A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 29 Trolls appear, I didn’t expect you to have such a habit

As night fell, all the students came to the auditorium one after another to participate in the Halloween party.

Tonight, the school specially made the ceiling into a Halloween style. Looking up, you can see clusters of low dark clouds slowly swimming in the dark purple light, and silver lightning flashes in the sky from time to time.

The candles originally hanging in the auditorium were also covered with a layer of pumpkins, and the flames inside were constantly swaying, adding a touch of festive color to the auditorium.

Of course, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the richness of today's dinner is comparable to that at the beginning of school.

Everyone enjoyed the food with relish, and the atmosphere was quite cheerful.

At this moment, Aaron noticed that Hermione was not on the Gryffindor table, and couldn't help but frowned.

"Aaron, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Draco asked.

"It's okay!" Aaron responded, then walked to Harry and asked in a low voice: "Why isn't Hermione here?"

"I don't know, she didn't come to class in the afternoon!"

"I know!" Neville, who was sitting next to him, raised his hand and said, "Barty said she refused to come out of the bathroom and said Hermione had been hiding in there crying all afternoon."

Aaron was stunned, and looked at Ron who was enjoying his meal with some dissatisfaction, "Is it so difficult for you to apologize? Even if you don't apologize, can't you comfort her?"

Ron shrugged helplessly, saying that she didn't expect Hermione to be so fragile.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Professor Quirrell ran in, shouting in panic as he ran, "Troll, in the basement.

There are trolls in the basement. "

These two sentences attracted everyone's attention. Students and teachers all looked at him blankly, without reacting.

"Do you know?" Professor Quirrell's voice lowered, then his body softened and he fainted.

The students looked at the Defense Against Dark Arts professor lying on the ground, and their hearts were instantly filled with panic, and they screamed involuntarily, even the senior students were no exception.

That was a troll, a magical creature that even an adult wizard might not be able to deal with.

There is such a giant monster wandering around the school uncontrollably, which means that their life safety may be threatened at any time. It would be false to say that they are not afraid.

"Quiet!" Dumbledore stood up from his seat, and the students who were about to run outside stopped one after another.

It must be said that the most powerful white magician of this century is still very authoritative, and just two words calmed everyone down.

“Please don’t panic, don’t panic.

Now, the prefects are taking the students from their respective colleges back to their respective dormitories.

The teachers went with me to the basement. "

After the words fell, order was restored instantly, and the prefects of their respective colleges also stood up and organized the students to line up and leave in an orderly manner.

The teachers looked serious and followed Dumbledore towards the basement.

Snape rolled his eyes and quickly walked to the side door while no one was paying attention.

But when he was about to arrive, a white figure stood in front of him.

"Get out of the way!" Snape glared at Abe and walked forward quickly.

"Professor Snape, where are you going?"

Snape turned around and saw Aaron, with a hint of anxiety in his helplessness, "This has nothing to do with you. Go back to your dormitory, that's where you should be now."

"No...it should have something to do with me at this time." Aaron said seriously.

"Are you kidding?" Snape's face darkened, "I'm warning you one last time, don't block the road."

"I'm not blocking the way." Aaron picked up Abe slowly and said in a deep voice, "Do you still remember what you promised me? Help me unconditionally before the end of this semester."

Snape was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a moment and then said, "Does it have to be now? I'm really in a hurry."

Aaron nodded affirmatively, and then said: "I don't know how big your matter is, but Principal Dumbledore isn't worried, so why should you care, but my matter is really urgent."

This sentence seemed to wake up Snape, and the anxious look on his face faded a little.

That’s right! That thing was incredibly important, and Dumbledore knew its value better than anyone.

If something really happened, the old guy would definitely be much more anxious than himself, but he was so calm now that he was sure enough to ensure that nothing would go wrong with that thing, at least not now.

"Okay! Mr. Gaius.

What do you want me to do for you? "

Aaron breathed a sigh of relief and smiled sheepishly: "Professor, are you interested in going to the women's restroom with me?"

"Huh?" A strange smile appeared on Snape's eternally cold face, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "I may have heard wrongly. What place did you just talk about? The women's bathroom?"

I really didn't expect you to have such a weird habit... Is it really appropriate to let me know about this? Or is it really appropriate for you to waste this opportunity?

You should know how important a favor from a potions master is. To be honest, as long as there are enough materials, I can even help you prepare a bottle of elixir.

And your family should have no shortage of these materials. "

Hearing this, Aaron became more and more embarrassed, "Don't get me wrong, it's not like we don't have Fuling Elixir in our family, no, I'm not a pervert.

It's like this. Hermione Granger didn't know about the troll's escape. She should be in the toilet now.

Sometimes you are not afraid of 10,000, but just in case.

With my current ability, I am not confident enough to defeat the troll, but you can definitely do it.

So, I can only ask you. "

Snape looked at Aaron deeply, not knowing what he was thinking, and finally let out a long sigh, "Let's go!"

Aaron nodded and immediately led the way.

On the other side, Harry, who was following his prefect Percy to the dormitory, suddenly thought of Hermione's situation, persuaded his good friend Ron with a few words, and successfully avoided Percy's sight by blending in with the crowd.

Then, the two quickened their pace and rushed to the corridor on one side, intending to find and notify Hermione that a troll was infested.

In this way, two groups of people rushed to the women's restroom with the same purpose.

Aaron and Snape were close and arrived first, and were very lucky to find a huge monster that was three or four meters high.

The troll looked stupid and stupid, with bubbles on its nose. Its gray-green body was covered with two pieces of tattered clothes, which looked particularly eye-catching.

It held a thick wooden stick in its hand and dragged it slowly forward.

An indescribable stench emanated from its body, and the two people could smell it even if they were more than ten meters apart.

If I had to describe it, it would be the smell of smelly socks from decades ago, stale clothes from decades ago, and swill from decades of years mixed together.

In short, it was not generally disgusting, even Abe buried his nose under his clothes.

With an extremely sensitive sense of smell, it felt that it had been greatly hurt.

"Ugh~ It can't be such a coincidence!" Aaron said with a wry smile, why should this giant monster go to the women's restroom if it couldn't go anywhere?

"It turns out that it was such a coincidence." Snape said with a sullen face. He was actually a little lucky to have followed Aaron here, otherwise there might have been a murder in Hogwarts.

"Professor, it's finally time for you to show off your skills.

let's go! Snape Severus, show me the strength of Head of Slytherin. "


"When you say that, I always feel weird."

“What time is it now, don’t worry about it.

Anyway, Professor, if you had been slower for a few seconds, the troll would have entered the women's room.

If we want to save people at that time, we will have to change the battlefield.

Of course, if nothing else happens, I will definitely not enter the women's restroom and hinder your heroic battle. "

Snape snorted, then glared at Aaron, pulled out his wand, and said, "Collapse!"

A pale white light shot out from the tip of the wand and hit the troll's head.

A magic spell made the giant monster, which was not very intelligent, see stars in its eyes. However, after staggering around a few times, it did not fall to the ground, but its steps became frivolous and it staggered as it walked.

This blow also attracted the attention of the troll, and it became furious and turned towards Snape and Aaron.

"Professor!" Aaron pulled out his black wand and said with some disappointment: "I can also do this level.

Can you do it? If it doesn't work, I'll divert it away first, and you can take the opportunity to go over and rescue the person. "

"Shut up," Snape said in a low voice, "Although this guy has a certain level of magic resistance, he is only at the level of a high-level magician.

In addition, it has almost no IQ. You can deal with it if you are careful, let alone me!

However, it is the property of the school. If not necessary, it is better to capture it alive. "

At this time, the troll also walked up to the two of them, and without saying a word, he waved the wooden stick in his hand and smashed it down on the two of them.

"All petrified!"

Snape and Aaron waved their wands at the same time, and two rays of light, one white and one blue, drove the troll away.


Just when it was about to stand up, two more magic spells were shot on its little head.

This time the giant monster finally couldn't withstand the magic resistance. It rolled its eyes twice and fell to the ground in a daze.

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