A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 270 The Birth of the Dragon Slayer

At this moment, Aaron was admiring the heroic performance of the clone on the Lonely Mountain.

At the same time, he was also secretly thinking about whether to place an order for Transfiguration. After all, he had only earned a thousand magic points, which was enough to qualify him for the purchase.

But he also hesitated. He could guess that his Animagus would be a raven and a dragon, but looking at the posture of the patron saint, he knew that even if he turned into a dragon, he would only be ten meters in size.

As badly as the Patron Saint was beaten now, it probably won't be much better when it's his turn.

It is true that the transformation spell is very powerful, but it is not enough to face Smaug. He may be torn into pieces in less than a minute, and he does not want to die without a whole body.

"Is that... a dragon?" Bilbo murmured as he looked at the white dragon fighting Smaug above Lake Town.

"It's obvious," Balin said, "but it can't defeat Smaug, and it doesn't look like a real dragon. It should be a kind of advanced magic."

As he spoke, he turned his attention to Aaron, and others also looked at him suspiciously.

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you want me to do?" Aaron said with a smile, "I'm right here, can I use that kind of magic?"

"But there is no one else except you." Bilbo smiled, "Didn't you say that everything has been arranged? Lake Town is the burial place of Smaug."

"Gaius." Thorin looked at him thoughtfully, "Can you give me an explanation?"

"Okay! That's right, it's what you think. That dragon was summoned by me." Aaron raised his head proudly and looked at everyone proudly, "This kind of ancient magic can only be learned by a few geniuses. It's one of them.

However, every time it is used, it consumes a lot of magic power, and it may disappear if you are not careful. "

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in confusion, and then tacitly agreed that this magic had nothing to do with Aaron. Based on their understanding of Aaron, he would not be so high-profile.

"Aaron." Bilbo pointed in the direction of Lake Town, "Tell me honestly, did you do this?"

"Of course I arranged it." Aaron said carelessly, "Who else knows such advanced magic except me, it can't be Gandalf, right?"

"I see, Gandalf is back!"

Bilbo suddenly felt that he had seen through the truth. No wonder Aaron confidently assured that Lake Town was the burial place of Smaug. It must have been a strategy he had discussed with Gandalf in advance.

Aaron: ...

We are an honest child, but no one believes the truth!

Just as Aaron was thinking this, he heard the cry for help from the missing body in his mind. He turned around and saw that the Holy Dragon Guardian was being beaten crazily by Smaug, and his form was in danger of collapsing.

"Everyone, I have to go help. They can't kill that dragon without me." Aaron sighed helplessly, and then used Phantom Teleport to teleport to the bell tower.

"Did he go to Lake Town?" Bilbo asked in disbelief.

"I'm afraid so, Bilbo," said Balin. "With him he might be able to kill the dragon."


"Sorry, I didn't come on time, but it's not too late." The moment Aaron appeared, he took the black wand from the missing body and quickly cast the Patronus Charm.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

With the injection of a powerful magic power, the crippled white holy dragon suddenly regained its strength, and its shattered body gradually solidified, miraculously repelling Smaug, and then pounced on it desperately.

"My magic energy is less than one-tenth." The missing body said a little weakly.

"Then hurry up and get ready!"

"You two...are...twins?" Bud asked in shock.


Aaron and Missing Body said in unison.

Bud raised his eyebrows, they were definitely twins.

"Bud." The missing body picked up a black arrow on the ground and said solemnly: "You know what to do, right?"

"I'll shoot, but it won't necessarily kill Smaug."

"Don't worry about this, leave it to me." Aaron said, "You just need to shoot."

Missing Body and Aaron looked at each other. The former used the Disillusionment Curse, while the latter pretended to be out of breath and stopped casting the spell.

The Holy Dragon Guardian God instantly collapsed and disappeared into white light spots.

Smaug paused for a moment, then looked in the direction of the clock tower proudly, "You can't hold on anymore, can you?"

Aaron didn't answer, but took a step back intentionally or unintentionally.

"It seems that I guessed it right." A sneer appeared on Smaug's lips, "But I won't get close, and I won't give you any chance."

Aaron: ...

A generous gift crab! Once Long Gou wakes up, nothing will happen to anyone.

"Sure enough, you can only create opportunities yourself!" The missing body sighed helplessly, and then phantomed directly to Smaug's back, and inserted the black arrow in his hand hard.


As a spark flashed, a harsh sound sounded on Smaug's back, followed by a sullen roar.


The missing body did not answer, but ran forward with the black arrow.

The dragon scales on Smaug's back made a jingling sound, and a row of sparks flashed away, which was particularly conspicuous in the night sky.

Not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

"Damn bugs."

Smaug cursed secretly, turned his head and looked in the direction of the clock tower, then circled and flew high into the sky, intending to kill the guy on his back first.


"I'm taking aim, but it's too fast." Bard said anxiously, and the angle of the wind crossbow was constantly adjusted.

"I'll make him slow down." Aaron said, waving the wand hard at the lake.

A magic circle that was enough to cover half of Long Lake Town emerged under the lake. Dozens of icy-cold water flew up from the lake and hit Smaug flying in the sky at extremely fast speeds.

"This..." Bud's eyes widened in disbelief.

“I spent a lot of time preparing this magic circle at the bottom of the lake today, and I just happened to look for the black arrow.

I originally wanted to make a water prison, but now I’ll just make do! "


Smaug was hit in the abdomen first, and the brewing dragon flame was splashed with cold water, causing it to stumble in mid-air.

Then more and more water hit every part of its body, which made it furious, but the huge dragon body still fell uncontrollably.

Bard seized the opportunity and decisively shot the last black arrow.


This time Smaug had no defense. The black arrow hit the wound on its left chest. The arrow shaft completely penetrated its body, leaving only the arrow feathers exposed.


Smaug roared in pain and crashed into large buildings as his body fell.

It staggered up, and endured the great pain as it flapped its wings and flew upwards, but as it rose, it gasped for air and was teetering on the edge of collapse.

When Bud saw this scene, he breathed a sigh of relief, "We won."

"But it's not thorough enough." Aaron smiled meaningfully.

The phantom of the missing body migrates back, and the body gradually turns transparent and merges with the real body.

"Is this?" Bard swallowed hard, "You, this..."

"Don't think too much, we are really not twins, this is just a simple clone technique." Aaron said lightly, and then looked at Smaug who was struggling in mid-air, feeling that it was necessary to give the God of Death a face.

He grabbed the black arrow left by his missing body, and his body entered the black and white space vortex. When he reappeared, it was on Smaug's chest.

"It's time to grab the dragon's head." Aaron thought a little excitedly, grabbing the arrow feathers on Smaug's chest with one hand, and stabbing the black arrow in with the other hand.

Then he cast several spells in succession, "Crushing the bones, drilling out the bones, drilling out the bones..."


Smaug let out a miserable scream, and the whole dragon fell from the sky.

Normally, the spells wouldn't hurt it at all, but now that it was hit by two black arrows and on the verge of death, the effects of these spells were infinitely magnified.


Smaug fell on the town, making a sound of the earth shaking.

A large amount of gold coins fell like rain, and Aaron was completely confused. Even if there was a reward for slaying the dragon, he wouldn't be so hasty!

But when he saw the corpse of the mayor not far away, he suddenly realized that Smaug had probably killed the unfortunate thing when he fell, and overturned the treasures on the ship with it.

But he deserved it, and he didn't deserve any sympathy.

"Why?" Smaug lay on the dilapidated town, looking at Aaron and asked angrily, "You and I should be our closest allies, why are you going against me?"

Aaron sighed with a complicated expression, and was hesitating whether to let it die when he saw Barn and others rowing over.

He immediately put on a righteous look and said righteously: "Of course it is for the justice in my heart."

Smaug: ...

It wanted to yell at the other person for being hypocritical. It had never seen such a shameless person in its long life.

But the rapid passage of life made it unable to muster any strength, and its eyes quickly turned gray.

Aaron shook his head and silently took out the Dragon Slayer Magic Crystal.

Wisps of red-gold light flew out from Smaug's body and merged into it, and the originally transparent crystal slowly turned into red.

As the dragon soul was pulled away, Smaug's body became extremely shriveled, and the hard scales turned into gravel and dissipated.

"What's going on?" Tariel looked at Aaron in surprise, "What did you do?"

"Uh... don't get me wrong." Aaron suppressed his excitement, put away the activated dragon-slaying magic crystal, and explained seriously: "I will not use Smaug's body, but I have to prevent it. If evil people use it, they can avoid future troubles. You don’t want it to fall into the hands of the Necromancer!”

Tarrel was speechless.

"Where's my dad?" Barn asked, "Is he okay?"

"Very good, it's time to come down from the bell tower now." Aaron sighed, "His archery skills put me to shame.

Every arrow hit Smaug, especially the weak spot on his left chest, which he struck twice.

Congratulations, from today onwards the world will know that Bard killed the dragon with an arrow, and from now on you will be the descendants of the dragon slayer. "

At the same time, Thorin and others on the Lonely Mountain also saw the fall of the evil dragon. Everyone breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and the haze in their hearts was completely blown away.

Ga! Ga! Ga!

A black raven flew over from the distant sky.

"Erub's raven has flown back again." Groin said excitedly.

"Yes! The news will spread, and people in Middle-earth will know that the evil dragon is dead." Balin laughed, and everyone else cheered. Only Thorin returned to the hall with an expressionless face.

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