A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 27 Boys should be cruel to themselves

With the tactic of killing 800 enemies and losing 1,000 to himself, Aaron and the academy team fought fiercely for more than an hour, and finally got the Golden Snitch one step ahead of Terrence, at the cost of breaking his right arm after being hit by a Bludger.

He shrugged one arm and exhaustedly controlled the broom to fly below the court. His tense spirit suddenly relaxed. He almost lost his balance and stumbled to sit on the lawn below.

Abe immediately ran over and looked at him worriedly, then turned around and showed a fierce expression to the six players who were flying down one after another.

This was the first time it was angry. Several fangs were exposed from its mouth, and the sides of its clothes were slightly stretched.

When Aaron saw this, he immediately pressed his left hand on its back, and silently shook his head at Abe, who turned his head, so that he wouldn't expose his wings.

"I'm sorry! Seniors, it seems that I won this game by luck again." Aaron endured the pain in his arm, gritted his teeth and showed a smile, "Everyone, don't forget our bet, don't call me Participate in training and don’t foul during official games!”

No one in the academy team spoke, and even the arrogant Marcus remained silent.

Even if they don't want to admit it, they all lost to this first-year student tonight.

There is only one reason, it is not as ruthless as him.

After Marcus was shot down, the remaining six players were shocked and angry, and immediately stepped up their "retaliation" efforts.

Originally, I just wanted to wait until I had enough fun and then beat Aaron down.

But they didn't expect that this guy was much more difficult to deal with than they thought. He often struggled to survive in the cracks. In the later stages, when they all began to feel tired, they were unable to stop him anymore.

In this way, he gradually had the opportunity to chase the golden squid. Although he didn't have much time, it was much better than preventing Terence from catching it in the first place.

Forget it, it will only consume your energy! Whoever can't hold on first loses.

Counting Terrence and the others, there are six of them. No matter how you look at it, the chance of winning is several times that of Aaron. Even if you want to lose, you don't have the conditions.

But who would have thought that the opponent would not play according to the routine. In the last few seconds before the end of the game, the Golden Snitch and the two Bludgers were very close to each other.

As a seeker, Terrence was a little timid in the face of this situation. He did not dare to get close and could only follow closely behind.

But Aaron seized the opportunity and pounced directly, catching the Golden Snitch under everyone's disbelief.

As expected, two Bludgers attacked at the same time. Aaron narrowly dodged the first one, but was hit by the second one on his right arm. The cracking sound of the fracture was particularly clear on the court.

However, he didn't make a sound, decisively stretched out his left hand, caught the golden snitch, and won the game.

Putting themselves in his shoes, they don't have the guts.

Because this is just an ordinary game, no, this is not even an ordinary game, they have no reason to take risks.

Even at the really big games, okay! They don't have the guts to sacrifice an arm for a small chance of victory.

But Aaron did just that, and he succeeded.

After more than two hours of competition, they would not think that Aaron had no brains and would only grab the ball with a rush of energy.

It was obvious that he had already thought about the price before doing so.

Is this really eleven years old? Do you want to be so cruel to yourself?

Through this crazy move, these seven pretentious Slytherins also knew that Aaron was not something they could handle.

"Since you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence." Aaron stood up slowly and said.

"Don't worry, they will keep their promise." Snape said, and then he looked at Marcus, "You know what to do before the Quidditch match!

You are the captain, and I hope you can lead by example. If you can't even fulfill this simple request, then don't call yourself Snape Severus's student in the future. "

"Understood!" Marcus nodded. He knew that they could no longer play by the sidelines in the future. If they wanted to achieve good results, they had to train hard.

"Don't disappoint me." Snape said calmly, and then supported Aaron, "Your condition is not very good. I will take you to the infirmary first."

"Okay! I feel like my arm is about to break." Aaron grinned in pain.

"Is it about to break? Mr. Gaius, you should be more confident, it's already broken."

Aaron smiled bitterly, "Professor, if you had been more reliable and saved me in time, this would not have happened to me."

Hearing this, Snape's expression became strange, "You bumped into it yourself, none of us thought of it, so you can't hold me responsible!

Besides, didn’t you call for help? "

"Okay! You are in charge of this matter, I can't help you.

But, professor, you really don't understand what humor is. "

The two came to the infirmary, and Madam Pomfrey came over hurriedly. As an experienced school nurse, she knew what had happened when she saw Aaron's arm, and said angrily: "How long has it been since school started? A freshman dared to play Quidditch and broke his arm."

"Mrs. Pomfrey, I know better than you what's wrong with my student." Snape said calmly, "If you want to teach him a lesson, you should change the time!

It's almost curfew time, and I don't want to send him to the rest room again, so could you please treat him quickly and give him the fastest-acting treatment? "

"Hmph! Wait a moment." Ms. Pomfrey said, then went to the nearby shelf to take down a small bottle of red potion, and handed it directly to Aaron, "Drink it, and then rest for a night, it should be almost done. .

But for the next two days, it's best not to use your right arm too much, or you might have to do it again. "

"Got it!" Aaron said sincerely, without hesitation, he grabbed the bottle and drank it in one gulp.

The taste of this medicine is weird, bitter and astringent, and extremely unpleasant to drink, but the effect is immediate.

Less than ten seconds after drinking, Aaron felt a warm feeling on his arm. The pain was covered up by a slight itch, and he could even do some light activities.

"Do you need a bandage for your arm?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"No need for this."

"If you don't want to go to the rest room, you can recuperate in the infirmary for two days. I believe Professor Snape will prepare a note for you."

Aaron was a little moved. After all, he was injured and it would be great to be able to take two days of sick leave.

There are no particularly important courses in the first grade, and most of the knowledge can be obtained from books.

But looking at these empty white hospital beds, I always feel a little weird at night.

Although there is no shortage of ghosts in Hogwarts, the environment really affects people's mood, and the beds in the dormitories are much more intimate.

"Thank you very much for your advice, Madam Pomfrey.

However, I don't want people to know I'm hurt.

Besides, I don’t have any serious problems now, so I won’t delay class. "

Madam Pomfrey smiled, "Okay! Little wizard, since you are so determined, I won't let you stay.

There are still twenty minutes until curfew, so you still have time to get back. "

"Got it." Aaron said, then stood up and walked towards the door.

What he didn't expect was that Snape, with his paralyzed face, actually walked him all the way to the door of the lounge without saying a word.

It can be seen that he cares about the students, but he is extremely bad at expressing it.

"Professor, if you didn't always have such a cold face, you would definitely be more popular than anyone else." Aaron said meaningfully.

"Ha! Do you think I care about you?

No kidding, I was just worried that you'd get lost or not make it back to the common room in time.

If Filch caught him, Slytherin would lose face. "

"Yes, yes, you are a professor, you are right." Aaron said hurriedly, and then made a gesture of invitation, but not to the inside, but to the passage beside.

After all, this is the student common room. If he invites the serious Snape in, many students will probably have nightmares tonight.

Snape hummed and left expressionlessly.

Aaron read the password, opened the door, and walked quietly to his dormitory.

However, he happened to meet Malfoy. He looked at Aaron with the word fatigue written on his face in surprise, "What are you doing? Why are you back so late?"

Aaron glared at him, "Thanks to you, Professor Snape wanted me to join the college team, so he pulled me over to take the test of the college team.

More than two hours! It's almost exhausting me. "

Malfoy's eyes evaded, he was embarrassed but also looked forward to it, "You must have passed the test!"

"Of course, the seniors on the house team have unanimously agreed to let me be Slytherin's seeker."

"Great." Malfoy said excitedly, "With you, we will definitely defeat Harry Potter."

Aaron: ...

How much does this naughty kid hate Harry Potter?

But forget it, we are all eleven-year-olds, so any disagreements should be treated as a joke.

"Ahem! Let's talk about this later.

You must keep this matter of my role as Slytherin's Seeker a secret. I don't want too many people to know before the official match. "

"Don't worry, I've always been the strictest." Malfoy promised, patting his chest.

For some reason, looking at his vow, Aaron felt that he could no longer keep the secret.

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