A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 267 The most valuable dragon in history—Golden Smaug

"Well done, Gaius." Thorin patted Aaron's arm and then looked at the others.

"Bomber, let the fire burn harder."

Bombur immediately jumped into the empty space in front of the furnace and pulled the chain.

The blower started, blowing air into the furnace, and the flame turned light blue.

"Bilbo, go over there and follow my instructions and pull the switch."

Bilbo followed Thorin's direction and climbed to the switch of the waterwheel, ready to go.

"Bahrain, can you still prepare flash fire?"

"Okay, it only takes a while." Balin immediately led the two dwarves into the warehouse at the rear, where there were all the materials he needed.

At this time, Smaug climbed out of the mine and discovered the people in the smelting room. The huge iron door was quickly torn open under his claws.

"We're running out of time," Dwalin muttered.

"I'm here to buy time." Aaron volunteered, "but the time I can buy is not much."

Thorin nodded, "Others, be prepared to respond."

Aaron took a deep breath, walked to the huge iron gate, and gave Smaug a big smile.

"Wizard." Smaug looked at him with a sneer, "Not gray robe, not brown robe, not white robe, not blue robe. Who are you?"

"Aaron Gaius." Aaron gave a simple salute, "Just an ordinary magister. No, my power is not complete now, and I may not even be considered a magister."

"Be different, Gaius the Dragonspeaker.

You have greater potential than those five wizards, and it is only a matter of time before you surpass them. "

"I think so."

"No, you don't understand what I mean." Smaug's tone was seductive, "You can become the strongest wizard, there is no need to help despicable dwarves.

No one can resist the combination of dragon and dragon whisperer. You can become a great king and a true overlord.

No matter they are humans, elves, or dwarves, they will respect you, and even the necromancer must respect you a bit. "

After the words fell, everyone, including Balin, who was equipped with flash fire, looked at Aaron in shock.

No one could have imagined that he would have such potential, and no one could have imagined that he would make evil dragons express rare kindness. But what everyone was more worried about was whether Aaron could withstand this temptation.

Although Aaron's performance has been extremely mature along the way, and there is nothing wrong with it, it is undeniable that he is only a teenager. What if a child loses his temper?

"Pfft! Hahaha~"

Aaron couldn't help but laugh while holding his stomach, "Interesting, so interesting.

If you had tempted me with another pie, maybe I would have agreed, but when I left home, my elders specifically told me that I must not have any thoughts of ruling, otherwise I would be removed from the family.

Are you trying to make me homeless? Or do you want me to betray everyone? "

Smaug: ...


"Then there's no need to talk." Smaug shook his head, "What a pity, you made a wrong decision."


Smaug slapped the iron door harder.

"Armor for protection." Aaron cast an iron armor spell on himself, and then began to carve the magic circle.

A yellow-brown star emerged in mid-air and stuck to the iron gate.

The circular magic array rotates slowly, mobilizing the earth element to strengthen the iron gate, and coating it with a thick layer of rock.

Smaug sneered, turning his head and spitting out fierce fire.


The magic circle only lasted for a second before falling into pieces.

Aaron immediately drew an intermediate defensive magic circle in front of him. Coupled with the defensive power of the Iron Armor Curse, he could barely block the aftermath of the dragon flame.

But even so, it was blown away by the flames for more than ten meters before stopping.

"Sure enough, the intermediate magic circle is unreliable." Aaron patted the dust on his body and stood up in a slightly embarrassed manner.

"You are too weak now, you can't even stop me from sneezing." Smaug mocked, violently tore open the iron gate and got into the smelting chamber.

Aaron slowly backed away, but Smaug pressed forward step by step, his belly turning red.

"It's over, young Dragonspeaker."

"Here," Thorin shouted suddenly.

Smaug looked at him subconsciously, "Oakshield, I'll deal with you first."


At the word, Bilbo jumped up and pulled the switch.

Several stone statues on the wall spurted large amounts of water from their mouths, hitting Smaug and extinguishing the flames in his chest.

White steam emanated from Smaug's body, making him uncomfortable and twisting restlessly.

After regaining his composure, Smaug looked at Thorin coldly and moved towards him slowly.

Pombo pulled the iron chain of the blower hard, the blue flame burned brightly, and the gold ore in the furnace was completely melted.

Balin and others also ran out of the warehouse, and they distributed the configured flash fire to other dwarves.

The flash fire hit Smaug, emitting a strong light like a flash bomb, but it was unable to attract its attention at all.

Aaron looked up at the rows of mine carts hanging above and cast several spells decisively. The mine carts loaded with ore and the cables barely held Smaug back.

When it got rid of the rope on its body, Thorin immediately pulled an iron chain, and several furnaces opened a gap at the same time. The golden gold solution flowed out along the channels, quickly gathered together and flowed in one direction.

"Lead him to the Gallery of Kings." Thorin said loudly, then pushed a mine cart and jumped into the hot gold liquid, entering a low tunnel like a rowing boat.

The other dwarves also dispersed and ran towards the Gallery of Kings.

Aaron was about to leave when he heard Bilbo's cry.

Smaug's movement out of the rope shattered the place where he was standing, and he fell directly to the ground without even descending the steps.

As soon as Bilbo raised his head, his eyes met Smaug next to the furnace.

Before he could react, Aaron ran to his side and pulled him up to jump down a slope, avoiding the sharp claws.

"Run, don't stop," Aaron said.

Bilbo followed closely behind him. As soon as the two reached the Gallery of Kings, there was a roar from behind, and Smaug broke through the wall directly.

As a last resort, Aaron pulled the hobbit behind and hid behind a pillar.

"Do you think you can fool me?

You are from Long Lake Town, and this is a conspiracy planned by the hateful dwarves and the miserable Long Lake people.

Those crying cowards with longbows and black arrows, maybe I should pay them a visit. "Smaug said as he prepared to leave, planning to destroy Lake Town first.

Hearing this, Aaron frowned.

Although I don't know why Smaug guessed so accurately, it does not conflict with his original plan, but before that, he must weaken its combat power as much as possible, and even if it doesn't work, it must be injured.

"It's not their fault." Bilbo jumped out immediately, "Wait, you can't go to Lake Town."


Aaron patted his forehead speechlessly and followed him out, lest he be burned to ashes by Smaug's dragon breath.

"You care about them, right!" Smaug turned around meaningfully, "Then just watch them die!"

"Wait a minute." Aaron sighed, "If you go to Lake Town, you will die."

Bilbo rolled his eyes, it was definitely useless, Smaug wouldn't believe it.

Sure enough, Smaug laughed loudly the next moment, "You think you can scare me by saying this, and I will make the humans there feel what disaster is again."

"Here." Thorin shouted from atop a huge statue, "You ignorant loser, I want to take back what you stole."

"You can take nothing back, dwarf." Smaug slowly approached, "I defeated your older generation of warriors and planted fear in the hearts of humans. I am the king under the mountain."

"This is not your kingdom, this is the land of the dwarves, this is the gold of the dwarves.

We want revenge. Thorin shouted and tugged at the chain beside him, "Come out!" "

The other dwarves behind the stone statue pulled the chains in their hands at the same time. The locks on the stone statue fell off one after another, and the surface of the rock was quickly broken.

A huge golden statue appeared in front of Smaug. This was the image of Thorin's grandfather, Thor, poured from a solution of freshly baked gold.

Smaug looked at the golden statue that stood shoulder to shoulder with it. The bright golden light made his eyes blurred, and he couldn't help but get closer, wishing he could stick to it.


While it was admiring it, the eyes of the golden statue suddenly burst open, spewing out hot golden liquid.

Smaug was stunned for a moment. Before he could realize what was going on, other parts of Thorkin's statue also exploded.

The entire golden statue melted almost completely within a few seconds, and the hot gold solution poured onto Smaug's body, submerging him in the blink of an eye.

Smaug roared in pain, struggled for a while, and sank into the hot gold solution that filled the entire hall.

An excited smile broke out on Thorin's face. It didn't matter that Smaug's scales were invulnerable. The pool of gold below was at least a thousand degrees hot. I don't believe it wouldn't burn you to death.

"Did it succeed?" Bilbo asked in a deep voice.

"No." Aaron looked solemn, "There is still a heartbeat in the pool. Smaug is still alive."

The next moment, Smaug roared out, and his body seemed to be plated with gold, without any omissions.

"This is definitely the most valuable dragon in history, bar none." Aaron looked at the golden Smaug in shock. He never thought that a dragon could be so dazzling.

"Revenge, revenge, I want you to know what revenge is." Smaug dragged his golden body and rushed out of the main door, leaving gold liquid on the ground.

Thorin watched Smaug leave in disbelief, feeling powerless instantly spreading throughout his body.

After breaking open the city gate, the evil dragon soared into the sky, spun a few times in mid-air, shook off the gold solution on his body, and flew towards Changhu Town.

"What have we done?" Bilbo murmured, feeling endless regret in his heart. Maybe they shouldn't disturb the dragon's sleep.

"The prophecy is about to come true." Aaron patted Bilbo on the shoulder, "Everyone in Long Lake Town will be in ruins."

"It was us." Bilbo said with a dull look in his eyes.

"This day would have come without us." Aaron said solemnly, "Bard gave those townspeople a chance to choose, but without exception they chose gold. Now it's time to pay for their greed."

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