure should be enough to rebuild this place.

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